11573/1701874 - 2024 -
How opinion leaders and operators communicate the image of the sustainable tourism destination Capone, V.; Touti, M.; Del Core, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TURISTICA (Firenze : Mercury) pp. - - issn: 1974-2207 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/1710376 - 2024 -
La sfida della digitalizzazione del Sistema Sanitario Nazionale: tra PNRR e telemedicina Touti, Magda - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: EURISPES - 36° Rapporto Italia. Percorsi di ricerca nella società italiana - (978-88-498-8121-9)
11573/1709834 - 2024 -
The impact of generative AI: a multi-case study analysis of enhancing well-being along the customer journey Touti, Magda; Bartoli, Chiara; Mattiacci, Alberto - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: International Marketing Trends Conference (Venice; Italy)
book: Proceedings of the International Conference Marketing Trends - (978-2-490372-18-8)
11573/1725560 - 2024 -
A Public Service Logic perspective applied to health and social welfare services provided to the elderly: the case of the VIII Municipality of Rome Touti, Magda; Sfodera, Fabiola; Dezi, Luca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie-SIMA Conference 2024, Management of sustainability and well-being for individuals and society (Parma; Italia)
book: Sinergie-SIMA Conference 2024, Management of sustainability and well-being for individuals and society - (9788894713657)
11573/1701875 - 2023 -
Discovering the potential of digital platform ecosystems within the healthcare sector: A Systematic Literature Review Touti, M.; Sfodera, F.; Nevi, G.; Dezi, L. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XX SIM Conference - Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura (Firenze; Italia)
book: XX SIM Conference - Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura - (9788894782905)