Citizenship: Italy, Sweden
2012 Docent title in Plant Ecology, Uppsala University (Sweden)
2000 PhD in Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)
1991 MSc in Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Perugia (Italy)
1989 BSc in Agronomy, University of Agricultural Sciences, Perugia (Italy)
Academic positions
2020 - University Senior lecturer (Associate Professor) Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
2012-2019 Researcher Docent (Associate Professor) Uppsala University (Sweden)
2012 Researcher (Assistant Professor) GeoGenetics Centre, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
2008 -2012 Researcher (Assistant Professor) Uppsala University (Sweden)
2002-2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, Uppsala University (Sweden)
1992-1994 Research assistant, Italian National Research Council (Italy)
Specialization: Ancient DNA research, Plant molecular ecology, Plant geography, Plant genetics, Plant systematics and evolution, Molecular analyses on Cultural Heritage, Paleoecology
Research grants >10000€
2017 SciLifeLab Swedish Biodiversity Program (SEK 300000 for sample processing)
2016 SciLifeLab Bioinformatic Long-term Support
2017-2019 Formas (PI) 2016-01236 (SEK 2904000)
2015-2017 SciLifeLab Stockholm (PI) research and postdoctoral grants (SEK 1315000)
2014-2017 Vetenskapsrådet (PI) 2013-D0568401 (SEK 3600000)
2008-2011 Vetenskapsrådet (PI) 2007-4490 (SEK 3600000)
2018-2019 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI) 18:351 Past climatic changes: metagenomic analyses from northern and southern lake sediments (SEK
2015-2016 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI) 14:371 Ancient DNA of northern latitudes reveals tree response to climate change (SEK 133200)
2012-2013 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI)11:353 Spruce in Norway - glacial survival or late-Holocene arrival? - An integration of palaeoecology and DNA
studies (SEK 440000)
2009-2010 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI) 08:303 Population dynamics of forest trees on the central Scandes Mountains (SEK 216000)
2006-2008 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI) 05:373 Ancient DNA from pollen and macrofossils: direct insights in the recent history of Norway spruce in Fennoscandia (SEK 216000)
2004-2005 Carl Trygger’s Foundation (PI) 03:253: Ancient DNA in pollen: Holocene phylogeographic analysis of European conifers (SEK 166500)
Academic commissions
• Specialty Chief Editor of the Paleoecology section for the open-access journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
• Associate Editor for the open-access journal Quaternary MDPI.
• Ad hoc reviewer for: Science, Nature Communications, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Heredity, Annals of Botany, Quaternary Science Reviews, J
Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Quaternary Research, Molecular Ecology, Plant Species Biology, PlosOne, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Plant Ecology, Applications in Plant Sciences, Geobiology, Science Reports.
• Evaluator for Grant Proposal for: US National Science Foundation (NSF), European Research Council (ERC), Australian National Research Foundation
(NRF), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), UK Natural Environment Research (NERC), Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), Austrian
Science Fund (FWF), Bergen Research Foundation (Norway, BRS), Research Council of Norway (RCN), New Zealand Marsden Fund (NZ), the Icelandic
research Funding (IRF).
• Member of the Council of the Doctoral Program in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology at La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Other non-academic commissions
2023- Vice-chairperson for the Swedish Plant Phytogeographical Society
2019-2023 Chairperson for the Swedish Plant Phytogeographical Society
2021- Advisory member of the Sedimentary DNA Society
2020- Member of and expert and data contributor for the Sedimentary aeDNA-Informatics Consortium
2017-2023 Board member, Botanical Swedish Foundation Extensus
2016-2019 Board member, Swedish Phytogeographical Society
2015-2023 Stand-in member, Swedish Gene Technology Advisory Board
International Evaluation Committee member for PhD degrees
2023 Todor Minchev Slavchev, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
2020 Alexandra Coutinho, Uppsala University, Sweden (Human genetics)
2019 Wentao Chen, Univ. of Grenoble Alps, France (Plant palaeoecology)
2018 Magdalena Fraser, Uppsala University, Sweden (Archaeology)
2014 Eleftheria Palkopoulou, Stockholm University, Sweden (Palaeogenetics)
2013 Pontus Skoglund, Uppsala University, Sweden (Palaeogenetics)
2012 Robert de Tex, Uppsala University, Sweden (Biology)
2011 Annelee Kool, Uppsala University, Sweden (Plant systematic biology)
Teaching experience
- Sapienza University MSc and BSc level Course coordinator and main teacher
2023- Plant Taxonomy and Italian Flora (6 ECTS, BSc course in Italian).
2022- Laboratory of Archeometry (3 ECTS, MSc course, in English).
2020- Plant Geography (6 ECTS, BSc course, in Italian).
2020 - Evolution and Conservation of Italian Flora (6 ECTS, BSc course, in Italian).
2020 - Advanced Biological Methods Applied in Cultural Heritage (3 ECTS, MSc course, in English).
- Sapienza University PhD level Course coordinator and main teacher
2020 - Ecological effects of climate change. (3 ECTS, PhD course, in English).
- Uppsala University MSc and BSc level Course coordinator
2014-2019 Biology debate (10 ECTS, BSc course, in Swedish).
- Uppsala University PhD level
2009-2019 Ecological effects of climate change. Course coordinator and main teacher (10 ECTS, in English).
2015 Modelling species distribution under past and future climate Course organizer (2 ECTS, in English).
Student supervision
PhD students: 2021- Martina Farese (second supervisor); 2017-2022 Kevin Nota (main supervisor); 2014 -2018 Mahmoudi Shamsabad Masoumeh (second supervisor); 2012-16 Kathleen Crossen (second supervisor).
Postdoctoral researchers: 2015-17 Engy Ahmed; 2015-17 Lu Han; 2010-2011 Sonia Fontana
MSc and BSc students: 2023 – Marianna Vanno (MSc Sapienza); Giulia Zippilli (MSc Sapienza); Giulia Gizzi (BSc Sapienza); 2022 Arianna Pacilio (BSc Sapienza); Chiara Di Verio (BSc Sapienza); Anna Tozzi (BSc Sapienza); 2021 Davide Dell’Orco (BSc Sapienza); Carmen Elena Garcia (MSc Sapienza); 2020 Tim Temizyurek (MSc Uppsala); 2019 Matias Tasel (BSc Uppsala); 2011 Hasan Sahid (MSc) Uppsala; 2003 Linda Albinsson (MSc Uppsala).
Research training and Erasmus students at Uppsala University: 2021 Caroline Urbani; 2021 Francesca Benedetti; 2020 LucaTurolo, Katerina Tasiuoli; 2019 Tamara Van Steijin, Alessandro Nobile, Elisa Pierfederici, Marco Aurelio Marangoni; 2018 Anne von Woerkom, Giulia Ghirardello; 2017 Katerina Günter; 2015 Valerie Ambrosi; 2012 Giulia Tuveri, Grigorios Georgolopoulos; 2011 Agathe Nowosielski; 2010 Irina Matetovici, Hasan Sahid, Saba Mehrabanfar; 2009 Kevin Fletcher.
Academic training for teaching and supervising
Participated at course at Swedish University: 1998 Basic teacher training course (4 weeks).; 1999 Labour market competences (1 week).; 1999 Training your leadership (1 week); 2000 Project leadership (1 week); 2009 Supervisorship educationc(1 week); 2009 Supervisor course for oral presentation; 2011 Subject-oriented pedagogy (3 weeks); 2017 Supervisor training course (4 days).
Participated at course at La Sapienza University: 2021 Educational Practices for Active Learning (Pratiche didattiche per l’apprendimento attivo) (1 day); Train the trainer online course (10 hours); 2022 SciVal Training: Working with Research Areas and Working with Research Groups (Formazione SciVal: lavorare con aree di ricerca e lavorare con gruppi di ricerca) (2 days); 2023 Safe Zones: Training for the establishment of Safe Zones regarding LGBTQ+ people and the prevention of gender-based violence in all faculties of Sapienza (Safe Zones: formazione per la costituzione di zone sicure in merito alle persone LGBTQ+ e la prevenzione della violenza di genere in tutte le Facoltà di Sapienza) (6 hours); Webinar How to choose and design an exam test (Come scegliere e progettare una prova d’esame) (3 hours).
Invited speaker at International Conferences:
1. Italian Genetic Association (AGI) course: The ancient DNA revolution, Cortona (Italy), 12-13 June 2023.
2. GENECO PhD summer school, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 1 September 2022.
3. International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity (ICDBB), Sofia, Bulgaria, 24-27 May 2022.
4. International Botanical Conference (IBC), Idaho, US, 27-31 July 2022 (online).
5. Seminar series, Charney School of Marine Sciences, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel, 8 June 2020 (online).
6. Wallenberg project meeting, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, 14-16 November 2017.
7. Plant ancient DNA workshop, Swiss Federal Research Institute, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 19-20 March 2015.
8. Ecology and Environmental Science department seminar series, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, 5 March, 2014.
9. 12th Forest Ecosystem Function Colloquium, Kyoto University, Japan, 30 October 2014.
10. 3rd Metabarcoding Workshop, Tromsø University Museum, Tromsø, Norway, 4-5 April 2014.
11. PAGES Focus 4 Biodiversity Theme Workshop, Biodiversity Institute, Oxford Martin School, Department of Zoology, Oxford University, UK, 9-11
January 2012
12. Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme, Helsinki, Finland, 19 April 2012.
13. University of Helsinki, Environmental Change Research Unit, Helsinki, Finland, 2 October 2012.
14. Swedish Phytogeographical Society, Uppsala, Sweden, 31 March 2011.
15. The International Botanical Conference (IBC), Melbourne, Australia, 23-30 July 2011.
16. PhD school programme for Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Exploitation of Native Plants, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1st February
17. Ancient DNA Workshop, Liverpool University & EvolTree, Borrowdale, UK, 4-7 May 2009.
18. The School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 28th May 2007.
19. The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), Stockholm, Sweden, 25-28 August 2004.
20. Workshop Integrated Field Science in Terrestrial-Marine Ecosystems, Tokyo, Japan, 1 November 2003.
21. Symposium Introducing Genetic and Palaeogenetic approaches in Plant Palaeoecology and Archaeology, Bordeaux, France, 5-6 September 2003.
Oral contributions at International Conferences:
1. XXI International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress, Rome, Italy, 14-20 July 2023.
2. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Assembly, 4–8 May 2020 (online).
3. XX International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 25-31 July 2019.
4. PAGES Conference on Past Plant Diversity Changes, Rabat, Morocco, 1–5 October 2018.
5. Society Experimental Biology (SEB), Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3–6 July 2017.
6. 5th PAGES Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza, Spain, 9–13 May 2017.
7. 6th Congress of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology SIBE-ISEB, Evolution 2015, Bologna, Italy, 31 August-3 September 2015.
8. Discussion Meeting, Ancient DNA: The first three decades, the Royal Society of London, UK, 18-19 November 2013.
9. Linnean Centre for Plant Biology, Uppsala, Sweden, 10 October 2012.
10. XIII International Palynological Congress (IPC) and the IX International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference (IOPC), Tokyo, Japan, August 23-30,
11. XVIII International Union of Quaternary Science (INQUA) Congress, Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011.
12. European Palaeobotany Palynology Conference (EPPC), Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 July 2010.
13. International Palynological Congress (IPC), Granada, Spain, July 2004.
International conference session organizer
- 2023 XXI INQUA Congress, Rome (Italy): Ancient DNA in Quaternary and Archaeological Sediment.
- 2023 XXI INQUA Congress, Rome (Italy): Communication Science through Art.
- 2019 XX INQUA Congress, Dublin, (Ireland): Ancient DNA in Quaternary and Archaeological Sediment.
- 2018 IPAL/IAL Congress, Stockholm (Sweden): Ancient DNA in Lake Sediments.
- 2017 SEB Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: Palaeogenomics and Ancient DNA
International workshops organizer
- 2021 The SedDNA Society mini symposium, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden): Recovering DNA from sedimentary archives.
- 2016 SciLifeLab mini symposium, Stockholm University (Sweden): Ancient environmental DNA.
- 2009 PhD Course and Workshop, Uppsala University (Sweden): Impacts of climate change on species, populations, and communities (5 ECTS).
Scientific Outreach
• 2023 EU-funded PNRR Nextgeneration EU Orientation Project. Carrying out of two modules of orientation courses with high school students at
secondary schools, Rome (Italy).
• 2023 European Research Night Sapienza - educational seminar to high school students with title "Ancient DNA of Humans and Plants Helps Us Better
Understand Our Past". More than 100 high school students participated, Rome (Italy).
• 2022 Swedish Radio interview for the radio program Vetenskapsradion forskarliv talking about my research work
• 2021 Contributing to Pia Rönnicke’s film Drivande skog in an Art exhibition at Wij Valsverk, Ockelbo, (Sweden) talking about my work on the evolution
of trees in relation to the ice age and climate change. (
• 2019 Scientific/artistic exhibition on Biodiversity and Climate Change with Jill Pelto ( Uppsala and Tromsø University, Plant
research exhibition, Scifest in Uppsala (Sweden).
• 2016-2018 Plant research exhibition, Linné Botanical Garden fest in Uppsala (Sweden) .
Social media activities and responsibilities
2009-2019 Responsible for creating and maintaining academic Twitter accounts for Uppsala University departmental/program (@PlantEcoEvo_UU) and
the Swedish Plant Geographical Society (@SVS_PlantGeogr)
2009-2019 Sharing responsibilities for maintaining and updating academic homepages for Uppsala University departmental/program homepage
( and the Swedish Plant Geographical Society homepage (
2020- Coordinator of the working group for the Internationalization of the Faculty SMFN website at Sapienza University of Rome.
Maternity leaves
1996, 2001, 2006 (100% of working time for 9 months each year)
Complete list of publications - Peer-reviewed articles
More than 40 papers with 2236 Scholar citations, h-index: 23 (Scopus 1459, 19).
(*) Authors contributed equally to the work
Williams, J. W., Blois, J., Capo E., Goring, S., Heintzman, P. D., Monchamp, ME., Parducci, L, Spanbauer, T. L., Von Eggers, J. M., Alsos, I.G., Bowler, C., Coolen, M.J.L., Cullen, N., Crump, S., Epp, L.S. Fernandez-Guerra, A., Grimm, E., Herzschuh, U., Mereghetti, Alessandro, Meyer, R. S., Pérez, V., Shapiro, B., Stoof-Leichsenring, K. R., Wood, J. Strengthening global-change science by integrating aeDNA with paleoecoinformatics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.04.016
Johnson, M., Freeland, J., Parducci, L., Evans, D., Meyer, R., Molano-Flores, B., Davis, M.D. Environmental DNA as an emerging tool in botanical research. American Journal of Botany 1:e16120. doi: 10.1002/ajb2.16120.
Nota, K., Klaminder, J., Milesi, P., Bindler, R., Nobile, A., van Steijn, T., Bertilsson, S., Svensson, B., Hirota, S.K., Matsuo, A., Gunnarsson, U., Seppä, H., Väliranta, M.M., Wohlfarth, B., Suyama, Y., Parducci, L. Norway spruce postglacial recolonization of Fennoscandia. Nature Communications 3, 1333.
Bell, K.L., Lowe, A., Nota, K., Keller, A., Turo, K., Encinas-Viso, F., Parducci, L., Richardson, R., Leggett, R., Brosi, B.J., Burgess, K.S., Suyama, Y., de Vere, N. Plants, pollinators, and their interactions under global ecological change: The role of pollen DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology
Michel, A., Minocher, R., Niehoff, P., Li, Y., Nota, K., Gadhvi, M. A., Su, J., Iyer, N., Porter, A., Ngobobo-As-Ibungu, U., Binyinyi, E., Pekeyake, R. N., Parducci, L., Caillaud, D., & Guschanski, K. Isolated Grauer’s gorilla populations differ in diet and gut microbiome. Molecular Ecology
Monchamp, M.E., Armbrecht, L., Capo, E., Coolen, M.J.L., Cordier, T., Domaizon, I., Epp, L.S., Giguet-Covex, C., Gregory-Eaves, I., Herzschuh, U., Parducci, L., Stoof-Leichsenring, K.R., Williams, J.W. (2021) PaleoEcoGen: Unlocking the power of ancient environmental DNA to understand past ecological trends. Past Global Changes Magazine, Past Global Changes PAGES, 29 (2), 102.
Capo E, Giguet-Covex C, Rouillard A, Nota K, Heintzman PD, Vuillemin A, Ariztegui D, Arnaud F, Belle S, Bertilsson S, Bigler C, Bindler R. Brown AG, Clarke CL, Crump SE, Debroas D, Englund G, Ficetola GF, Garner RE, Gauthier J, Gregory-Eaves I, Heinecke L, Herzschuh U, Ibrahim A, Kisand V, Kjær KH, Lammers Y, Littlefair J, Messager E, Monchamp ME, Olajos F, Orsi W, Pedersen MW, Rijal DP, Rydberg J, Spanbauer T, Stoof-Leichsenring K, Taberlet P, Talas L, Thomas C, Walsh D, Wang Y, Willerslev E, van Woerkom A, Zimmermann H, Coolen MJL, Epp LS, Domaizon I, Alsos IA, Parducci L. (2021) Lake sedimentary DNA research on past aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity: Overview and recommendations. Quaternary 4(1), 6.
Parducci L. (2020) Ancient DNA from lakes: insights into plant response to past climate changes. Past Global Changes Magazine, Past Global Changes (PAGES), 28(1), pp.14-15.
Parducci L. (2020) [Review of the book Environmental DNA: For Biodiversity Research and Monitoring, by P. Taberlet, A. Bonin, L Zinger and E. Coissac] The Holocene, 30 (1), pp. 197–198.
Parducci L. (2019) Quaternary DNA: an interdisciplinary research field. Quaternary Milankovitch Reviews, 2 (4), 37.
Mahmoudi Shamsabad M, Assadi M, Parducci L. Phylogeography and population genetics of Acanthophyllum squarrosum complex (Caryophyllaceae) in the Irano-Turanian region. Systematics and Biodiversity 17(4), pp. 412-421.
Parducci L, Alsos Greve I, Unneberg P, Pedersen Winther M, Han L, Lammers Y, Salonen S, Väliranta M, Slotte T, Wohlfarth B. (2019) Shotgun ancient DNA, pollen and macrofossils analysis of Lateglacial lake sediment from southern Sweden. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 189.
Mahmoudi Shamsabad M, Assadi M, Parducci L. (2018) Impact of climate change implies the northward shift in distribution of the Irano-Turanian subalpine species complex Acanthophyllum squarrosum. Journal of Asian-Pacific Biodiversity 11, pp. 566-572.
Ahmed E*, Parducci L*, Unneberg P, Ågren R, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah KA, Muschitiello F, Pedersen MW, Smittenberg RH, Slotte T, Wohlfarth B. (2018) Archaea community changes in Lateglacial lake sediments: evidence from ancient DNA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181, pp. 19-29.
Lendvay B, Hartmann M, Brodbeck S, Nievergelt D, Reinig F, Zoller S. Parducci L, Gugerli F, Büntgen U, Sperisen C. (2017) Improved recovery of ancient DNA from subfossil wood – application to the world’s oldest Late Glacial pine forest. New Phytologist, 217(4), pp. 1737-1748.
Parducci L, Bennett KD (2017) The real significance of ancient DNA. American Journal of Botany, 104 (6), pp. 800-802.
Parducci L, Bennett KD, Wood JR, Suyama Y, Alsos Greve I, Ficetola GF, Winther Pedersen M (2017) Ancient plant DNA from lake sediments. New Phytologist, Tansley Review, 214(3).
Ribeiro MM, Piotti A, Ricardo A, Gaspar D, Costa R, Parducci L, Vendramin GG (2017) Influence of Wildfire and Gene Flow on Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae) Genetic Diversity. PlosOne, 12:e0175239.
Tsuda Y, Chen J, Stocks M, Källman M, Sønstebø JH, Parducci L, Semerikov V, Sperisen C, Politov D, Ronkainen T, Väliranta M, Vendramin GG, Tollefsrud MM, Lascoux M (2016) The extent and meaning of hybridization and introgression between Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) and Norway spruce (P. abies): cryptic refugia as stepping-stones to the west? Molecular Ecology, 25(12), pp. 2773–2789. doi: 10.1111/mec.13654
Parducci L & Tollefsrud, MM. (2016) Gran och tall kan ha överlevt i Skandinavien under istiden. [Glacial survival of pine and spruce in northern Scandinavia.] Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 110(6), pp. 381-387
Georgolopoulos G, Parducci L, Drouzas AD. (2016) A short phylogenetically informative cpDNA fragment for the identification of Pinus species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 66, pp. 166-172.
Parducci L, Väliranta M, Salonen J S, Ronkainen T, Matetovici S, Fontana S L, Eskola T, Sarala P, Suyama Y (2015) Proxy comparison in ancient peat sediments: pollen, macrofossil and plant DNA. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 370(1660). doi 10.1098/rstb.2013.0382
Bella E, Liepelt S, Parducci L, Drouzas AD (2014) Genetic insights into the hybrid origin of Abies x borisii-regis Mattf. Plant Systematic and Evolution. doi: 10.1007/s00606-014-1113-x
Källman T, De Mita S, Larsson H, Gyllenstrand N, Heuertz M, Parducci L, Suyama Y, Lagercrantz U, Lascoux M (2014) Patterns of nucleotide diversity at photoperiod related genes in Norway Spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] PlosOne, 9(5): e95306.
Parducci L, Matetovici I, Fontana SL, Bennett KD, Suyama Y, Haile J, Kjær KH, Krog Larsen N, Drouzas AD, Willerslev E (2013) Molecular and pollen-based vegetation analysis in lake sediments from central Scandinavia. Molecular Ecology, 22, pp. 3511-3524. doi: 10.1111/mec.12298
Parducci* L, Jørgensen* T, Tollefsrud* MM, Elverland* E, Alm A, Fontana SL, Bennett KD, Haile J, Matetovici I, Suyama Y, Edwards ME, Andersen K, Rasmussen M, Boessenkool S, Coissac E, Brochmann C, Taberlet P, Houmark-Nielsen M, Krog Larsen N, Orlando L, Gilbert MTP, Kjær KH, Greve Alsos I, Willerslev E (2012) Glacial Survival of Boreal Trees in Northern Scandinavia. Science, 335, pp. 1083-1086. doi: 10.1126/science.1216043
Parducci L, Edwards ME, Bennett KD, Alm T, Elverland E, Tollefsrud MM, Jørgensen T, Houmark-Nielsen M, Krog Larsen N, Kjær KH, Fontana SL, Greve Alsos I, Willerslev E (2012) Response to Comment on "Glacial Survival of Boreal Trees in Northern Scandinavia”. Science, 338, pp. 742-743. doi: 10.1126/science.1225476
Before 2011
Magyari EK, Major A, Bálint M, Nédli J, Braun M, Rácz I, Parducci L. (2011) Population dynamics and genetic changes of Picea abies in the South Carpathians inferred from pollen and ancient DNA analyses. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11, 66.
Mac Donald GM, Bennett KD, Jackson ST, Parducci L, Smith FA, Smol JP, Willis KJ (2008) Impacts of climate change on species, populations and communities: palaeobiogeographical insights and frontiers. Progress in Physical Geography, 32 (2), pp. 139-172.
Suyama Y, Gunnarsson U, Parducci L (2008) Analysis of short DNA fragments from Holocene peat moss samples. The Holocene, 18 (6), pp. 1003-1006.
Bennett KD, Parducci L (2006) DNA from pollen: principles and potential. The Holocene, 16, 1031-1034.
Parducci L, Suyama Y, Lascoux M, Bennett KD (2005) Ancient DNA from pollen: a genetic record of plant population history. Molecular Ecology, 14, pp. 2873-2882.
Parducci L, Bennett KD (2005) Ancient DNA research. Bioscience-explained 2, (2).
Gugerli F, Parducci L, Petit RJ (2005) Ancient plant DNA – review and prospects. Review article. New Phytologist, 166, pp. 409–418.
Parducci L, Petit RJ (2004) Ancient DNA – unlocking plants’ fossil secrets. New Phytologist, 161, pp. 335-339.
Parducci L, Szmidt AE, Ribeiro MM, Drouzas AD (2001) Taxonomic position and origin of the endemic Sicilian fir Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei based on allozyme analysis. Forest Genetics, 8 (2), pp. 119-127.
Parani M, Rajesh K, Lakshmi M., Parducci L, Szmidt AE, Parida A (2001) Species identification in seven small millet species using PCR-RFLP of trnS-psbC gene region. Genome, 44, pp. 495-499.
Parducci L, Szmidt A, Madaghiele A, Anzidei M, Vendramin GG (2001) Genetic variation at chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSR) in Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei and three neighboring Abies species. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102 (5), pp. 733-740.
Parducci L, Szmidt AE (1999) PCR-RFLP analysis of cpDNA in the genus Abies. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 98 (5), pp. 802-808
Parducci L, Szmidt AE, Villani F, Wang XR, Cherubini M (1996) Genetic variation of Abies alba in Italy. Hereditas, 125 (1), pp. 1-18.
Giannini R, Parducci L, Rossi P, Villani F. (1994) Genetic structure and mating system of Silver fir in the Campolino reserve (North Apennines). Journal of Genetics and Breeding, pp. 335-338.
Book chapters
Garcés-Pastor S, Nota K, Rijal D, Liu S, Jia W, Leunda M, Schwörer C, Crump S, Parducci L, Alsos IG. Terrestrial vegetation DNA from lake sediments. Series: Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments: Volume 6 – Sedimentary DNA” 6th Volume of the Springer DPER book series. Editors: Eric Capo, Cecilia Barouillet, and John Smol
Parducci L, Nota K, Wood J (2018) Reconstructing past vegetation communities using ancient DNA from lake sediments. In: Lindqvist C., Rajora O. (eds) Paleogenomics. Population Genomics. Springer, Cham.
Parducci L, Bennett KD (2012) Ancient DNA studies in plant populations. In: Molecular Markers, PCR, Bioinformatics and Ancient DNA Technology, Troubleshooting and Applications. New York: Gabriel Dorado (eds), ISBN: 978-84-691-5272-0.
Parducci L, Suyama Y (2010). Single-pollen genotyping of Holocene Lake sediments. In: Single pollen genotyping. Yokyo: Isagi Y, Suyama Y (eds).
PhD thesis
Parducci L (2000) Genetics and Evolution of the Mediterranean Abies species. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå, Sweden. ISBN: 978-4-431-53901-8.
Submitted manuscripts or in preparation
Cécilia Barouillet, Abraham Dabengwa, Reneé Dommain, Rachel Meyer, Allassane Ouattara, Christine Omuombo, Diane Umutoni, Lailah Gifty Akita, Marco Coolen, Katharina Dulias, Laura S Epp, Mekbib Fekadu Gelaw, Cheikh AK Fofana, Marc Humphries, Anan Ibrahim, Viv Jones, Brishan Kalyan, Beth Kaplin, Sevgi Kaynar, Zulaykha Khurshid, Johanna Krueger, Brenda Larison, Jean Michel Leong Pock Tsy, Kuldeep More, Betty Murithi, Moritz Muschick, John Bosco Nkurunungi, Kevin Nota, Antoine Nsabimana, Samuel O. Ochola, Cavince Odhiambo, Lydia Olaka, Laura Parducci, Onja Razanamaro, Beth Shapiro, Gavin Snow, El Hadji Sow, Trisha Spanbauer, Ralph Tiedemann, Michael Toffolo, Lilian Unger, Eric Capo. African sedaDNA working group: a platform to optimize collaboration, capacity building, and 1 access to funding opportunities for African researchers. Submitted to African Journal of Earth Sciences.
Nota, K., Orlando, L., Marchesini, A., Girardi, M., Vernesi, C., and Parducci, L. (2021) Shotgun barcode baiting: capturing barcoding genes from environmental samples for species identification.