PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: michele.marra@uniroma1.it
building: Palazzo Baleani, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 244

supervisor: Fabio Giannetti
co-supervisor: Cristiano Ciurluini

Research: Development of multi-physics simulation methods for safety analysis of lead cooled fast reactors

My research work focuses on multiphysics simulation methods and models applied to safety analyzes of liquid metal cooled fast reactors.
During the preparation of the Master's thesis I became familiar with the use of simulation codes such as ERANOS and PHISICS/RELAP53D for the coupled analysis of neutron kinetics and thermalhydraulics.
Thanks to some extracurricular international courses I have an overview of the main codes used in the academic and industrial fields in the various branches of numerical simulation of nuclear plants.
I therefore have a basic knowledge of codes such as NJOY, DICE ,SCALE, CASMO, SERPENT, OPENMC, SIMULATE, PARCS, TRACE and ATHLET.
I am also starting to explore how recent advances in generative artificial intelligence can be exploited in the field of nuclear engineering, as well as the potentials of model based system engineering and reduced order models applied to optimization studies.

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