Associate professor

phone: 0816909402
building: Palazzo Giusso
room: III.13

Giuseppe Porzio (1976) is Associate Professor of History of Modern Art (L-ART/02) at the University of Naples L’Orientale, where he coordinates the Master’s Degree Course in Humanistic Knowledge and Digital Technologies (LM-43); he is also a member of the scientific teaching council of the interuniversity Consortium ICoN - Italian Culture on the Net.
In 2011 he was Chercheur invité at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) within the program “Répertoire des tableaux italiens dans les collections publiques françaises (RETIF)”.
He currently serves as a member of the scientific committee of various cultural institutions in Southern Italy, such as the Royal Palace of Naples and, in the same city, the Pio Monte della Misericordia. He is a member of the editorial board of the art history series Custodi della Memoria of the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Naples L’Orientale, and also of the editorial board of the Annali of the Foundation “Giuseppe e Margaret De Vito per la storia dell’arte moderna a Napoli”. His scientific interests are focused on the painting between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries in Central-Southern Italy, with particular regard to naturalistic currents and foreign presences. Among his main works are the monographs La scuola di Ribera (Naples 2014) and Carlo Sellitto (Naples 2019), as well as the edition of Fritz Saxl’s writings on Aniello Falcone (Naples 2021). As part of his research activities, he also curated various exhibitions, including Intorno alla Santa Caterina di Giovanni Ricca. Ribera e la sua cerchia a Napoli, 1620-1650 circa (Naples, Gallerie d’Italia, Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, 2016) and Artemisia Gentileschi a Napoli (with Antonio Ernesto Denunzio; Naples, Gallerie d’Italia, 2022-2023).

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