PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof.ssa Roberta Cerone


2019: Laurea Magistrale, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” History of Art, Medieval Art, Thesis: La basilica di San Sebastiano fuori le mura: la vicenda duecentesca
2011: Master of Arts, Korea National University of Arts, Seoul, the Republic of Korea History of Art, Modern Art, Thesis: Bernini’s Cornaro Chapel: a Study on the Illusionism of Roman Catholic Art in the 17th Century
2007: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Art, ChuGye University for the Arts, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
2021-2022: Lecturer, Seoul Open City University, Seoul, the Republic of Korea, Course: Western art history
2021: Guest speaker, Lecture series “Cities and Arts,” Gwacheon Foundation for Arts and Culture, Gwacheon, the Republic of Korea
2017: Guest speaker, Korea National Research Center for the Arts, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
2015: Lecturer, Dongduk Women’s University, Seoul, the Republic of Korea, Course: Western art history
2013-2015: Lecturer, Korea National University of Arts, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
Course: Western art history, Renaissance art
2011-2012: Educator, Aram Nuri Arts Center, Gyeonggi-do, the Republic of Korea

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