Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Scientific English 3
Corso Sicurezza nei Laboratori 1
Corso Sperimentazione animale 1
Banche dati bibliografiche 1
Seminari Scientifici su tematiche del Dottorato 15

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Third year PhD students are required to participate in:
- Journal Club activities: every month, with the exception of July and August, recently published scientific articles on high-impact topics of general interest are discussed. Each PhD student, according to an established calendar, presents to all the other participants in the course and in the presence of at least four teachers, an article preferably not on a topic coinciding with their own research topic

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The topic of the thesis is proposed and discussed with the Guide Teacher/Tutor who is willing to host a PhD student in the laboratory and follow him during the research activity.

Admission to the second year

- Periodic meetings for presentation to the Teaching Board and for collegial discussion on the progress of the research project relating to the Doctoral thesis.
The list of meetings and the details of the programs of each meeting are published on the Doctorate website.
- Sending an annual report, countersigned by the Guide Teacher/Tutor, containing a summary of the research activity carried out during the year and the results obtained, with the list of any publications and participation in conferences.
The reports, viewed and approved by the Teaching Board and the Coordinator, are then published on the Doctorate website.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Corso teorico-pratico Bioinformatica 3
Corso teorico-pratico di metodi statistici 2
Corso Genomica e Medicina 2
Fondamenti di cinetica enzimatica 1
Integrità nella ricerca 1
Sperimentazione di nuovi farmci 2
Scrittura dei lavori scientifici 1
Seminari Scientifici su tematiche del Dottorato 15

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Method of preparation of the thesis

The preparation of the thesis is planned and prepared with the Guide Teacher/Tutor who hosts the PhD student in the laboratory and who follows him during the research activity.

Admission to the third year

- Periodic meetings for presentation to the Teaching Board and for collegial discussion on the progress of the research project relating to the Doctoral thesis.
The list of meetings and the details of the programs of each meeting are published on the Doctorate website.
- Sending an annual report, countersigned by the Guide Teacher/Tutor, containing a summary of the research activity carried out during the year and the results obtained, with the list of any publications and participation in conferences.
The reports, viewed and approved by the Teaching Board and the Coordinator, are then published on the Doctorate website.
- Evaluation of attendance at the educational and seminar initiatives proposed by the Doctorate.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Corso Fonti di finanziamento e scrittura di grant proposal 1
Corso Scientific writing 1
Biotecnologie e brevetti 1
Approcci pratici di genomica umana 1
Spin-off e start-up 1
Seminari specifici su tematiiche del Dottorato 15

More information

Third year PhD students are required to participate in:
- Journal Club activities: every month, with the exception of July and August, recently published scientific articles on high-impact topics of general interest are discussed. Each PhD student, according to an established calendar, presents to all the other participants in the course and in the presence of at least four teachers, an article preferably not on a topic coinciding with their own research topic.

Method of admission to the final examination

- Presentation of the Doctoral thesis to the Teaching Board and collegial discussion on the results obtained and the conclusions of the work, placing it in the context of international literature.
- Sending a final report, countersigned by the Guide Teacher/Tutor, containing a summary of the overall research activity carried out during the three years of the Doctorate, with the list of publications and abstracts presented at conferences. The reports, viewed and approved by the Teaching Board and the Coordinator, are then published on the Doctorate website.

Final examination

The theses are presented and discussed with the Commission for the final examination in a public meeting.

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