Professore ordinario

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Paolo De Girolamo è Professore Ordinario di Costruzioni Marittime (raggruppamento disciplinare ICAR02 già H01C).

Dal 2013 è in servizio presso il DICEA (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale) della Facoltà di Ingegneria della Sapienza.

Dal 2017 è il Direttore Scientifico del Laboratorio di Costruzioni Idrauliche del DICEA.

Dal 1999 al 2012 è stato in servizio come Professore Associato presso il DISAT, oggi DICEAA, della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi di L'Aquila (confermato dal 2002).

Dal 2000 al 2012 è stato il Direttore Scientifico del Laboratorio di Idraulica Ambientale Marittima (LIAM) dell’Università dell’Aquila.

Nel 1998 è diventato Professore Associato vincendo il concorso nazionale bandito nel 1997.

Dal 1991 al 1998 è stato ricercatore universitario per il gruppo di discipline H01C presso il DITS (Dipartimento di Idraulica, Trasporti e Strade) del’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.

Nel 1989 ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Idraulica Marittima presso l’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.

Dal 1986 al 1988 ha lavorato presso il Danish Hydraulic Institute (Danimarca) e Delft Hydraulics (Olanda).
Nel 1985 si è laureato in Ingegneria Civile Idraulica presso l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza".

E' autore di circa 140 articoli relativi ad aspetti teorici e applicativi nel campo dell'Idraulica e delle Costruzioni Marittime, di cui circa 70 su riviste internazionali. E’ stato rappresentante per l'Italia della Sezione di Idraulica Marittima dell'IAHR. Ha partecipato a circa 40 progetti di ricerca finanziati dalla Comunità Europea, dal MIUR, da enti pubblici e da enti privati italiani e stranieri. E’ stato responsabile scientifico di circa 25 progetti.

Attività di ricerca

L’attività di ricerca di Paolo De Girolamo riguarda il campo dell’Idraulica Marittima e delle Costruzioni Idrauliche e Marittime. Le ricerche eseguite riguardano aspetti sia teorici che applicativi. Le metodologie utilizzate includono approcci analitici, numerici, sperimentali e misure in campo.
Si è occupato dell’ottimizzazione sperimentale di grandi progetti di opere idrauliche nel campo della difesa dei porti e delle coste dalle inondazioni, di opere di raffreddamento delle centrali termoelettriche, di impianti idroelettrici e dighe di ritenuta terrestri.
Si è dedicato assiduamente anche alla progettazione e realizzazione di attrezzature sperimentali e alla esecuzione di prove sperimentali.
E’ il Responsabile Scientifico del Laboratorio di Costruzioni Idrauliche della Facoltà di Ingegneria della “Sapienza” Università di Roma ed è stato dal 2000 al 2012 il Responsabile Scientifico del Laboratorio di Idraulica Ambientale e Marittima (LIAM) della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università dell’Aquila.
Ha esteso all’Idraulica Marittima e alle Costruzioni Marittime il campo di interesse del Laboratorio dell’Aquila, fondato dal Prof. Umberto Messina, che in precedenza si era occupato prevalentemente di grandi opere idrauliche e in modo particolare dell’ottimizzazione sperimentale degli organi di regolazione delle dighe e traverse fluviali.

Quando era Direttore del LIAM ha progettato e coordinato la realizzazione di nuove attrezzature sperimentali:
- un grande canale per moto ondoso (50,0 m di lunghezza; 2,0 m di profondità e 1,5 m di larghezza);
- una vasca per lo studio di onde di maremoto generate da frane ( lunga 11,0 m; larga 6,0 m e profonda 1,0 m);
- una grande vasca per l’esecuzione di studi idraulici (lunga 26,0 m, larga 13,0 m e profonda 1,0 m);
- attrezzature sperimentali per l’insegnamento.

E’ stato il Responsabile Scientifico del più grande esperimento realizzato al mondo nel campo delle onde di maremoto generate da frane. L’esperimento ha riprodotto nella vasca “offshore” del LIC (Laboratorio di Ingegneria Costiera del Politecnico di Bari) una isola teorica di forma conica di circa 10,0 m di diametro e pendenza 1:3. Sui fianchi dell’isola è stata simulata la caduta di frane sub-aeree e sottomarine di forma semi-ellissoidica. L’esperimento è stato condotto nell’ambito di un PRIN di cui è stato Coordinatore Nazionale con il supporto del gruppo di ricerca del Politecnico di Bari coordinato dai Proffessori Antonio Petrillo e Leonardo Damiani.

Ha collaborato con numerosi gruppi di ricerca italiani e stranieri sia europei che extraeuropei.

I finanziamenti ottenuti dai numerosi studi sperimentali eseguiti per società private sono stati interamente re-investiti in attività di ricerca (dottorati, borse di studio, assegni di ricerca e acquisto di attrezzature sperimentali).

Durante la sua carriera Paolo De Girolamo ha cambiato due volte sede universitaria (nel 1999 e nel 2013). Dopo ogni trasferimento è riuscito ad organizzare ogni volta un nuovo gruppo di ricerca.

I principali temi di ricerca di Paolo De Girolamo sono:
- previsione e propagazione di onde di vento su fondali variabili;
- onde lunghe legate e risonanza portuale;
- idrodinamica e trasporto solido in aree costiere;
- interazione moto ondoso-strutture inclusa la tracimazione e la stabilità delle opere;
- comportamento dei calcestruzzi per opere marittime;
- definizione, misura e analisi di parametri meteo-marini;
- gestione integrata dell’area costiera;
- pianificazione portuale;
- generazione, propagazione e interazione con le coste di onde di maremoto generate da frane in bacini artificiali e a mare;
- sistemi di allarme in tempo reale di onde di maremoto;
- sistemi di allarme in tempo reale di eventi di sovralzo di tempesta;
- dinamica di corpi galleggianti.

Progetti di ricerca e fondi ottenuti come Responsabile Scientifico e Coordinatore di Progetti e come Partecipante a progetti.

2015/2017 Project title: “Design of the desalinator for Ponza Island (LT) – Numerical hydrodynamic simulations – University of Rome La Sapienza.”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Acqualatina S.p.a. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 100.000,00 Euro.

2015 Project Title: “Master Plan of minor ports of Lazio Region”. Public Institution and Role: Regione Lazio - Port Planning Expert. Insitution: CTL - University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

2012/2017 Project Title: “Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – Hydroelectric project – Physical model tests of the gated spillway. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Salini Costruttori S.p.a. – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 150.000,00 Euro.

2013 Project Title: “AL FAW GRAND PORT – Republic of Iraq – 2D Physical Model of the East Breakwater – optimization of the breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Archirodon Construction (Overseas) Co. S.A. (Greece). Principal Investigator. Grant value: 30.000,00 Euro.

2012 Project Title:“AL FAW GRAND PORT – Republic of Iraq – 2D Physical Model of the East Breakwater – Stability and overtopping - University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Technital S.r.l. – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 87.000,00 Euro.

2012 Project Title: “Physical model tests (wave forces on structures and maximum heights reached by the waves) of an exposed jetty”. Private Company and Role: CMC Ravenna. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 45.000,00 Euro.

2007/2011 Project title: “Development and verification of methods and hydraulic and geological models to support a tsunami early warning system. Implementation to the Stromboli (Eolian Islands) landslide”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2007 - Coordinatore Scientifico Nazionale del Programma di Ricerca. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 189.021,00 Euro.

2009 Project title: “Development of a real time overtopping early warning system for the Civitavecchia main Breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Civitavecchia Port Authority – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 150.000,00 Euro.

2009 Project Title: “Physical model tests (stability and overtopping) of the Ortona North Accropode Breakwater. - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Sviluppo Ortona Porto Scarl - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 149.500,00 Euro.

2009 Project Title: “Physical model tests of wave influence on the cooling system outlet of Torrevaldaliga Sud Thermoelectric Power Plant. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Compagnia Porto di Civitavecchia – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 90.000,00 Euro.

2008 Project Title: “Physical mode tests (stability and overtopping) of the Ortona North Tetrapod Breakwater. - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Sviluppo Ortona Porto Scarl - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project Title: “Design of the hull for a wave buoy - numerical and physical model tests - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Envirtech. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 10.000,00 Euro.

2006/2012 Project title: “Design and construction of a new tank for 3D hydraulic physical model tests at LIAM laboratories L’Aquila”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Abruzzo Region – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 500.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project Title “Physical model tests to support the design of the requalification of Mazzè (Dora Baltea River) Hydroelectric Power Plant. (Low head run-of-the-river plant). University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by IDROMAZZE’ srl – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project title: “Physical model tests and numerical modeling of wave propagation in Ponza Harbour – Support to the Ponza Master Plan - University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Provveditorato alle OO.PP. Italia Centrale – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2004/2006 Project title: “Landslides generated tsunamis: mechanical of the wave generation and propagation, development of forecast and early warning systems based on sea level measurements”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2004 - Coordinatore Scientifico Nazionale del Programma di ricerca. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 154.600,00 Euro.

2004 Project Title: “Research for the application of advanced numerical models for the inshore wave propagation - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: A.P.A.T. - Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici – ROMA. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 20.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project Title: “Physical model tests of precast modules for coastal protection (Tecnoreef modules) - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Tecnotre – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 5.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project title: “Study of the wave field generated at Stromboli Island by December 2002 landslide and flood forecast scenarios. Numerical and physical model tests. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Nazionale – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 160.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project title: “Physical model tests of wave overtopping of Civitavecchia main breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Civitavecchia Port Authority - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 90.000,00 Euro.

2003/2007 Project title: “Supporto Informativo per la Gestione delle zone costiere della Regione Abruzzo (S.I.Co.R.A.).- Informative support for the coastal area management of Abruzzo Region. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Regione Abruzzo Project leader and Principal Investigator. Grant value: 1.291.142,00 Euro.

2001/2003 Project Title: “DELOS, “Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures”. Public Institution and Role: European Community - Investigator. Insitution: University of L’Aquila.

2001/2003 Project title: “Development of a numerical model based on the extended Boussinesq equations for the study of waves induced hydrodynamics in shallow water”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2001 - Responsabile Scientifico dell’Unità di ricerca dell’Università dell’Aquila – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 30.592,00 Euro.

2002 Project title: “Numerical and physical model tests for the study of the interaction between impulse waves generated by landslides and reservoirs structures. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Servizi tecnici – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 92.962,00 Euro.

2001 Project title: “Modeling of impulse waves generated by landslides in reservois. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Servizi tecnici nazionali - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 75.000,00 Euro.

1999-2001 Project Title: “Analysis of the wave parameters recorded by the Italian Wave Network (Rete Ondametrica Nazionale – RON)”. Public Institution and Role: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Servizio Mareografico, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1999-2000 Project Title: “Definition of the freeboard for dams”. Public Institution and Role: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Servizio Dighe, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1997/2000 Project title: “Rationale for Integrated Coastal Area Management (Ri.C.A.Ma)”. Project Program: L.I.F.E. financed by European Community – Principal Investigator (European Project Leader). Grant value: 900.000,00 Euro.

1997-1998 Project Title: “Upgrading of the Regional Ports Master Plan”. Public Institution and Role: Regione Lazio - Assessorato Opere e Reti di Servizi e Mobilità, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1997 Project Title: “Research on wave action on piles”. Public Institution and Role: INSEAN, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1996 Project Title: “Upgrading of the spectral model ARTURO for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1996 Project title: “Morphological changes of a beach crossshore profile under the attack of different sequences of sea states.”. Project Program: HCM European Large Installation Program (L.I.P.) Program ERBCHGET 030031 – PI Hannover, Germany. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 20.000,00 Euro.

1994/1995 Project Title: “MAST II program, contratto MAS2CT920042, “Rubble Mound Breakwater Failure Modes”. Public Institution and Role: European Community - Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome La Sapienza - DITS.

1994 Project Title: “Implementation of the spectral model ARTURO for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1992 Project Title: “Theoretical analysis of a spectral numerical model for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1991 Project Title: “Theoretical analysis of a finite element numerical model for the resolution of the mild-slope equation”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1991 Project Title: “Study on the wave penetration in a “Island port”. Public Institution and Role: CETENA Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.
Curriculum completo in inglese
Paolo De Girolamo was born in Rome the first of July 1959.
Since 1999 he is associate professor of Maritime Construction.
Since 2013 he works at DICEA of Sapienza University of Rome.
Since 2017 he is the Scientific Director of the Hydraulic Construction Laboratory of DICEA at Sapienza University of Rome.
In 2012 he received the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor.
From 1999 to 2012 he worked as Associate Professor at the Department of Structures, Hydraulics and Soil Mechanics (DISAT) of the University of L'Aquila .
From 2000 to 2012 he has been the Scientific Director of LIAM (Environmental and Maritime Hydraulic Laboratory).
From 1991 to 1998 he has been researcher at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
In 1989 he received the Ph.D. degree in Maritime Hydraulics at University of Rome “La Sapienza”..
From 1986 to 1988 he carried out research at Danish Hydraulic Institute (Denmark) and at Delft Hydraulics (the Netherlands).
In 1985 he graduated in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics) at the University of Roma "La Sapienza".
He is author of about 140 papers related to theoretical and technical aspects of hydraulic and maritime constructions (about 42 on international journals). He has been for 5 years the Italian maritime group delegate at the IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Research). He participated as researcher at about 40 research projects. He has been the Principal Investigator of about 25 research projects funded by the EC, MIUR and by public and private organizations.

Research Activities
Paolo De Girolamo carries out his research activities mainly in the field of maritime hydraulics and maritime constructions. Researches involve both theoretical and applicative aspects. Research methods involve analytical, numerical, experimental approaches and field measurements. He also deals with issues related to the experimental optimization of large hydraulic projects in the field of coastal defense from flooding, cooling systems for thermoelectric power plants, hydroelectric power plants and dams. He devoted large efforts in developing laboratory facilities and performing experimental tests. He is the Scientific Director of the Hydraulic Constructions Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering at La Sapienza and he was from 2000 to 2012 the Scientific Director of LIAM (Laboratorio di Idraulica Ambientale e Marittima) of the University of L’Aquila. He significantly developed the research activities of the Hydraulic Laboratory of L’Aquila, founded by Prof. Umberto Messina, expanding the field of maritime hydraulics and maritime constructions. During the direction of LIAM, he coordinated the design and the construction of new experimental facilities:

- a large wave flume (50,0 m long, 2,0 m deep and 1,5 m wide);
- a tank (11,0 m long, 6,0 m wide and 1,0 m deep) for the study of tsunami generated by landslides;
- a large tank for 3D hydraulic experiments (26,0 m long, 13,0 m wide and 1,0 m deep);
- teaching experimental facilities.
He was the scientific coordinator of the largest experiment in the world carried out in the field of landslide generated tsunamis. The experiment, reproducing a conical island of about 10,0 m of diameter in a large water tank (50,0 m x 30,0 m x 3,0 m), was carried out in the LIC (Laboratorio di Ingegneria Costiera) of the Bari Polytechnic with the important support of the Bari research group coordinated by Prof. Antonio Petrillo and by Prof. Leonardo Damiani.
Funding granted from the numerous model test studies have been entirely reinvested to support the activities of young researchers and in acquisition of new experimental facilities.
During his career, Paolo De Girolamo changed twice the Academic Institution affiliation (in 1999 and in 2013). After each transfer, he managed to create and establish a new research group with significant efforts.

The main research topics of Paolo De Girolamo are:
- forecast and propagation of wind waves on varying depth;
- bound long waves and harbor resonance;
- hydrodynamics and sediment transport in coastal regions;
- wave interaction with structures including overtopping and breakwater stability;
- behavior of concrete used in marine structures;
- definition, measurements and analysis of wave parameters;
- port planning;
- integrated coastal area management;
- generation, propagation and interaction with the coast of tsunami generated by landslide in reservoirs and oceans;
- early warning systems of storm waves and tsunami;
- early warning systems of storm surges;
- dynamics of floating bodies.

Funding Information as Principal Investigator and participation to research projects as Investigator

2015/2017 Project title: “Design of the desalinator for Ponza Island (LT) – Numerical hydrodynamic simulations – University of Rome La Sapienza.”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Acqualatina S.p.a. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 100.000,00 Euro.

2015 Project Title: “Master Plan of minor ports of Lazio Region”. Public Institution and Role: Regione Lazio - Port Planning Expert. Insitution: CTL - University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

2012/2017 Project Title: “Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – Hydroelectric project – Physical model tests of the gated spillway. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Salini Costruttori S.p.a. – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 150.000,00 Euro.

2013 Project Title: “AL FAW GRAND PORT – Republic of Iraq – 2D Physical Model of the East Breakwater – optimization of the breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Archirodon Construction (Overseas) Co. S.A. (Greece). Principal Investigator. Grant value: 30.000,00 Euro.

2012 Project Title:“AL FAW GRAND PORT – Republic of Iraq – 2D Physical Model of the East Breakwater – Stability and overtopping - University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Technital S.r.l. – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 87.000,00 Euro.

2012 Project Title: “Physical model tests (wave forces on structures and maximum heights reached by the waves) of an exposed jetty”. Private Company and Role: CMC Ravenna. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 45.000,00 Euro.

2007/2011 Project title: “Development and verification of methods and hydraulic and geological models to support a tsunami early warning system. Implementation to the Stromboli (Eolian Islands) landslide”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2007 - Coordinatore Scientifico Nazionale del Programma di Ricerca. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 189.021,00 Euro.

2009 Project title: “Development of a real time overtopping early warning system for the Civitavecchia main Breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Civitavecchia Port Authority – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 150.000,00 Euro.

2009 Project Title: “Physical model tests (stability and overtopping) of the Ortona North Accropode Breakwater. - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Sviluppo Ortona Porto Scarl - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 149.500,00 Euro.

2009 Project Title: “Physical model tests of wave influence on the cooling system outlet of Torrevaldaliga Sud Thermoelectric Power Plant. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by Compagnia Porto di Civitavecchia – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 90.000,00 Euro.

2008 Project Title: “Physical mode tests (stability and overtopping) of the Ortona North Tetrapod Breakwater. - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Sviluppo Ortona Porto Scarl - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project Title: “Design of the hull for a wave buoy - numerical and physical model tests - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Envirtech. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 10.000,00 Euro.

2006/2012 Project title: “Design and construction of a new tank for 3D hydraulic physical model tests at LIAM laboratories L’Aquila”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Abruzzo Region – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 500.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project Title “Physical model tests to support the design of the requalification of Mazzè (Dora Baltea River) Hydroelectric Power Plant. (Low head run-of-the-river plant). University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Funded by IDROMAZZE’ srl – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2007 Project title: “Physical model tests and numerical modeling of wave propagation in Ponza Harbour – Support to the Ponza Master Plan - University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Provveditorato alle OO.PP. Italia Centrale – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 60.000,00 Euro.

2004/2006 Project title: “Landslides generated tsunamis: mechanical of the wave generation and propagation, development of forecast and early warning systems based on sea level measurements”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2004 - Coordinatore Scientifico Nazionale del Programma di ricerca. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 154.600,00 Euro.

2004 Project Title: “Research for the application of advanced numerical models for the inshore wave propagation - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: A.P.A.T. - Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici – ROMA. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 20.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project Title: “Physical model tests of precast modules for coastal protection (Tecnoreef modules) - LIAM”. Private Company and Role: Tecnotre – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 5.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project title: “Study of the wave field generated at Stromboli Island by December 2002 landslide and flood forecast scenarios. Numerical and physical model tests. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Nazionale – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 160.000,00 Euro.

2003 Project title: “Physical model tests of wave overtopping of Civitavecchia main breakwater. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Civitavecchia Port Authority - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 90.000,00 Euro.

2003/2007 Project title: “Supporto Informativo per la Gestione delle zone costiere della Regione Abruzzo (S.I.Co.R.A.).- Informative support for the coastal area management of Abruzzo Region. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Regione Abruzzo Project leader and Principal Investigator. Grant value: 1.291.142,00 Euro.

2001/2003 Project Title: “DELOS, “Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures”. Public Institution and Role: European Community - Investigator. Insitution: University of L’Aquila.

2001/2003 Project title: “Development of a numerical model based on the extended Boussinesq equations for the study of waves induced hydrodynamics in shallow water”. Project Program: MIUR PRIN 2001 - Responsabile Scientifico dell’Unità di ricerca dell’Università dell’Aquila – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 30.592,00 Euro.

2002 Project title: “Numerical and physical model tests for the study of the interaction between impulse waves generated by landslides and reservoirs structures. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Servizi tecnici – Principal Investigator. Grant value: 92.962,00 Euro.

2001 Project title: “Modeling of impulse waves generated by landslides in reservois. University of L’Aquila - LIAM”. Public Institution and role: Funded by Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Servizi tecnici nazionali - Principal Investigator. Grant value: 75.000,00 Euro.

1999-2001 Project Title: “Analysis of the wave parameters recorded by the Italian Wave Network (Rete Ondametrica Nazionale – RON)”. Public Institution and Role: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Servizio Mareografico, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1999-2000 Project Title: “Definition of the freeboard for dams”. Public Institution and Role: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Servizio Dighe, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1997/2000 Project title: “Rationale for Integrated Coastal Area Management (Ri.C.A.Ma)”. Project Program: L.I.F.E. financed by European Community – Principal Investigator (European Project Leader). Grant value: 900.000,00 Euro.

1997-1998 Project Title: “Upgrading of the Regional Ports Master Plan”. Public Institution and Role: Regione Lazio - Assessorato Opere e Reti di Servizi e Mobilità, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1997 Project Title: “Research on wave action on piles”. Public Institution and Role: INSEAN, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1996 Project Title: “Upgrading of the spectral model ARTURO for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1996 Project title: “Morphological changes of a beach crossshore profile under the attack of different sequences of sea states.”. Project Program: HCM European Large Installation Program (L.I.P.) Program ERBCHGET 030031 – PI Hannover, Germany. Principal Investigator. Grant value: 20.000,00 Euro.

1994/1995 Project Title: “MAST II program, contratto MAS2CT920042, “Rubble Mound Breakwater Failure Modes”. Public Institution and Role: European Community - Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome La Sapienza - DITS.

1994 Project Title: “Implementation of the spectral model ARTURO for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1992 Project Title: “Theoretical analysis of a spectral numerical model for the wave evolution in shallow water”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1991 Project Title: “Theoretical analysis of a finite element numerical model for the resolution of the mild-slope equation”. Public Institution and Role: ENELCRIS, Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

1991 Project Title: “Study on the wave penetration in a “Island port”. Public Institution and Role: CETENA Investigator. Insitution: University of Rome “La Sapienza” - DITS.

Produzione scientifica

11573/1733177 - 2025 - Numerical analysis and prediction of the effect of debris initial configurations on their dispersion during extreme-hydrodynamic events
Ruffini, Gioele; Briganti, Riccardo; Stolle, Jacob; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. - - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1724536 - 2024 - Climate change impact on extreme wave conditions off Italian coasts
Codato, Carolina; Castellino, Myrta; Pasquali, Davide; Di Risio, Marcello; Scipione, Francesca; Ruffini, Gioele; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA2024) , Parma, 15-18 settembre 2024 (Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura)
libro: Atti del XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA2024 - (979-12-210-6941-9)

11573/1733179 - 2024 - Validation of constrained fluid-debris-structure interaction in extreme hydrodynamic events using dualsphysics and chrono
Ruffini, Gioele; Briganti, Riccardo; Goseberg, Nils; Stolle, Jacob; Martínez-Estévez, Iván; De Iasio, Alessandro; Ghiassi, Bahman; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA2024 (Parma)
libro: Atti del XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche IDRA 2024. L’ingegneria delle acque in un mondo in rapida evoluzione: nuove sfide e soluzioni per un futuro sostenibile e per una società più resiliente. Parma, 15-18 settembre 2024 - ()

11573/1713473 - 2024 - Reduced wave time series for long-term morphodynamic applications
Scipione, F.; De Girolamo, P.; Castellino, M.; Pasquali, D.; Celli, D.; Di Risio, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 1-13 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:001167559800001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85184780697 (1)

11573/1713469 - 2024 - Long-term evolution of the shoreline of the south Lazio region (Italy) littoral cell by combining historical aerial photography and satellite imagery
Scipione, Francesca; Antonio Palenzuela Baena, José; Di Risio, Marcello; Marsella, Maria Antonietta; Castellino, Myrta; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning (L'Aquila)
libro: Innovation in urban and regional planning. Proceedings of INPUT 2023 - Volume 2. Lecture notes in civil engineering - (9783031541179)

11573/1723964 - 2023 - Numerical experiments on overhanging parapets under non-breaking wave conditions
Castellino, M.; Antonini, A.; Celli, D.; Dermentzoglou, D.; Pasquali, D.; Di Risio, M.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 37th International Conference Coastal Engineering (Sydney)
libro: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference Coastal engineering : 4 December - 9 December 2022, Sydney, Australia - (9780989661164)

11573/1723969 - 2023 - Confined-Crest Impact: The Influence of the Toe Berm on the Impulsive Load Conditions
Castellino, M.; De Girolamo, P.; Monaci, V.; Romano, A.; Lara, J. L. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: The 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) (Sydney)
libro: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference Coastal engineering : 4 December - 9 December 2022, Sydney, Australia - (9780989661164)

11573/1665899 - 2023 - MESH-IN: A MESHed INlet offline coupling method for 3-D extreme hydrodynamic events in DualSPHysics
Ruffini, G; Dominguez, Jm; Briganti, R; Altomare, C; Stolle, J; Crespo, Ajc; Ghiassi, B; Capasso, S; De Girolamo, P - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: OCEAN ENGINEERING (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0029-8018 - wos: WOS:000905562700001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85144297520 (13)

11573/1671067 - 2022 - Cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità. Soluzioni e strategie per investimenti sostenibili
Accetturo, Antonio; Alvisi, Stefano; Arbinolo, Marta; Barbato, Giuliana; Bianchi, Alessandra; Bosello, Francesco; Bosticchi, Ilaria; Buizza, Roberto; Cantisani, Giuseppe; Carraro, Carlo; Castelletti, Andrea; Cazzola, Pierpaolo; Cherchi, Elisabetta; Ciferri, Davide; Cominola, Andrea; Corazza, Maria Vittoria; Cozzi, Laura; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Croce, Pietro; Dasgupta, Shouro; De Blasio, Guido; De Girolamo, Paolo; Di Mascio, Paola; D’Ovidio, Gino; Duca, Marianna; Ellena, Marta; Ferone, Alessandra; Formichi, Paolo; Forzieri, Giovanni; Gandolfi, Claudio; Giangualano, Patrizia; Landi, Filippo; Lanzi, Elisa; Liti, Chiara; Loprencipe, Giuseppe; Lotti, Luca; Mercogliano, Paola; Montanari, Alberto; Muratori, Matteo; Padulano, Roberta; Paniccia, Ivana; Parrado, Ramiro; Pecorini, Isabella; Percoco, Marco; Ricci Feliziani, Fabio; Soriani, Stefano; Standardi, Gabriele; Tanelli, Mara; Tartaglia, Mario; Tavoni, Massimo; Tilche, Andrea; Tornatore, Massimo; Zio, Enrico - 06a Curatela

11573/1671071 - 2022 - Cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità: Soluzioni e strategie per gli investimenti infrastrutturali in un contesto di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e di mitigazione delle emissioni di gas-serra - Rapporto della “Commissione cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità sostenibili”
Accetturo, Antonio; Alvisi, Stefano; Arbinolo, Marta; Barbato, Giuliana; Bianchi, Alessandra; Bosello, Francesco; Bosticchi, Ilaria; Buizza, Roberto; Cantisani, Giuseppe; Carraro, Carlo; Castelletti, Andrea; Cazzola, Pierpaolo; Cherchi, Elisabetta; Ciferri, Davide; Cominola, Andrea; Corazza, Maria Vittoria; Cozzi, Laura; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Croce, Pietro; Dasgupta, Shouro; De Blasio, Guido; De Girolamo, Paolo; Di Mascio, Paola; D’Ovidio, Gino; Duca, Marianna; Ellena, Marta; Ferone, Alessandra; Formichi, Paolo; Forzieri, Giovanni; Gandolfi, Claudio; Giangualano, Patrizia; Landi, Filippo; Lanzi, Elisa; Liti, Chiara; Loprencipe, Giuseppe; Lotti, Luca; Mercogliano, Paola; Montanari, Alberto; Muratori, Matteo; Padulano, Roberta; Paniccia, Ivana; Parrado, Ramiro; Pecorini, Isabella; Percoco, Marco; Ricci Feliziani, Fabio; Soriani, Stefano; Standardi, Gabriele; Tanelli, Mara; Tartaglia, Mario; Tavoni, Massimo; Tilche, Andrea; Tornatore, Massimo; Zio, Enrico - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1706121 - 2022 - Influence of the shape of vertical breakwater crownwalls wave overtopping
Castellino, M.; De Girolamo, P.; Moroni, M.; Scipione, F.; Celli, D.; Pasquali, D.; Di Risio, M.; Antonini, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Reggio Calabria (Italy))
libro: Atti di XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - ()

11573/1666909 - 2022 - Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ponte Liscione (Guardialfiera, Molise) Dam Spillways and Stilling Basin
Moroni, M.; Castellino, M.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: HYDROLOGY (Basel : MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2306-5338 - wos: WOS:000902505000001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85144702277 (1)

11573/1705622 - 2022 - Numerical and Physical Modeling of Ponte Liscione (Guardialfiera, Molise) Dam Spillways and Stilling Basin
Moroni, M.; Castellino, M.; Sammartino, F.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 39th IAHR World Congress, 2022 (Granada (Spagna))
libro: Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress - ()

11573/1655563 - 2022 - Numerical modelling of floating debris impact on structures during extreme hydrodynamic events
Ruffini, Gioele; Briganti, Riccardo; Altomare, Corrado; De Girolamo, Paolo; Stolle, Jacob; Ghiassi, Bahman; Castellino, Myrta - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, Spain)
libro: Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress - (978-90-832612-1-8)

11573/1540474 - 2021 - Riverbed protection downstream of an undersized stilling basin by means of antifer artificial blocks
Castellino, M.; Moroni, M.; Cimorelli, C.; Di Risio, M.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: WATER (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2073-4441 - wos: WOS:000628613000001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85102660611 (3)

11573/1466101 - 2021 - Confined-crest impact. Forces dimensional analysis and extension of the Goda's formulae to recurved parapets
Castellino, M.; Romano, A.; Lara, J. L.; Losada, I. J.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. - - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000598057300002 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85096169502 (25)

11573/1486890 - 2021 - Crownwall failure analysis through finite element method
Dermentzoglou, Dimitrios; Castellino, Myrta; De Girolamo, Paolo; Partovi, Maziar; Schreppers, Gerd-Jan; Antonini, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (Basel : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) pp. 1-17 - issn: 2077-1312 - wos: WOS:000610332800001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85099588320 (12)

11573/1556289 - 2021 - Numerical modelling of flow‐debris interaction during extreme hydrodynamic events with DualSPHysics‐CHRONO
Ruffini, Gioele; Briganti, Riccardo; De Girolamo, Paolo; Stolle, Jacob; Ghiassi, Bahman; Castellino, Myrta - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: APPLIED SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI AG, 2011-) pp. - - issn: 2076-3417 - wos: WOS:000644020000001 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85104987335 (24)

11573/1603673 - 2021 - Analisi delle tendenza evolutiva del litorale sabotino
Scipione, Francesca; Di Risio, Marcello; Castellino, Myrta; Pasquali, Davide; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Online)
libro: Atti del 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. - Sottotitolo: Ingegneria delle acque: cambiamenti globali e sostenibilità - (9788894379914)

11573/1486899 - 2020 - Tsunamis Generated by Submerged Landslides. Numerical Analysis of the Near-Field Wave Characteristics
Romano, A.; Lara, J. L.; Barajas, G.; Di Paolo, B.; Bellotti, G.; Di Risio, M.; Losada, I. J.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. OCEANS (Hoboken, NJ: [Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.], 2013-) pp. - - issn: 2169-9291 - wos: WOS:000560011100021 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85088997456 (53)

11573/1570095 - 2020 - Landslide-generated tsunamis. A numerical analysis of the near-field
Romano, A.; Lara, J. L.; Barajas, G.; Di Paolo, B.; Bellotti, G.; Di Risio, M.; Losada, I. J.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2020 Virtual International Conference on Coastal Engineering, vICCE 2020 (Australia)
libro: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference - (978-0-9896611-5-7)

11573/1492489 - 2020 - Wave induced hydrodynamics field around a long submerged groin. The case of the Latina (Italy) nuclear power plant cooling system intake
Scipione, Francesca; Di Risio, Marcello; Castellino, Myrta; Pasquali, Davide; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT (Roma: Casa editrice La Sapienza, 2009-) pp. 123-128 - issn: 2035-5688 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85104023965 (2)

11573/1316149 - 2019 - 3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake
Cecioni, Claudia; Romano, Alessandro; Bellotti, Giorgio; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: GEOSCIENCES (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2076-3263 - wos: WOS:000479005300022 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85071268191 (1)

11573/1432205 - 2019 - Improvement in workability of terminals placed along the inner side of port vertical breakwaters by means of recurved parapet walls
De Girolamo, P.; Castellino, M.; Romano, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Conference on Maritime Transport, MT2019 (Roma, Italia)
libro: WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. Maritime Transport 2019 - (9781784663476)

11573/1284015 - 2019 - Wave characteristics estimation by GPS receivers installed on a sailboat travelling off-shore
De Girolamo, Paolo.; Crespi, Mattia; Romano, Alessandro; Mazzoni, Augusto; Di Risio, Marcello.; Pasquali, Davide.; Bellotti, Giorgio; Castellino, Myrta; Sammarco, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2018 (Bari (Italia))
libro: 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2018 - Proceedings - (978-1-5386-7644-8)

11573/1283888 - 2019 - Estimation of wave characteristics based on global navigation satellite system data installed on board sailboats
De Girolamo, Paolo; Crespi, Mattia; Romano, Alessandro; Mazzoni, Augusto; Di Risio, Marcello; Pasquali, Davide; Bellotti, Giorgio; Castellino, Myrta; Sammarco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SENSORS (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2001-) pp. - - issn: 1424-8220 - wos: WOS:000471014500082 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85066451694 (4)

11573/1603690 - 2019 - Wave induced hydrodynamic field around the long submerged groin of the Latina(Italy) nuclear power plant
Scipione, Francesca; Di Risio, Marcello; Castellino, Myrta; Pasquali, Davide; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: SCACR2019 - 9th International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research (Bari)
libro: SCACR19 - Proceeding of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research - Coastal Zone Strategies under Climate Change: Engineering, Geology, Ecology and Management - (9788897181736)

11573/1432361 - 2018 - Large scale tests on foreshore evolution during storm sequences and the performance of a nearly vertical structure
Briganti, R.; Musumeci, R. E.; Van Der Meer, J.; Romano, A.; Stancanelli, L. M.; Kudella, M.; Akbar, R.; Mukhdiar, R.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; De Girolamo, P.; Mancini, G.; Besio, G.; Dodd, N.; Schimmels, S. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018 (Batimora, USA)
libro: Coastal Engineering 2018. Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018; Baltimore; United States; 30 July 2018 through 3 August 2018 - ()

11573/1432201 - 2018 - Wave loading for recurved parapet walls in non-breaking wave conditions. Analysis of the induced impulsive forces
Castellino, M.; Lara, J. L.; Romano, A.; Losada, I. J.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018 (Baltimora, USA)
libro: Coastal Engineering2018. Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2018; Baltimore; United States; 30 July 2018 through 3 August 2018 - (978-0-9896611-4-0)

11573/1086174 - 2018 - Large impulsive forces on recurved parapets under non-breaking waves. A numerical study
Castellino, M.; Sammarco, P.; Romano, A.; Martinelli, L.; Ruol, P.; Franco, L.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 1-15 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000430993900001 (56) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85042944042 (76)

11573/1134642 - 2018 - Hydroacoustic waves measured during the 2012 Negros-Cebu earthquake
Cecioni, Claudia; Romano, Alessandro; Bellotti, Giorgio; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. - - issn: 0733-950X - wos: WOS:000432574900008 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85046854428 (3)

11573/1086215 - 2018 - Effects of submerged berms on the stability of conventional rubble mound breakwaters
Celli, D.; Pasquali, D.; De Girolamo, P.; Di Risio, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 16-25 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000430993900002 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85042913252 (31)

11573/1203719 - 2018 - Construction Aspects of the Civil Works for the Storm Surge Barrier at Chioggia Inlet -Venice
De Girolamo, Paolo; Romano, Alessandro; Capozzi, Fabio; Franco, Leopoldo; Paganelli, Massimo; Di Risio, Marcello; Pasquali, Davide; Sammarco, Paolo; Vink, Nico; Van Westendorp, Peter - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 11th International Conference Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017 of ICE, Institution of Civil Engineers (Liverpool)
libro: Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017. Realising the Potential, proceedings of the 11th international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Liverpool on 05 to 07 September 2017 - (978-0-7277-6317-4)

11573/1285479 - 2018 - Experimental investigation on non-breaking wave forces and overtopping at the recurved parapets of vertical breakwaters
Martinelli, L.; Ruol, P.; Volpato, M.; Favaretto, C.; Castellino, M.; De Girolamo, P.; Franco, L.; Romano, A.; Sammarco, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 52-67 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000447475500005 (43) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85053497639 (58)

11573/1203724 - 2018 - Design of a new fishery harbour in Masirah Island, Oman
Salim Mohammed Al Mujaini, Adil; Evren Varol, Ozgur; Franco, Leopoldo; Contini, Paolo; Del Bianco, Marco; Macro, Gabriele; De Girolamo, Paolo; Romano, Alessandro; Sammarco, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 11th International Conference Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017 of ICE, Institution of Civil Engineers (Liverpool)
libro: Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017. Realising the Potential, proceedings of the 11th international conference organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Liverpool on 05 to 07 September 2017 - (978-0-7277-6317-4)

11573/955142 - 2017 - Time clustering of wave storms in the Mediterranean Sea
Besio, Giovanni; Briganti, Riccardo; Romano, Alessandro; Mentaschi, Lorenzo; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (European Geosciences Union:Max-Planckstrasse 13, D 37191 Katlenburg Lin Germany:011 49 55561440, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 49 55564709) pp. 505-514 - issn: 1561-8633 - wos: WOS:000398911000001 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85016270060 (21)

11573/927400 - 2017 - The use of wave forecasts for maritime activities safety assessment
De Girolamo, Paolo; Di Risio, M; Beltrami, G. M.; Bellotti, G.; Pasquali, D. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH (Southampton (125 High St. Southampton SO1 0AA): C.M.L. Publications, 1979-) pp. 18-26 - issn: 0141-1187 - wos: WOS:000392685300002 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84999861844 (33)

11573/1057132 - 2017 - An analytical model for preliminary assessment of dredging-induced sediment plume of far-field evolution for spatial non homogeneous and time varying resuspension sources
Di Risio, Marcello; Pasquali, Davide; Lisi, Iolanda; Romano, Alessandro; Gabellini, Massimo; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 106-118 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000407983300008 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85028923648 (12)

11573/955139 - 2017 - Seismic scattering attribute for sedimentary classification of nearshore marine quarries for a major beach nourishment project: Case study of Adriatic coastline, Regione Abruzzo (Italy)
Orlando, Luciana; Contini, Paolo; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 1-12 - issn: 0926-9851 - wos: WOS:000403730600001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85017516722 (3)

11573/932911 - 2016 - Met-ocean and heeling analysis during the violent 21/22 october 2014 storm faced by the sailboat ECO40 in the gulf of lion: comparison between measured and numerical wind data
De Girolamo, Paolo; Romano, Alessandro; Bellotti, Giorgio; Pezzoli, Alessandro; Castellino, Myrta; Crespi, Mattia Giovanni; Mazzoni, Augusto; Di Risio, Marcello; Pasquali, Davide; Franco, Leopoldo; Sammarco, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, icSPORTS 2015 (prt)
libro: Communications in Computer and Information Science - (978-3-319-52769-7)

11573/1057219 - 2016 - 3D physical modeling of tsunamis generated by submerged landslides at a conical island. The role of initial acceleration
Romano, A.; Di Risio, M.; Molfetta, M. G.; Bellotti, G.; Pasquali, D.; Sammarco, P.; Damiani, L.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 35th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2016 (Antalya, Turkey)
libro: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference - (9780989661133)

11573/955309 - 2016 - Tsunamis generated by landslides at the coast of conical islands: experimental benchmark dataset for mathematical model validation
Romano, Alessandro; Di Risio, M.; Bellotti, G.; Molfetta, M. G.; Damiani, L.; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: LANDSLIDES (GERMANY: Springer-Verlag GmbH) pp. 1379-1393 - issn: 1612-510X - wos: WOS:000390031600005 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85006220629 (54)

11573/1087375 - 2015 - Analysis of the 21/22 October 2014 storm experienced by the sailboat ECO40 in the Gulf of Lion
De Girolamo, P.; Romano, A.; Bellotti, G.; Pezzoli, A.; Boscolo, A.; Crespi, M.; Mazzoni, A.; Di Risio, M.; Pasquali, D.; Franco, L.; Sammarco, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, icSPORTS 2015 (Lisbon)
libro: icSPORTS 2015 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support - (9789897581595)

11573/813197 - 2015 - A simplified real time method to forecast semi-enclosed basins storm surge
Pasquali, D; Di Risio, M.; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (Oxford : Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 61-69 - issn: 0272-7714 - wos: WOS:000367119500008 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84941928774 (31)

11573/1058007 - 2014 - Landslide tsunami: Physical modeling for the implementation of tsunami early warning systems in the Mediterranean Sea
De Girolamo, P.; Di Risio, M.; Romano, A.; Molfetta, M. G. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: PROCEDIA ENGINEERING (Amsterdam : Elsevier) pp. 429-438 - issn: 1877-7058 - wos: WOS:000341500600048 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84899666857 (24)
congresso: 12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2013 (Perugia, ita)
libro: Procedia Engineering - ()

11573/664631 - 2014 - Approccio dinamico per la previsione degli eventi di Storm Surge in Adriatico
De Girolamo, Paolo; D., Pasquali; M., Di Risio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ° Convegno Nazionale Porti e Navigazione: Le sfide dello spazio unico europeo dei trasporti. Tecnologie, Infrastrutture, Co-modalità, Sostenibilità (Roma (Italy))

11573/664627 - 2014 - Experimental optimization of the new Al Faw Port rubble mound breakwater
De Girolamo, Paolo; D., Pasquali; M., Di Risio; G., Pellegrini; G., Passacantando - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Bari (Italy))
libro: Atti del XXXIV Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - (9788890456183)

11573/664623 - 2014 - Physical and numerical tests on the stability of concrete block to protection of the mound berm at caissons toe.
F., Dentale; G., Donnarumma; De Girolamo, Paolo; G., Bellotti; M., Di Risio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Bari (Italy))
libro: Atti del XXXIV Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - (9788890456183)

11573/664617 - 2014 - Nearshore sand mining for beach nourishment: the case study of the 2010 Abruzzo project (Italy)
M., Di Risio; De Girolamo, Paolo; Orlando, Luciana; P., Contini - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Bari (Italy))
libro: Atti del XXXIV Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - (9788890456183)

11573/664416 - 2014 - A simplified dynamical approach for storm surge prediction in the Adriatic Sea
Pasquali, D.; Di Risio, M.; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (Bari)
libro: Atti del XXXIV Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - (9788890456183)

11573/630090 - 2014 - Experimental parametric study of the new Al Faw Port rubble Mound Breakwater
Pasquali, D; De Girolamo, Paolo; Passacantando, G; Pellegrini, G; Asaad A., Rashid; Di Risio, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: COASTLAB 2014 (Varna, Bulgaria)
libro: Proceeding of the 5th Conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection - (9786199027110)

A., Noli; F., Camusi; F., Capozzi; P., Contini; De Girolamo, Paolo; M., Del Bianco; L., Franco; F., Lupi; M., Marini; G., Milana; F., Mondini; D., Saltari; P., Sammarco; A., Sanzone; M., Tartaglini; A., Togna - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: COPEDE 2012 (IIT Madras, Chennai, India)

11573/557550 - 2012 - Sistema Esperto per la gestione di banchine portuali soggette a tracimazione del moto ondoso: applicazione al Terminale Crociere del Porto di Civitavecchia
De Girolamo, Paolo; M., Di Risio; G. M., Beltrami; G., Bellotti - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 1 Convegno Nazionale Porti e Navigazione (Roma)
libro: Atti del I Convegno Nazionale Porti e Navigazione: Sostenibilità e sicurezza del trasporto marittimo - (9788886658997)

11573/557577 - 2012 - Sistemi esperti per la previsione probabilistica del moto ondoso ai fini dell' operatività marittima
De Girolamo, Paolo; M., Di Risio; G. M., Beltrami; G., Bellotti - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche IDRA 2012 (Brescia)
libro: Atti del XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - ()

11573/557567 - 2011 - Civitavecchia-Pescara-Ortona freight traffic corridor: Methodological approach and preliminary considerations
Barile, C.; Borgia, E.; Noli, A.; De Girolamo, Paolo; Marinacci, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA (Roma: Presso Direzione Generale Ferrovie dello Stato.) pp. - - issn: 0020-0956 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-79952946213 (0)

11573/1058055 - 2011 - Real-time inversion of tsunamis generated by landslides
Cecioni, C.; Romano, A.; Bellotti, G.; Risio, M.; De Girolamo, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (European Geosciences Union:Max-Planckstrasse 13, D 37191 Katlenburg Lin Germany:011 49 55561440, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 49 55564709) pp. 2511-2520 - issn: 1561-8633 - wos: WOS:000295378300012 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-80053267226 (21)

11573/557534 - 2011 - The Historical Development of the Port of Livorno (Italy) and Its New Port Plan 2010 in Advanced Stage of Elaboration
De Girolamo, Paolo; A., Noli; C., Vanni; A., Del Corona; M., Tartaglini - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF SHIPPING AND OCEAN ENGINEERING (Libertyville, Il : David Publishing Co.) pp. 77-100 - issn: 2159-5879 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/557578 - 2011 - The Italian activities on tsunami risk mitigation: the operating landslide tsunami early warning system of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
De Girolamo, Paolo; B., De Bernardinis; G. M., Beltrami; M., Di Risio; G., Bellotti; T., Capone - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 7th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention (Tokio)
libro: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention - ()

11573/557552 - 2011 - Full frequency dispersive numerical modeling of tsunamis
Franco, L; Cecioni, C; Bellotti, G; Di Risio, M; De Girolamo, Paolo; Sammarco, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2011 (Maui; United States)
libro: Proc. 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2011 - (9781880653968)

11573/557589 - 2011 - Algorithms for Automatic, Real-Time Tsunami Detection in Sea Level Measurements
G. M., Beltrami; M., Di Risio; De Girolamo, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: The Tsunami Threat -Research and Technology - (9789533075525)

11573/557546 - 2011 - Forecasting Landslide Generated Tsunamis: a Review
M., Di Risio; De Girolamo, Paolo; G. M., Beltrami - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: The Tsunami Threat -Research and Technology - (9789533075525)

11573/557569 - 2010 - Physical modeling of the cross-shore short-term evolution of protected and unprotected beach nourishments RID A-2242-2009
Di Risio, M; Lisi, I; Beltrami, Gm; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: OCEAN ENGINEERING (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 777-789 - issn: 0029-8018 - wos: WOS:000278355700012 (45) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77953132700 (50)

11573/557527 - 2009 - Feasibility of Tsunami Early Warning Systems for small volcanic islands RID A-2242-2009
Bellotti, G; Di Risio, M; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (European Geosciences Union:Max-Planckstrasse 13, D 37191 Katlenburg Lin Germany:011 49 55561440, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 49 55564709) pp. 1911-1919 - issn: 1561-8633 - wos: WOS:000273059800014 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-71749092010 (31)

11573/1087394 - 2009 - Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling of tsunamis. large scale application to the south tyrrhenian sea
Cecioni, C.; Bellotti, G.; De Girolamo, P.; Franco, L. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2008 (Hamburg, deu)
libro: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference - ()

11573/1086314 - 2009 - Numerical modelling of landslide generated tsunamis around a conical island
De-Girolamo, P.; Cecioni, C.; Montagna, F.; Bellotti, G.; Di-Risio, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2008 (Hamburg, deu)
libro: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference - ()

11573/558310 - 2009 - Three-dimensional experiments on landslide generated waves at a sloping coast
Di Risio, M; Bellotti, G; Panizzo, A; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 659-671 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000265401300014 (71) - scopus: 2-s2.0-62949136602 (90)

11573/557538 - 2009 - Landslide-generated tsunamis runup at the coast of a conical island: New physical model experiments RID A-2242-2009
Di Risio, M; De Girolamo, Paolo; Bellotti, G; Panizzo, A; Aristodemo, F; Molfetta, Mg; Petrillo, Af - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: OCEANS (American Geophysical Union:2000 Florida Avenue Northwest:Washington, DC 20009:(800)966-2481, (202)462-6900, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (202)328-0566) pp. - - issn: 0148-0227 - wos: WOS:000262751500002 (67) - scopus: 2-s2.0-62949184381 (82)

11573/557570 - 2008 - Simulation of small-amplitude frequency-dispersive transient waves by means of the mild-slope equation
Bellotti, G; Cecioni, C; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 447-458 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000256578800002 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-42749085918 (31)

11573/557563 - 2008 - Tsunamis generated by landslide along the coast of a conical island: New three dimensional experiments
Di Risio, M; Bellotti, G; Panizzo, A; Molfetta, M. G.; Aristodemo, F; Pratola, L; De Girolamo, Paolo; Petrillo, A. F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2008) (Hamburg; Germany)
libro: Coastal Engineering 2008 : proceedings of the 31st International Conference - (9814277363; 9789814277365)

11573/1086334 - 2007 - Laboratory investigation on wave overtopping of composite breakwaters: The port of civitavecchia case
Di Risio, M.; Beltrami, G. M.; De Girolamo, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2006 (San Diego, CA, usa)
libro: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference - (9789812706362)

11573/557579 - 2006 - Numerical simulation of three dimensional tsunamis water waves generated by landslides: Comparison between physical model results, VOF and SPH
De Girolamo, Paolo; T. W., Wu; P. L., Liu; A., Panizzo; G., Bellotti; M., Di Risio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 30th International conference on Coastal Engineering (San Diego; United States)
libro: Proc. of International conference of Coastal Engineering - (9812709908)

11573/339950 - 2006 - EOF analysis of complex response of Venice mobile gates
Panizzo, Andrea; Sammarco, P; Bellotti, G; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. 172-179 - issn: 0733-950X - wos: WOS:000236957000004 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33645832581 (9)

11573/557535 - 2005 - Laboratory investigation on wave overtopping of rubble mound breakwaters: the Port of Civitavecchia case
Beltrami, G. M.; Di Risio, M.; De Girolamo, Paolo; Noli, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005 (London; United Kingdom)
libro: Proc. International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005 - (978-0727734556)

11573/1086475 - 2005 - Forecasting impulse waves generated by subaerial landslides
Panizzo, A.; De Girolamo, P.; Petaccia, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. OCEANS (Hoboken, NJ: [Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.], 2013-) pp. 1-23 - issn: 2169-9291 - wos: WOS:000234506800001 (145) - scopus: 2-s2.0-31644445291 (170)

11573/558269 - 2005 - Great landslide events in Italian artificial reservoirs RID A-2242-2009
Panizzo, A; De Girolamo, Paolo; Di Risio, M; Maistri, A; Petaccia, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES (European Geosciences Union:Max-Planckstrasse 13, D 37191 Katlenburg Lin Germany:011 49 55561440, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 49 55564709) pp. 733-740 - issn: 1561-8633 - wos: WOS:000232869500016 (145) - scopus: 2-s2.0-27644566952 (167)

11573/339948 - 2004 - Experimental optimization of perforated structures in presence of ship-generated waves
Panizzo, Andrea; De Girolamo, Paolo; Piscopia, Rodolfo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers:PO Box 189:Cupertino, CA 95015:(650)254-1871, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (650)254-2038) pp. 98-103 - issn: 1053-5381 - wos: WOS:000221925400004 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-3242717996 (1)

11573/558230 - 2004 - An efficient method to identify cross-sea states from wave measurements
Piscopia, R; Panizzo, A; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 941-965 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000224819200001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-5444272906 (3)

11573/558270 - 2003 - Internal generation of waves in 2D fully elliptic mild-slope equation FEM models
Bellotti, G; Beltrami, Gm; De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 71-81 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:000185109600004 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0041923873 (29)

11573/557518 - 2003 - Influence of dredged channels on wave penetration into harbors: The malamocco inlet case
Beltrami, G. M.; Bellotti, G; De Girolamo, Paolo; Passacantando, G. C. - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Coastal Structures 2003, Portland USA, ASCE ()
libro: Coastal Structures Conferences, Portland, agosto 2003 - (0784407339)

11573/558266 - 2003 - Integration of sectoral management activities in the coastal zone of the Regione Abruzzo, Italy: The case of RICAMA
Capobianco, M; Caputi, P; De Girolamo, Paolo; Cuzzi, D. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL MANAGEMENT (Taylor & Francis Limited:Rankine Road, Basingstoke RG24 8PR United Kingdom:011 44 1256 813035, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1256 330245) pp. 175-185 - issn: 0892-0753 - wos: WOS:000182413700007 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0037656430 (4)

11573/1086480 - 2002 - Experimental optimization of perforated structures in presence of ship generated waves
Panizzo, Andrea; Piscopia, Rodolfo; De Girolamo, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Proceedings of the Twelfth (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (Kitakyushu, jpn)
libro: Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference - ()

11573/558231 - 2001 - Treatment of wave breaking and total absorption in a mild-slope equation FEM model
Beltrami, Gm; Bellotti, G; De Girolamo, Paolo; Sammarco, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. 263-271 - issn: 0733-950X - wos: WOS:000170546500002 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0035448651 (29)

11573/558273 - 1996 - An experiment on harbour resonance induced by incident regular waves and irregular short waves
De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COASTAL ENGINEERING (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 47-66 - issn: 0378-3839 - wos: WOS:A1996UT26100003 (39) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0030131499 (57)

11573/558304 - 1995 - Computation of sea-wave direction of propagation of random waves
De Girolamo, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. 203-208 - issn: 0733-950X - wos: WOS:A1995RE37600002 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0029413447 (7)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma