PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

Manuela Ciangola was born in Rome, Italy in 1990. After completing high school, she graduated with a degree in architecture with a score of 110/110 from "Sapienza" University of Rome with her thesis "Le case di Sabbia: Housing Redevelopment of the Lido di Ostia Ponente" supervised by Prof. Arch. Nilda Maria Valentin.
She became an architect in 2019 at the same university. She continued to study the Lido di Ostia area through workshops hosted by the Italian Association of Architecture and criticism.
She co-founded the Grafts-Innesti collective of Community and won the "People First" competition at the Farm Cultural Park in Favara, Italy.
Along with collaborating with various architecture studios, she explored themes of body, space and digital through scenic design courses at the Testaccio Theater in Rome, lighting design at La Scala Theater in Milan, and micro-innovation workshops.
She was a semi-finalist for the "Tuttoteatro alle arti sceniche di Dante Cappelletti" Prize with her Escape Room project.

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