PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

joint PhD: Université Savoie Mont Blanc - école Doctorale Cultures, Sociétés, Territoires

Research: An alphabet of dynascita. Anna Maria Ortese between expressiveness and epiphany of the unexpressed

Lilia Bellucci

1) Three degrees:

1991: Filologia classica (Classical philology) with 110/110 and laude at the University of Rome "Sapienza", with an experimental thesis on the theatre of Euripides

1996: Biblioteconomia (Library Science) with 69/70 at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians of the University of Rome “Sapienza" in 1996, with a thesis of study and cataloguing of "Luigi Ceci" fund, founding nucleus of the Library of Classical Philology

2022: Editoria e scrittura (Publishing and Writing) with 110/110 and laude at the Department of History Anthropology Religions Art Entertainment of the University of Rome "Sapienza" in 2022 with a thesis on Anna Maria Ortese in the field of Issues of Modern and Contemporary Literature.

2) One-year postgraduate courses:

1994-1995: Postgraduate course in Teaching Technologies – University of Roma Tre

1995-1996: Postgraduate course in General and Museum Education – University of Roma Tre

1997- 1998: Postgraduate course in Methods of school evaluation – University of Roma Tre

1997-1998: Postgraduate course in Problems of Greek and Latin literatures – University of Rome Tor Vergata

3) Two-year Master for Training Expert in Training Processes at the FORCOM Inter-University Consortium with 100/100 in 2003 with a thesis on the educational project to creative thinking education

4) Other courses concerning: Museum management (quarterly course of the Lazio Region); Cataloguing and teledocumentation services in the library (CNR); journalism and narrative writing; literature; IT and technological skills; well-being at school and enhancement of talent (refresher courses).

5) Double teaching qualifications both through regional public competition and through teaching qualification courses in:
- Italian, history and geography in high school;
- Italian in technical institutes;
- Italian and Latin in high schools;
- Latin and Greek;
- History of art.

6) Professional positions:
1991- 2000: teaching services in state and equivalent schools, in Lower and High Schools, in remedial courses, in state exams

2000-2023: permanent position as a teacher in State High Schools

1996: cataloguing of "Luigi Ceci" Library Fund (for a total of 433 cards made with the ISIS-TECA computer procedure distributed by UNESCO) at the Library of Greek and Latin Philology of the University of Rome 1 "Sapienza"

1997-2000: reorganization and cataloguing of the Historical Ecclesiastical Archive of the Camillian Fathers at the Generalate of Rome with computer and non-computer procedure.

Post 2000 for several years: responsible of special project about relations between School and Territory at "Francesco d'Assisi" State Scientific High School, conceiving and curating some events: La settimana dell'adolescente (network of schools and professionals with seminars and exhibitions); Quaranta... ma non li dimostra (forty years of the High School with a week of exhibitions, performances and final concert); I professionisti incontrano la scuola (cycle of meetings); Gigi e l’ecologia (exhibition and event for nine schools on environmental issues).

2000-2023: permanent position as a teacher in State High Schools and actually in State High Schools with Chinese option (Convitto Nazionale "Vittorio Emanuele II" in Rome).

7) Other activities:

- winner of the "Entrepreneurs for the Jubilee of 2000" Award, among the top thirty with the conception and design for the realization of a guide for some Museums, receiving funding from the Municipality of Rome.

- Volunteer teacher at the School of Italian for foreign teenagers “Penny Wirton” with the writer and journalist Eraldo Affinati.

- Volunteer teacher at the "Borgo Don Bosco" di Roma for project Rimettere le ali (Put the wings back) and in a Campus at Terre di Libera (anti-mafia association) and at the Caritas of Favara.

- Teacher with High School students in Campus at Chinese University (Pechino e Shanghai).

- President of Youth Association "Liberi di pensare, liberi di sognare".

- Member of Association "L’altro volto delle donne", to protect victims of violence.

- Journalist columnist in periodical "Abitare A Roma", directed by V. Luciani, founder of the poetry magazine "Periferie" and head of the "Vincenzo Scarpellino" dialect documentation center.

- Partecipation with Dentro la nuvola. La nuvola di smog di Calvino e il cloud della generazione digitale in May 2021, as part of the Torviscosa Racconti industriali Project, in a network of schools, funded by the Region, with Giuseppe Lupo and Domenico Scarpa.

- Member of “Società Italiana Letterate” (Italian literate society).

8) Papers:

- Voci dell'anima", an interartistic work, with reproductions by G. Marcoaldi (professional photographer for important Italian and German magazines) and compositions by C. Marinacci (professor at the Institute of Sacred Music and author of Vatican Radio broadcasts) in 2009.

- Sulle rive del cuore, Aletti, Rome 2018.

- Granelli di sabbia , a video investigation about immigration with poetic texts and interviews, presented in the Quarticciolo Library, under the patronage of the Municipality and Province

- Fiori di primavera tra Oriente e Occidente, a prosimeter of visual poetry and Chinese ideograms, with prefaces by T.Lioi (Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of International Studies of Rome) and Yuan Xi (PhD in Civilizations, cultures and societies of Asia and Africa, at La Sapienza in Rome), Aracne, 2020.

- La provocazione di Medea. Abitare il sogno, Aracne, Rome 2020, a play.

- Ero (t)ico portamento di gazza ladra, Kubera Edzioni, Rome 2020, a poetry collection.

- Chiusi in una stanza, in Piazze, AREL- La rivista I/2020, “Quadrimestrale di analisi scientifica e di discussione”, Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione, Rome, 2020.

- Ai margini. Appunti sulle borgate romane, in Uguaglianza, AREL- La rivista I/2021, “Quadrimestrale di analisi scientifica e di discussione”, Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione Rome, 2021, pp. 143-145.

- Mai più a distanza. Per-corsi di vicinanza, collection of publications in the personal column in the newspaper Abitare A Roma, directed by V. Luciani, founder of the poetry magazine Periferie and head of the "Vincenzo Scarpellino" dialect documentation center, Rome, 2021.

- Le parole del silenzio, in Parola, AREL- La rivista 2/2022, Quadrimestrale di analisi scientifica e di discussione, Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione, Roma, 2022, pp. 175-179.

- Anna Maria Ortese, corpo d'acqua, "Rossocorpolingua", Associazione letteraria Premio Nazionale Elio Pagliarani, anno V, n. 2, giugno 2022, pp. 46-51.

- Il controcanto del pozzo ne L'Iguana by Anna Maria Ortese, "Atlante Treccani magazine", 21 June 2022, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, online.
- Lessici pandemici e post-pandemici per riflettere oggi e domani, “Per la filosofia. Filosofia e insegnamento”, magazine of the Associazione Docenti Italiani di Filosofia, XXXIX – n.115, May-August 2022, Fabrizio-Serra publishing house, Pisa-Rome.

- Donne e bambini di guerra nella narrativa di Laudomia Bonanni, in SIL (Italian Society of Literates) online article, September 2022.

- Saggio su Anna Maria Ortese – forthcoming publication.

- La partitura del silenzio. Variazioni su tema, a poetry collection - forthcoming publication

Research products

11573/1697704 - 2022 - Le parole del silenzio
Bellucci, Lilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AREL LA RIVISTA (Roma : AREL Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione) pp. 175-178 - issn: 2039-0181 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697705 - 2022 - Anna Maria Ortese, corpo d'acqua
Bellucci, Lilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ROSSOCORPOLINGUA (Roma: Associazione letteraria Premio Nazionale Elio Pagliarani) pp. -46 - issn: 2611-8378 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697707 - 2022 - Lessici pandemici e post-pandemici per riflettere oggi e domani
Bellucci, Lilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PER LA FILOSOFIA (Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali.) pp. 129-133 - issn: 1724-059X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697703 - 2021 - Ai margini. Appunti sulle borgate romane
Bellucci, Lilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AREL LA RIVISTA (Roma : AREL Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione) pp. 143-145 - issn: 2039-0181 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697708 - 2020 - Chiusi in una stanza
Bellucci, Lilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AREL LA RIVISTA (Roma : AREL Agenzia di Ricerche e Legislazione) pp. - - issn: 2039-0181 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma