Prof. Dr. Maria Giulia Aurigemma, Full Professor and Chair in History of Modern Art (Renaissance and Baroque, Italian and European Art), DilASS, University of Chieti (Italy).
She published two books on architecture, patronage, decorations and collections in two Renaisance palaces of Rome, Palazzo di Domenico della Rovere (1999, Tarquinia Award), and Palazzo Firenze (2007, Capalbio and Dante Alighieri Awards), by Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato Press. Her papers are devoted to art and life of Beato Angelico, Macrino, Scorel, Heemskerck, Vasari, Zucchi, Zuccari, Roncalli, Furini, Baglione. Among studies concerning artists and their milieu: Carlo Saraceni. Un veneziano a Roma, exhibition catalogue (editor) , Rome 1013-Venice 2014. After a book on Norman paintings on wood in Sicily (2004, from her PhD thesis, A. Pizzi Award), a paper in the Mirabilia Italiae ’s volume on Cappella Palatina a Palermo (2010, pp. 203-272) focuses the chapel’s history from the XIII century to the present.
In Sacred Possessions. Collecting Italian Religious Art 1500-1900 (Getty Research Institute- Bibliotheca Hertziana, Los Angeles 2011 her paper ‘Sacra’ in a Tower brings light on a lost painted holy tower in mid-XVI century Bavaria, as well as the paper Otho redivivus. Kardinal Otto Truchseß von Waldburg als Patron der Künste, (2015).
Her recent studies include Interactions between architecture and decoration in Vatican Palace in the three chapels decorated by Vasari (1570-1571), Torre Pia in Vaticano. Architettura, decorazione, committenza, trasformazioni di tre cappelle vasariane in Romisches Jahrbuch Bibliotheca Hertziana 2009/2010); Roman ancient families and architecture in “Architetture Orsini a Roma (e Bracciano), uno sguardo d’insieme I: dal Medioevo al Cinquecento” and “II: dalla fine del Cinquecento alla fine del Seicento” (2017).