Associate professor


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Associate Professor at La Sapienza since 2013, he teaches Art Criticism and Art Literature. His professional interests include: history and theory of the image; art literature; the relationship between humanistic culture and natural philosophy in the early modern period. Major research topics: Boccaccio and the visual arts; Giorgione; Vasari’s Lives of the Artists; the patronage of Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni. He studied at La Sapienza (B.A. and diploma di specializzazione in Art History), at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome (B.A. in Painting); at Indiana University (M.A), and at the University of California, Berkeley (Ph.D. in Italian Studies). Fellow at The Warburg Institute and Yale University, he taught at Dartmouth College (2005) and Northwestern University (2005-13) where he was tenured in 2011.

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