Research: Determination of emerging chemical contaminants in aqueous matrices
- Title 1: Bachelor's Degree in Chemical and Materials Science and Technology (DM 270/04) Earned on 25/07/2020 with grade 106/110 at the University of L'Aquila, with the following Thesis project: Materials with antibacterial and antiviral properties; New approaches to deal with microbial dissemination
- Title 2: Master's Degree in Analytical Chemistry (LM-54) Earned on 17/10/2023 with grade 110L/110 at the University of Rome La Sapienza, with the following Thesis project: Development of multiresidual LC-MS/MS analytical protocol for the determination of perfluoralalkyl substances in seawater.
Internship activity performed at the National Center for Water Safety (CeNSiA) of ISS during the period from February to July 2023.
Enrolled in the doctoral program in Chemical Sciences (XXXIX Sapienza Cycle). Research activity concerning the determination of emerging chemical contaminants in aqueous matrices is being carried out at CeNSiA
Participation in the scientific seminar - SPP: The new sorbents for PFAS determination. 02/27/2023 online webinar.
Participation in the WATERS training course for Q-TOF instrumentation .
Participation in the Workshop " First application guidelines of Legislative Decree 18/2023" on October 13, 2023
organized by ISS (CeNSiA) and Ministry of Health.
Participation in the National Conference: Sea and Health of ISS in collaboration with Navy and National System for Environmental Protection. Del 15/06/2023.