Lorenzo Bartoli graduated from the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' and received his doctorate from the University of Toronto, with a thesis on Art and Writing in 15th-century Florence. He was Lecturer in Italian at the University of Glasgow and has been Profesor Titular de Filología Italiana at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid since 2007. He has been Director of the Master en Estudios Italianos/UAM-IULCE, President of the Comisión de Materia-Italiano per la Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, Founding Member of the Consejo de la Instituto Universitario La corte en Europa (IULCE) of the UAM and Coordinador of the Área de Lingüística e Lenguas Modernas of the Department of Lingüística of the UAM. He has published numerous studies on the Italian and Spanish literary tradition of the 14th-16th centuries, forming part of the research projects MASOPA (Madrid: Sociedad y Patrimonio) and LitYAc (Literatura y acontecimento). His research lines mainly concern the relations between Art and Literature of the Renaissance and between Literature and Justice.
Latest publications:
Lorenzo Bartoli, «Un libro delle cose dell’arte»: filologia, storia e teoria dell’arte nei Commentarii (ms. BNCF II, I, 333), in Ghiberti teorico. Natura, arte e coscienza storica nel Quattrocento, a cura di Fabian Jonietz/Gherard Wolf/Alessandro Nova, Milano, Officina Libraria, 2020, pp. 81-88.
Lorenzo Bartoli, Ghiberti traduttore, in Italiano y español. Estudios de traducción, lingüística contrastiva y didáctica Alicia M. López Márquez / Fernando Molina Castillo (eds.), Peter Lang. Berlin, 2020
Lorenzo Bartoli,. Le Officine delle Vite: nuove osservazioni filologiche sul Magliabechiano XVII, 17 e le Vite del Vasari, en A Garland of Gifts: Studies in Honour of Olga Zorzi Pugliese, ed. Konrad Eisenbichler and Pasquale Sabbatino. Welland, ON: éditions Soleil publishing, 2021.
Lorenzo Bartoli, Nota filologica sulla sequenza biografica Ghiberti-Brunelleschi e le origini della storiografia rinascimentale a Firenze, in Rivista di Letteratura Storiografica Italiana, 5 (2021), 47-56.
A.Camilleri, Autodefensa de Caín, introducción de Lorenzo Bartoli, Madrid, Altamarea 2021
Lorenzo Bartoli (ed.), Filología de la culpa. Literatura y Justicia en la Historia. Madrid, Polifemo, 2022.