PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
building: Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia - CU003

supervisor: Massimiliano Tabusi

Research: Cosmopolitanism and the relationship with space and territory in geographical thought and in consideration of future prospects.

Nicolò Matteucci is a PhD student in Peace Studies (curriculum in Geographical studies) at the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Performing, Arts at Sapienza University of Rome. His research, conducted in collaboration with the Italian Geographical Society, explores cosmopolitanism and the relationship with space and territory in geographical thought with the aim of analysing how the intersection of these concepts can promote peaceful coexistence and contribute to peacebuilding. By tracing the evolution of cosmopolitanism in relation to social, economic and territorial inequalities, his approach is based on postcolonial and decolonial critical theory to examine the geographical dynamics involved.

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