PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: kodjoisaac.atchikiti@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Michele Raitano

In 2015, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations from Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis focusing on macroprudential policy and financial stability in the Eurozone. In 2018, I obtained a Master’s degree in Economics from the same university, expanding my research on the applicability of the Nordic welfare state model to the development of welfare systems in selected Sub-Saharan African countries. As part of this research, I spent three months as a Visiting Research Student at the University of Antwerp.

Driven by my commitment to climate change mitigation and sustainable development, I pursued further specialization at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, becoming a Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance in 2021. In 2024 (May–November), I attended a training program on Development and Sustainability at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability in Bonn.

With six years of professional experience managing development projects in Africa, I am currently a PhD candidate in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies (S.E.S.S.) at the Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome.

My research interests lie in the fields of development economics and political economy.

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