11573/1696901 - 2024 -
Pseudo Drag-Free System Simulation for Bepicolombo Radio Science Using Accelerometer Data De Filippis, Umberto; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; Lefevre, Carlo; Lucente, Marco; Magnafico, Carmelo; Zurria, Ariele; Iess, Luciano; Santoli, Francesco - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500:Reston, VA 20191:(800)639-2422, (703)264-7500, EMAIL: custserv@aiaa.org, INTERNET: http://www.aiaa.org/, Fax: (703)264-7657) pp. - - issn: 0731-5090 - wos: WOS:001152308800001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85189306890 (3)
11573/1724751 - 2024 -
State-of-the-art radio tracking data performance of BepiColombo MORE during cruise Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; Doria, Irene; Iess, Luciano - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna; Austria)
libro: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts - ()
11573/1709348 - 2024 -
Radio Science Experiments during a Cruise Phase to Uranus Di Stefano, Ivan; Durante, Daniele; Cappuccio, Paolo; Racioppa, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: AEROSPACE (Basel : MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2226-4310 - wos: WOS:001210292300001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85191331577 (0)
11573/1717260 - 2024 -
Testing general relativity with Juno at Jupiter Durante, Daniele; Cappuccio, P.; Di Stefano, I.; Zannoni, M.; Gomez Casajus, L.; Lari, G.; Falletta, M.; Buccino, D. R.; Iess, L.; Park, R. S.; Bolton, S. J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Bristol: IOP Publishing
Chicago: Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society) pp. - - issn: 0004-637X - wos: WOS:001290616200001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85201269570 (2)
11573/1722533 - 2024 -
Perturbative Analysis of the MORE Geodesy Experiment During BepiColombo’s Orbital Phase Zurria, Ariele; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; De Filippis, Umberto; Iess, Luciano - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XIX Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie (Bormio)
libro: XIX Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie - ()
11573/1722530 - 2024 -
Expected performance of the MORE geodesy experiment during the orbital phase of BepiColombo Zurria, Ariele; Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; De Filippis, Umberto; Iess, Luciano - 04f Poster
congresso: European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2024 (Vienna)
libro: EGU - ()
11573/1696897 - 2023 -
Simulation of a pseudo drag-free system for the BepiColombo radio science experiment using ISA accelerometer data De Filippis, Umberto; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; Lefevre, Carlo; Lucente, Marco; Magnafico, Carmelo; Zurria, Ariele; Iess, Luciano; Santoli, Francesco - 04f Poster
congresso: Division for Planetary Sciences-Europlanet Science Congress (San Antonio)
libro: DPS-EPSC - ()
11573/1684312 - 2023 -
Precise modeling of non-gravitational accelerations of the spacecraft BepiColombo during cruise phase Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; Iess, Luciano - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500:Reston, VA 20191:(800)639-2422, (703)264-7500, EMAIL: custserv@aiaa.org, INTERNET: http://www.aiaa.org/, Fax: (703)264-7657) pp. 1625-1638 - issn: 0022-4650 - wos: WOS:000994879500001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85175851648 (2)
11573/1664612 - 2023 -
Regional variations of Mercury's crustal density and porosity from MESSENGER gravity data Genova, A.; Goossens, S.; Del Vecchio, E.; Petricca, F.; Beuthe, M.; Wieczorek, M.; Chiarolanza, G.; Di Achille, G.; Mitri, G.; Di Stefano, I.; Charlier, B.; Mazarico, E.; James, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ICARUS (NY: Elsevier
Orlando, FL: Academic Press Incorporated) pp. - - issn: 0019-1035 - wos: WOS:000895847700004 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85141747279 (9)
11573/1697327 - 2023 -
Orbit Determination and Time Transfer for a Lunar Radio Navigation System Sesta, Andrea; Di Benedetto, Mauro; Durante, Daniele; Iess, Luciano; Plumaris, Michael; Racioppa, Paolo; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; Pastina, Debora; Boscagli, Giovanni; Molli, Serena; De Marchi, Fabrizio; Cascioli, Gael; Sosnica, Krzysztof; Fienga, Agnes; Linty, Nicola; Belfi, Jacopo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria)
libro: EGU General Assembly 2023 - ()
11573/1696926 - 2023 -
Perturbative Analysis of the MORE Experiment During BepiColombo's Orbital Phase Zurria, Ariele; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; De Filippis, Umberto; Iess, Luciano - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) (San Antonio)
libro: DPS-EPSC - ()
11573/1664478 - 2022 -
A test of general relativity with ESA's JUICE mission Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Benedetto, Mauro; Iess, Luciano - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 854-862 - issn: 0273-1177 - wos: WOS:000833000100010 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85130480114 (7)
11573/1525878 - 2021 -
Safe navigation and visual odometry-based localization for planetary exploration rovers Andolfo, Simone; Gargiulo, Anna Maria; Petricca, Flavio; Di Stefano, Ivan; Genova, Antonio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: EGU General Assembly 2021 (online)
libro: EGU21-15702 - ()
11573/1683369 - 2021 -
Safe navigation and visual odometry-based localization for planetary exploration rovers Andolfo, Simone; Gargiulo, Anna Maria; Petricca, Flavio; Di Stefano, Ivan; Genova, Antonio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria)
libro: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts - ()
11573/1572296 - 2021 -
Comparison of light-time formulations in the post-Newtonian framework for the BepiColombo MORE experiment Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; Cascioli, Gael; Iess, Luciano - 01a Articolo in rivista
-London : Institute of Physics, 1984-) pp. - - issn: 0264-9381 - wos: WOS:000708650700001 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85118233907 (12)
11573/1622431 - 2021 -
Inflight performance of the state-of-the-art BepiColombo MORE radio-tracking system Cappuccio, Paolo; Iess, Luciano; Durante, Daniele; Di Stefano, Ivan; Racioppa, Paolo; Asmar, Sami - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: EGU General Assembly 2021 (online)
libro: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts - ()
11573/1491377 - 2021 -
Observability of Ganymede's gravity anomalies related to surface features by the 3GM experiment onboard ESA's JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission De Marchi, F.; Di Achille, G.; Mitri, G.; Cappuccio, P.; Di Stefano, I.; Di Benedetto, M.; Iess, L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ICARUS (NY: Elsevier
Orlando, FL: Academic Press Incorporated) pp. - - issn: 0019-1035 - wos: WOS:000590750400006 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85089683109 (15)
11573/1491395 - 2021 -
The BepiColombo solar conjunction experiments revisited Di Stefano, I.; Cappuccio, P.; Iess, L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
-London : Institute of Physics, 1984-) pp. - - issn: 0264-9381 - wos: WOS:000603957900001 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85099260866 (19)
11573/1622869 - 2021 -
Model-based slippage estimation to enhance planetary rover localization with wheel odometry Gargiulo, A. M.; Di Stefano, I.; Genova, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: APPLIED SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI AG, 2011-) pp. 1-17 - issn: 2076-3417 - wos: WOS:000666172000001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85108597904 (10)
11573/1633355 - 2021 -
Numerical simulations for planetary rovers safe navigation and LIDAR based localization Gargiulo, A. M.; Di Stefano, I.; Genova, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 8th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2021 (Naples; Italy)
libro: 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2021 - Proceedings - (978-1-7281-7556-0)
11573/1525876 - 2021 -
Geodesy, geophysics and fundamental physics investigations of the BepiColombo mission Genova, A.; Hussmann, H.; Van Hoolst, T.; Heyner, D.; Iess, L.; Santoli, F.; Thomas, N.; Cappuccio, P.; Di Stefano, I.; Kolhey, P.; Langlais, B.; Mieth, J. Z. D.; Oliveira, J. S.; Stark, A.; Steinbrugge, G.; Tosi, N.; Wicht, J.; Benkhoff, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS (Kluwer Academic Publishers:Journals Department, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht Netherlands:011 31 78 6576050, EMAIL: frontoffice@wkap.nl, kluweronline@wkap.nl, INTERNET: http://www.kluwerlaw.com, Fax: 011 31 78 6576254) pp. 1-62 - issn: 0038-6308 - wos: WOS:000622329300001 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85101735470 (34)
11573/1492560 - 2021 -
Gravity, geodesy and fundamental physics with BepiColombo’s MORE investigation Iess, L.; Asmar, S. W.; Cappuccio, P.; Cascioli, G.; De Marchi, F.; Di Stefano, I.; Genova, A.; Ashby, N.; Barriot, J. P.; Bender, P.; Benedetto, C.; Border, J. S.; Budnik, F.; Ciarcia, S.; Damour, T.; Dehant, V.; Di Achille, G.; Di Ruscio, A.; Fienga, A.; Formaro, R.; Klioner, S.; Konopliv, A.; Lemaître, A.; Longo, F.; Mercolino, M.; Mitri, G.; Notaro, V.; Olivieri, A.; Paik, M.; Palli, A.; Schettino, G.; Serra, D.; Simone, L.; Tommei, G.; Tortora, P.; Van Hoolst, T.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Watkins, M.; Wu, X.; Zannoni, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS (Kluwer Academic Publishers:Journals Department, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht Netherlands:011 31 78 6576050, EMAIL: frontoffice@wkap.nl, kluweronline@wkap.nl, INTERNET: http://www.kluwerlaw.com, Fax: 011 31 78 6576254) pp. 1-39 - issn: 0038-6308 - wos: WOS:000617429800002 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85100672209 (41)
11573/1429052 - 2020 -
Report on first inflight data of bepicolombo’s mercury orbiter radio-science experiment Cappuccio, Paolo; Notaro, Virginia; Di Ruscio, Andrea; Iess, Luciano; Genova, Antonio; Durante, Daniele; Di Stefano, Ivan; Asmar, Sami W.; Ciarcia, Sabatino; Simone, Lorenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated:445 Hoes Lane:Piscataway, NJ 08854:(800)701-4333, (732)981-0060, EMAIL: subscription-service@ieee.org, INTERNET: http://www.ieee.org, Fax: (732)981-9667) pp. 4984-4988 - issn: 0018-9251 - wos: WOS:000597751100059 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85089691618 (43)
11573/1429743 - 2020 -
Observability of Ganymede’s gravity anomalies related to surface features by the 3GM experiment onboard European Space Agency (ESA) JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission De Marchi, Fabrizio; Di Achille, Gaetano; Mitri, Giuseppe; Cappuccio, Paolo; Di Stefano, Ivan; Iess, Luciano - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XVI congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie (Padova)
libro: Libro degli abstract. XVI congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie - ()
11573/1429078 - 2020 -
Mercury’s gravity field and geology after MESSENGER: the Mercury Orbiter Radio-Science Experiment (MORE) perspective Di Achille, Gaetano; De Marchi, Fabrizio; Di Stefano, Ivan; Genova, Antonio; Iess, Luciano - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XVI congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie (Padova)
libro: Libro degli abstract. XVI congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie - ()
11573/1497361 - 2020 -
The Superior Conjunction Experiment of BepiColombo Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; Iess, Luciano - 04f Poster
congresso: AGU 2020 Fall Meeting (Online)
libro: AGU 2020 Fall Meeting - ()
11573/1574963 - 2020 -
Orbit determination and tests of general relativity in the cruise phase of bepicolombo Iess, L.; Di Stefano, I.; Cappuccio, P.; Cascioli, G. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2019 (usa)
libro: Advances in the Astronautical Sciences - (9780877036654)
11573/1324434 - 2019 -
Investigation of superficial features of the Galilean moons by 3GM experiment aboard ESA JUICE mission De Marchi, Fabrizio; Di Achille, Gaetano; Di Benedetto, Mauro; Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XV Congresso di Scienze Planetarie (Firenze, Italia)
libro: XV congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie - abstract book - (9780000000001)
11573/1366559 - 2019 -
Environmental disturbances on missions for precise tests of relativistic gravity and solar system dynamics: the bepicolombo case Di Stefano, I.; Cascioli, G.; Iess, L.; Cappuccio, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 70th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2019 (Washington; United States)
libro: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC - ()
11573/1292154 - 2019 -
Determination of the Mercury’s Moho depth with ESA BepiColombo MORE Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; De Marchi, Fabrizio; Gaetano Di Achille, - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XV Congresso di Scienze Planetarie (Firenze, Italia)
libro: XV congresso nazionale di scienze planetarie - abstract book - ()
11573/1323914 - 2019 -
Analysis on the solar irradiance fluctuations effect on the BepiColombo superior conjunction experiment Di Stefano, Ivan; Cappuccio, Paolo; Iess, Luciano - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2019 IEEE international workshop on metrology for aerospace (Turin (Italy))
libro: 2019 IEEE International workshop on metrology for aerospace, metroaerospace 2019 - Proceedings - (978-1-7281-1344-9)
11573/1283553 - 2018 -
A preliminary design of a mission to Triton: a concurrent engineering approach Pollice, L.; Cascioli, G.; Federici, L.; Iannelli, P.; Di Stefano, Ivan; Ciallella, M.; Casini, S.; De Gasperis, S.; Corallo, F.; Rasoni, C. A.; Filice, V.; Eugeni, M.; Palermo, G.; Gaudenzi, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 69th International Astronautical Congress: #InvolvingEveryone, IAC 2018 (Bremen; Germany)
libro: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC - ()
11573/1090956 - 2017 -
Preliminary design of a mission to triton based on a concurrent engineering approach Cascioli, Gael; Federici, L.; Iannelli, P.; Di Stefano, I.; Ciallella, Mirco; Casini, Stefano; De Gasperis, Simone; Corallo, F.; Rasoni, C. A.; Filice, V.; Palermo, G.; Pollice, L.; Eugeni, M.; Gaudenzi, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
libro: Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics - ()