PhD candidate in "Public, Comparative and International Law", curriculum "International Order and Human Rights" (SSD: IUS/13, IUS/14), at Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy - Department of Political Science (XXXIX cycle, DM118 - Public Administration).
The research topic refers to the international and european aspects of climate defense actions, with a focus on the new frontier of "climate change litigation".
He graduated in International Relations at Sapienza University of Rome (2022), final grade of 110/110 cum laude, defending a thesis about: "Personal data transfer to third countries, between fundamental rights protection and national security. The CJEU in the Schrems judgments", Supervisor Prof. Francesco Battaglia.
He carried out a Postgraduate Professional Master's Degree in International Protection of Human Rights, "Maria Rita Saulle" at Sapienza University of Rome, final grade of 110/110, discussing a final paper about: "Artificial Intelligence and the International Law of Human Rights".
He accomplished a curricular internship at the Institute of International Legal Studies (Isgi-Cnr), where he carried out research and training in the field of european and comparative international law, with a focus on the area of human rights, environmental protection, and the law of the sea. He is currently carrying out an extra-curricular internship at the same institute.
He got a scholarship to serve as a Teaching Tutor in the department.