Associate professor

phone: 3473361224

Degree in Architecture at the University of Rome "La Sapienza": 110/110 cum laude (27/10/1983);
Member of the Order of Architects of Rome (since1984);
Technical assistant to the chair of Architectural Composition II, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (1991-2001);
PhD in Architectural Design and Theory of Architecture (VIII cycle - 1993-96) - University of Rome "La Sapienza" (1997);
Researcher, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2001-2015);
Member of the Teaching Staff of PhD in Architectural Design and Theory of Architecture - University of Rome "La Sapienza" (since 2011)
Member of the Order of National Journalist-Publicists (since 2013);
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino (since 03-03-2015).
Qualified for the position of P.O., competitive area 08/D1 (since July 2020)

Academic Activities
As Associate Professor at Politecnico of Turin carries out teaching activities at Bachelor in Architecture, with the Architectural Design Theory and at Master in Architecture. Construction and City with the Atelier on Architecture Environment Construction City, after teaching at Master in Architecture and Sustainability, with the Atelier on Architectural sustainable design. Participant of the Architectural College, is responsible of the International Apply for the Master Degree in “Architecture. Construction and City“ (since 2015).
As Researcher at the University of Rome La Sapienza", developed research at the Department of Architecture and Project (DiAP) and teached at Bachelor in "Architecture" and Master’s Degree Course in "Architecture and Architectural and Urban Design" with courses of Theories of Contemporary Architecture’s research and Laboratories of Architectural Design.

Over the years, has developed theoretical seminars and workshops design for the PhD in "Architecture. Theories and Project" (Sapienza University of Rome) and is Tutor of several PhD theses, mainly focused on the theoretical implications of the architectural design and on its intersections and interrelations with different disciplinary knowledge.
Invited professor at ENSA Paris-Belleville (A.A. 2017-18; A.A. 2018-19) and Visiting Professor at the International Summer School, University of Pisa (2017), held many lectures in several italian Universities, among others: L’Aquila, Napoli, Roma, Siracusa, Venezia.
In 2016 was Reviewer of the VQR 2011-2014, GEV 08a, S.S.D. 08 / D1.
Scientific director of the series "L'altro dell'architettura", Timia editior (since 2017)), member of scientific committees and editorial boards, collaborator in several works of the Enciclopedia Treccani, is author of many publications on the theoretical-design developments of contemporary architecture.
Since 2022, he has been a member of the ProArch Doctoral Committee.

Research activity
Interested in the theoretical-design developments of architecture, has focused her research on two main research fields, characterized by a transdisciplinary and transcalar approach:
- the implications of a "landscape dimension of architecture" (from the Land Architecture to the ecological questions, oriented in recent years to the field of urban regeneration) aimed at interpreting the new urban or post-urban conditions;
- the developments of theoretical-critical-design thinking developed from the second half of the Sixties of the twentieth century to the present, in a perspective capable of "networking" different fields of reflection.
This is testified by the participation in national and international conferences, among the most recent:
- Selected speaker (call for paper) and Thematic speaker for the section "Architecture and Design" at the International Conference SGEM Vienna Art 2019, Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Vienna 11-14/04/2019
- Selected speaker (call for paper) at the International Conference "Vous avez dit espace commun? Nouvelles pratiques, éthiques et formes sensible de gouvernance de la ville et du territoire", ENSA Saint-Etienne, 20-22/11/2019
- Invited speaker at the study day dedicated to Giovanni Michelucci "Genealogy as Destiny. Illuminating Michelucci to see the city," as part of the Program "ARCHIFEST. Inhabiting the world otherwise," at MARS Spazio Michelucci, Colle Val d’Elsa, 04-10-2020.
- Selected speaker (call for paper) and chairman at the International Conference 6th WMCAUS (World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, Praga 30-08/03-09-2021.
- Selected speaker (call for paper) at the National Conference of the General States for Industrial Heritage 2022, con R. Maspoli e A. Sorrentino, Roma-Tivoli 09-11 Giugno 2022.

Referring to the main bibliography for the various essays, encyclopedia entries and monographs published over the years, among the major university research as a participant or scientific leader in the field of design theory, the most recent are:
- Chief in head of the International Research "The sustainable interconnection between landscape and infrastructure: the in-between as design space", promoted by the DAD with l’ENSA Paris Belleville and Sapienza University of Rome (2015-2016);
- Scientific responsible for the study seminar "Spaces cities subjects. The contribution of philosophy to the spatial turn in the human sciences" (with A. Armando, G. Durbiano, S. Malcovati) at Politecnico of Turin (July 2016), and for the Course of Excellence on "Schema", PhD in Architecture. History and Project, Politecnico of Turin (June-July 2018).
- Scientific director with M. L. Barelli of the research contract between the DAD (Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico of Turin) and Le Vallette Cooperative for the “Urban Qualification Project of the central area of Le Vallette neighborhood in Turin” (2016-17);
- Co-director with Barelli of the project “Qui Abito. Starting from the school: stories of families and of the neighborhood to imagine the future of the community - winning project of the" AxTO "competition announcement (Actions for the Turin suburbs) of the Municipality of Turin (2018-19);
- Participant in the academic research “Feeling and the city. Affective spaces in changing urban contexts”, coordinator S. Catucci, Sapienza University of Rome, and chief in head for the studies on the Turin areas (2018-22);
- Associated Investigator for the project “Health Laboratories: new spaces for integrated care”, PRIN 2022, Turin Polytechnic Research Unit (under evaluation).

Design activities
In the design field, specific attention is given to the architecture-landscape relationship, through participation in competitions and/or university projects, developed mainly in Rome.
Among others:
- Public Garden in Via G. del Colle (1985-90), Rail Gateway “Trionfale” (1997), “Park System Pineto-Insugherata-Vejo” (2000); “Scapes in-fra”, in areas bordering the GRA (2008-12).
In recent years has carried out part of scientific activity on the themes of urban regeneration in the public residential suburbs built in the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century, with the development of projects at the University of Turin and Rome:
- scientific coordination of the Research "Ri-Habitat" (2012-16) on n.4 Roman suburbs, Sapienza University of Rome (publication 2019);
- "Urban Qualification Project for the central area of the Le Vallette district in Turin", with M.L. Barelli (publication 2017).
Design interest also implicates ephemeral interventions, such as the design and setting up of exhibitions – in Italy and abroad – for organizations and public institutions, among others: the Ministry of Industry; the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; “La Sapienza” University; C.N.R; Istituto della Encilopedia Italiana, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Main Bibliography
- P. Gregory, “L’architettura di Arnaldo Foschini e il Corso del Rinascimento”, in G. Sagnesi (a cura di.), Il quartiere e il corso del Rinascimento, Istituto della Enciclopedia Treccani, Roma 1994.
- P. Gregory, La dimensione paesaggistica dell'architettura nel progetto contemporaneo. L'architettura come metafora del paesaggio, Laterza, Roma 1998;
- P. Gregory, New Scapes. Territories of Complexity, Birkhäuser, Basel 2003 (ed. it. Testo & Immagine, Torino 2003)
- P. Gregory, Paesaggio-Architettura, in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, Appendice 2000 (2000) e XXI secolo-VII Appendice (2007),;
- P. Gregory, “Addensamento del presente ed eccesso nell'architettura contemporanea”, in R. Secchi (a cura di), Mode, Modernità, Architettura, Officina, Roma 2003;
- P. Gregory, “Sviluppi delle scienze della vita e riflessi sull'architettura contemporanea”, in R. Secchi (a cura di), Il pensiero delle forme tra architettura e scienze della vita, Officina, Roma 2005;
- P. Gregory, “Riflessi del pittoresco nel pensiero architettonico contemporaneo”, in Parametro, n. 264/265, 2006;
- P. Gregory, “Architecture as Interface”, in Penezic & Rogina achitects: Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf in Digital Age? Interactive Installation at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb,2008;
- P. Gregory, “Peter Eisenman. Dallo strutturalismo al post-strutturalismo: l'architettura come processo autoreferenziale”, in Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, n. 127/128/129, 2009;
- P. Gregory, “Teorie dell'architettura”, in XXI Secolo, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2010;
- P. Gregory, Teorie di architettura contemporanea. Percorsi del postmodernismo, Carocci, Roma 2010 (3° Reprint April 2013);
- P. Gregory, “Nescio quid: riflessi del sublime nell'architettura contemporanea”, in OP. CIT. Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea, n. 142, settembre 2011, pp. 5-21; ripubblicato nel settembre 2014 in occasione dei 50 anni di OP.CIT.;
- P. Gregory, 7+1 Lezioni di Architettura, Prospettive, Roma 2014;
- P. Gregory, “Parco: Architettura”, Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Nona Appendice, vol. II, J-Z, pp. 295-297, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Roma 2015;
- P. Gregory, “Le metamorfosi dei territori dell'architettura. L'in-between come spazio del
- Progetto”, in P. Caggiano F. Gorgeri (a cura di), Comunicare la trasformazione, Edifir Edizioni Firenze, Firenze 2015, pp. 63-75;
- P. Gregory (ed.), Nuovo Realismo/Postmodernismo. Dibattito aperto fra architettura e filosofia, Officina, Roma 2016;
- M. L. Barelli, P. Gregory, “Light on Vallette, Torino. Progetto di Qualificazione Urbana per l’area centrale del quartiere”, in Techne, Firenze University Press, vol 14, dic. 2017;
- P. Gregory, “Affective spaces in Urban Transformation's Contexts”, in Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, David Publishing Company, vol 12, August 2018;
- P. Gregory, “Da non-luoghi a neo-luoghi: il ruolo delle stazioni”, in G. Bianchi e A. Criconia (a cura di), La stazione della metropolitana propulsore di urbanità diffusa, DISEGNI E PROGETTI, pp. 128-139, Architetti Roma Edizioni, Roma 2018;
- P. Gregory, R. Belibani, A. Capanna, R. Causarano, G. Turano, Ri-Habitat Roma. Riqualificazione sostenibile per l'edilizia residenziale pubblica degli anni'50 del XX secolo, pp. 1-226, Nuova Cultura, Roma 2019;
- P. Gregory, “Catastrofe: riflessioni tra filosofia e architettura”, in A. Capuano (a cura di), Cinque temi del modernocontemporaneo. Memoria, natura, energia, comunicazione, catastrofe, pp. 417-429, DiAP Print / Teorie, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020;
- P. Gregory, “Atmosfera”, Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Decima
- Appendice, Volume I, A-J, pp. 115-119, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da
- Giovanni Treccani, Roma 2020;
- P. Gregory, “Periferia”, Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Decima Appendice. Parole del XXI secolo, Volume II, L-Z, pp. 318-324, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, Roma 2020; e-book, 2021;
- P. Gregory, “The Mind/Body thought. Empathic cognition from Einfühlung to embodied simulation”, in S. Catucci, F. De Matteis (a cura di), The Affective City. Spaces,atmospheres and practices in changing urban territories, pp. 50-75, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2021, vol.1;
- P. Gregory, “Il pensiero come corpo. Per una concezione empatica dell’architettura”, OP.CIT. Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea, n. 171, maggio 2021, pp. 25-38;
- M.L. Barelli and P. Gregory, “Pratiques de jeu dans la représentation et la réorganisation des espaces communs: le projet "J'habite ici" dans le quartier Le Vallette à Turin”, in: ACTION PUBLIQUE, Peter Lang, 2022, pp 108-125;
- P. Gregory, “Viaggiare attraverso le teorie”, in Praticare la teoria. Riflessioni sulla
- pedagogia della progettazione architettonica, Accademia University Press, Torino, vol 1, pp 165-175;
- P. Gregory, R. Belibani, Rosalba (eds), The Affective City. Il contesto emotivo di due siti deindustrializzati a Torino: Officine Grandi Motori e ThyssenKrupp, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2022, vol 3.

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