Laurea in Political Sciences, Rome University La Sapienza, 110/110 cum laude. Dottorato di ricerca (PhD) in History of Political Theory, Political Institutions and Political Philosophy, Rome University La Sapienza, Department of Political Studies. Post-doctoral fellowship by that same University for a research on the concept of Europe in the post-Napoleonic Era. She has taught History Political Ideas in the School of Law at the University of Camerino and History of modern and contemporary Thought in the Department of Political Sciences in the University of Roma tre. She is now Full Professor in Naples’ University Federico II, Dipartimento of Political Science. At first she studied federalism and concentrated on the contemporary debate on the subject. Her scientific interests have later on developed along the guidelines of the relationship between reform and revolution and of the conceptual links between politics, peace and war. Related to this subject she also obtained 1992 a CNR fund for an analysis of the idea of peace at the time of the French Revolution and, 1993, a NATO-CNR Advanced Fellowship Programme fund aimed at a study of the concept of Europe in the Restauration. Her scientific interests have more recently evolved toward the analysis of the debate on individual rights and women citizenship in modern and contemporary political thought. Cosmopolitism and the super-national dimension of rights have therefore assumed a new relevance. On this themes she has worked in the years 2005-2007 coordinating a research unit thanks to the granting of a fund for a PRIN research project on rights, citizenship and cosmopolitism that has produced several studies and many occasions for meetings and seminal work. In the years 2014-2017 she has been responsible for a Project named Rethinking Conflict and Security in a Global Society: Migration and Citizenship, New Working Practices, Democratic Caring, Human Rights. In recent years she has focused her attention to the teaching of political ideas in a multidisciplinary and participative way. She has therefore coordinated projects dedicated to the theme of the figure of the “Other” and has published on Political Theories and Care. She speaks excellent German, French and English, and is the author of many scientific works on German political thought in modern age.