

The goal of the program of the Doctorate in "Experimental Medicine" is to train students to become researchers with specific expertise in the experimental field of biomedicine. The Doctorate represents a project of interdisciplinary integration of a Board of Faculty whose didactive objective is to promote learning of topics and biomedical and biotechnological research, methodologies useful for prevention and diagnosis of neoplastic, genetic, infectious cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

During the Ph.D. course, in the curriculum in "Experimental Medicine", topics concerning control of cellular growth and differentiation, regulation of gene expression, cellular and ultrastructural pathology, molecular pathology, immunology, viral oncology and immunovirology will be thoroughly covered.

In the curriculum in "Experimental approaches in cardiorespiratory diseases", theoretical-practical paths will be selected based on diagnostic and therapeutic strategies from the laboratory to the bedside.

The Curriculum in "Translational Medicine" will address issues of molecular pathology, molecular oncology and cellular and molecular immunology, through the use of advanced technologies for the study of cells and tissues, morphogenetic, differentiation and proliferation control processes.

At the end of the program students must have learned the basic knowledge of topics covered, and should be able to plan and carry on a research project, to present data at national and international meetings, and to arrange writing of a scientific manuscript.



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