PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
building: RM-034

supervisor: Prof.ssa Raffaella Pomi

Research: Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Waste Treatment Processes in the Concept of Integrated Waste Biorefinery (IBRs)

The research aims to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) study of an integrated bio electrochemical system (IBES) that is innovative in its configuration and tested in the environmental engineering laboratory of DICEA at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. This system has an integrated configuration that is self-sustained in its operation (produced much electric current to derive a redox reaction) for producing biofuel (H2 rich gas). The research focuses on addressing the complexity of IBES by evaluating the environmental impacts in relation to its key performance parameters, hydrogen production efficiency, and maximum resource recovery at industrial scale. The study also provides insights into downstream impacts of handling the digestate from degraded biomass feedstocks and the upgrading of the produced H2-rich gas, with a particular emphasis on incorporating innovative Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) process potential benefits (in terms of reduced impacts) in the concept of an integrated waste biorefinery(IBR) converting biodegradable wastes into bio H2, syngas, hydrochar and other by-products, through the appropriate combination of bio-electrochemical and thermochemical processes. CO2 emissions from the suggested scheme of study for IBR is very limited thanks to the implementation of an accelerated carbonation process for CO2 capture and its storage. Overall, the research examined a comprehensive waste management approach throughout and identified optimal solutions for achieving zero carbon emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation and advancing sustainable approach in IBR research practices.

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