PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Lucio Tufano
co-supervisor (2): Franco Piperno

Research: Forerunner of Femme fatale. The figure of Armida in 18th century Italian melodrama.

The project, starting from a preliminary and overview analysis of the literary sources that were at the origin of the musical world's interest in the figure of Armida, aims to investigate the transformations and evolutions of the Italian libretto repertoire borrowed from the original Tasso poem. The aim will be to trace its stylistic evolutions in consideration of both the different social and political needs and interferences and the modern perspective of genre studies. A fundamental part of the project will be the study of the main Italian opera librettos, contexts and the most significant scores centered on the figure of Armida, which will allow, through analysis, to identify and emphasize features referring to the theme of "magic" and "marvelous" in an opera with a non-mythological subject and closely linked to Christianity.

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