PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof.ssa Caterina Volpi
co-supervisor: Dott. Mario Epifani


Maria Gaia Redavid achieved her three-year degree from the University of Bari Aldo Moro in 2017 with a thesis dedicated to the Belarusian painter Chaïm Soutine and his relationship with Yiddish culture, supervisor Prof. Christine Farese Sperken. She continued her studies at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where in 2020 she graduated in Art History with a monographic thesis focused on the reconstruction of the life and catalog of the works of the Neapolitan-Flemish painter Niccolò De Simone, supervisor prof. Caterina Volpi (degree grade 110/110 cum laude). In 2023 she obtained a diploma from the School of Specialization with a thesis dedicated to the production in the Terre d'Otranto of the painters Cesare and Francesco Fracanzano, supervisor Prof. Paola Nicita, co-supervisor Prof. Caterina Volpi (degree 70/70 cum laude); in the same year, she became subject expert at the Historical Art Studies and History of Art courses at the University of Rome La Sapienza, in relation to the teaching of History of Modern Art (L-ART/02). She is currently enrolled in the XXXVIII PhD cycle in History of Art, with a research project dedicated to the painters Cesare and Francesco Fracanzano. During her training path she carried out internships at the Palazzo del Quirinale-Presidenza della Repubblica, the Central Institute for Cataloging and Documentation and the National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberini. In 2019 she was the winner as an expert in cultural heritage for a project dedicated to cultural mediation through the history of art and theater financed by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps-Azione ESC31 (Solidarity Projects) call. In 2021 she took part in the "Museo Laboratorio" project at the National Gallery of Ancient Art in Palazzo Barberini where she was responsible for the research and filing of some works in the collection. In 2022 she collaborated as a scientific researcher in the exhibition “Il video rende felici. Video art in Italy” curated by Valentina Valentini, divided between the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome. Since May of the same year she has been in the editorial staff of the Exibart art magazine.

Research products

11573/1710162 - 2024 - Hackerando lo spazio: Intervista di Maria Gaia Redavid a Simona da Pozzo
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Monumenti e spirito del tempo. Segni del potere e gerarchie dei valori - (9788835158509)

11573/1716066 - 2024 - Dalma Frascarelli, L’arte del dissenso. Pittura e libertinismi nell’Italia del Seicento, Einaudi, Torino 2016 (Maria Gaia Redavid)
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 01d Recensione
paper: S&F SCIENZAEFILOSOFIA.IT. (San Marco dei Cavoti (BN) : Cristian Fuschetto) pp. 297-315 - issn: 2036-2927 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1729771 - 2024 - Biografia - Giovanni Antonio Canal Canaletto
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Canaletto Van Wittel Bellotto, il Gran Teatro delle città. Capolavori dalle Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica - (9791281752023)

11573/1729778 - 2024 - Canaletto, Piazza San Marco e Piazzetta, verso sud
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Canaletto Van Wittel Bellotto, il Gran Teatro delle città. Capolavori dalle Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica - (9791281752023)

11573/1729780 - 2024 - Canaletto-Veduta di Venezia con Piazza San Marco e le Procuratie
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Canaletto Van Wittel Bellotto, il Gran Teatro delle città. Capolavori dalle Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica - (9791281752023)

11573/1663221 - 2022 - Anthology of the movement. Around Giorgio Ermes Celin's poetry
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Celin - ()

11573/1663217 - 2020 - La compagnia della morte tra realtà e leggenda
Redavid, Maria Gaia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EVITERNA (Málaga: UMA Editorial Málaga: Sandra Medina Bueno) pp. 203-217 - issn: 2530-6014 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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