
phone: 06-86218954

Actual position
Confirmed Researcher Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Medical Director at the U.O.C. of General and Reconstructive Surgery

01/08 / 1988-30 / 08/1990 Medical Officer at the Carabinieri Officers School in Rome
from 01.09.1990 Technical Officer at the Chair of VIII Special Surgical Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, teaching and research framework in the disciplinary scientific sector F08A (General Surgery)
from 01/03/2002 Confirmed Researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" SSD MED18 (General Surgery) belonging to the Department of Surgical Sciences
from 2007 to 2013 member of the Board of Directors of the Sapienza University of Rome as a representative of the researchers
since 2013 member of the Academic Senate of the Sapienza University of Rome as a representative of the researchers

Research products

Connessione ad iris non disponibile

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