PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: hajarsinan.alnaqshbandi@uniroma1.it
building: Neuropsichiatria Infantile RM027
room: RM027

supervisor: Giuseppina Porciello

PhD in Psychology and Social Neuroscience: I aim to deepen my understanding of interoception in healthy and clinical populations using various psychophysiological measures and immersive virtual reality. To date, I have pursued this goal through my involvement in two major research grants. The first focuses on the “Neurovisceral mechanisms of blood pressure regulation: novel therapeutic targets for borderline hypertension.” The second explores the “Typical and atypical correlates of body-related disgust: From gut physiology to gaze behaviour.”

Research products

11573/1726009 - 2024 - Boosting cardiac interoceptive awareness in borderline hypertension: from virtual reality to mindfulness-base interventions
Al-Naqshbandi, H.; Salaris, A.; Grimaldi, R.; Provenzano, L.; Basile, B.; Ottaviani, C.; Porciello, G. - 04f Poster
conference: BRNet 2024 conference; The Sensing Body: Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Influences on Body. (Verona)
book: Boosting cardiac interoceptive awareness in borderline hypertension: from virtual reality to mindfulness-base interventions - ()

11573/1714859 - 2024 - Examining the role of interoceptive abilities in blood pressure-related hypoalgesia
Ottaviani, C.; Salaris, A.; Provenzano, L.; Al-Naqshbandi, H.; Yucel, S.; Basile, B.; Calcagnini, G.; Matti, E.; Porciello, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: APS Annual Meeting (Brighton, UK)
book: American Psychosomatic Society - ()

11573/1714856 - 2023 - The role of acute stress, blood pressure and interoception in pain perception in individuals with borderline hypertension
Salaris, Andrea; Carnevali, L.; Provenzano, L.; Pietrarota, C.; Al-Naqshbandi, H.; Grimaldi, R.; Yucel, S.; Basile, B.; Mattei, E.; Calcagnini, G.; Ottaviani, C.; Porciello, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Il Congresso Nazionale SIPF 2023 (Siena)
book: Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive - ()

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