Associate professor

phone: +39 3356196432

Nicola Flora (Campiglia Marittima -LI- 1961) in 1987 graduated in architecture in the faculty of the University of Naples -Federico II with prof. Nicola Pagliara with publication dignity. Since then he has constantly supported his activity as a designer (which he started in 1988 by co-founding FGP studio) with constant theoretical and experimental research, teaching in seminars and workshops in various Italian and foreign universities as well as at the Neapolitan school.
-In 1996 he became a PhD in interior design and architecture at the Milan Polytechnic with a thesis on Pompeian patio houses, with supervisor Filippo Alison.
- From 1996 to 2000 he was a professor at the School of Specialization of Furnishing and Interior Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Montevideo (Uruguay).
-In 2006 he became Researcher in "Interior Architecture" at the Faculty of Architecture of Ascoli Piceno, University of Camerino.
-Since December 2012 he has been in service at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples, DiARC-Federico II, where he has held the position of associate professor since 2015.
-In 2018 he was qualified as full professor of Architectural Design-Interior Architecture.
-He has published articles in journals, monographs and chapters in collective works with the main national and international publishers in the sector, mainly focusing his research on Scandinavian architects (Fehn and Lewerentz, Korsmo and Knutsen, up to the younger Skodvin & Jensen and others) and on personalities belonging to countries considered peripheral such as Uruguay and Australia (in particular on Vilamajò and Murcutt). The main works (on Sverre Fehn and Sigurd Lewerentz, more recently on Knut Hjeltnes) have been translated into English and Norwegian by important international publishers.
-Since 2008 he has been researching and experimenting around hybrid and variable configuration furnishing systems in partnership with various Italian companies in the sector, founding the MOBILARCH association ( which also closely interacts with the emerging world of makers and digital self-builders.
-Since 2014 he has been collaborating with the San Gennaro Foundation (community foundation of the Rione Sanità in Naples) in a series of participatory and shared urban regeneration experiments with social cooperatives of the Foundation's network, with the merchants and local social educational institutions of the Rione Sanità. Following this experience, he and others founded the LAPS group (Laboratory of Permanent Architecture at Healthcare) with which he is activating a series of workshops and laboratories with various groups of urban self-builders. These experiences have been collected and documented in the recent volume published for Letteraventidue "Thoughts and projects from the Sanità district" (2023).
- At the same time he has researched and experimented on the reactivation of abandoned Italian villages since 2008, publishing essays in collective volumes and international conferences, organizing workshops and various researches resulting in many experimental degree theses. On this subject he has published the volume “The villages of man. Strategies and projects for re\activation" together with Eleonora Crucianelli, and more recently the volume "Experimenting to re-inhabit internal areas" with Ciro Priore and Francesca Iarrusso, an extensive work of documentation on experiments and research conducted in the towns of Riccia, Jelsi and Gambatesa of the SNAI area of ​​Molise "Alto Fortore", with the participation of sociologists, anthropologists, economists and exponents of the three communities on the readings and possible experimental design actions in the abandoned villages object of the study.
-Since 1999 he has been a member of the editorial board of the international architecture magazine AREA. Since 2018 he has been a member of the scientific committee of the second level Master ARINT' of the DiARC-Federico II of Naples.
-Since 2019 he is a member of the Architecture PhD. Theories and project of the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome.
-Since 2021 he has been an academic tutor selected by the Renzo Piano Foundation for the experience G124-Mending of the suburbs leading a group of four young architects who won scholarships financed by Senator Renzo Piano to carry out an urban reactivation of public spaces in front of the Cemetery of the Fontanelle in Naples.
-Since 2022 he has been Didactic Coordinator of the three-year course in Architectural Sciences of DiARC-Federico II in Naples.

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