PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: jacopo.dalleva@uniroma1.it
building: Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, quarto piano.

supervisor: Giulio Vaccaro
advisor: Nadia Cannata

Research: Antonio di Buccio's Chronicles: history and linguistic analysis.

Jacopo D'Alleva is Phd candidate in "Scienze del testo dal medioevo alla modernità: filologie, paleografia e studi romanzi" (40th cycle) at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome. His research focuses on the study and on the linguistic analysis of Antonio di Buccio's production. He obtained cum laude, at the University of Studies "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, the Bachelor's and the Master's Degrees, in both cases with a thesis in History of Italian language. He won the second edition (2023/2024) of the "Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli" prize for the best Bachelor's Degree thesis on dialectological studies. He is a member of the CorTIM project (Corps testuale dell'Italia mediana, supervised by Silvia Capotosto, Emiliano Picchiorri and Giulio Vaccaro), and he deals with texts in ancient vernacular from L'Aquila.

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