Associate professor

phone: 3281289643

Architect, he lives and works in Rome. He graduated with honors in Architecture in 1999, he obtained a PhD in "Architectural Composition - Theories of Architecture" at "Sapienza"- University of Rome (2006), and he is currently Assistant Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the same faculty, where he has taught Design Studio since 2006. He is a member of the Academic Board of the PhD in "Landscape and Environment". In 2014 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification (ASN), in 2019 he won the evaluation procedure for Associate Professor. He has coordinated and participated in University research and in Public Institutions. He has been teaching in South Korea (Seoul), China (Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing), India (Kolkata) and in many European faculties. Since 1999 he has worked as an architect, obtaining awards and prizes in international competitions. His activity as a designer, focused on the relationship between architecture and the city, has paid special attention on the themes of residential construction and dwelling, regeneration of urban space, relationship between architecture, open spaces and landscape. His projects have been published in leading journals and presented at national and international exhibitions. He has written monographs, articles and essays on architecture, city and landscape. Among the main publications: Roma Cerca Casa (Maggioli 2016), La Residenza Collettiva (SE 2015), La città compatta. Sperimentazioni contemporanee sull'isolato urbano europeo (Gangemi 2012), Densità Città Residenza. Tecniche di densificazione e strategie anti-sprawl (Gangemi 2008).

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