Research: The instrument of collaboration to protect the environmental interest
In 2015 he graduated with honors in Law from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", discussing a thesis on administrative law entitled "Local public services between the principle of subsidiarity and competition" and obtaining the certificate of Excellent Graduate for the a.a. 2014/2015 from the Roma Sapienza Foundation.
In 2016 he undertook the Internship ex art. 73 of D.L. 69/2013 at the Ordinary Court of Rome, V Criminal Section, performing in the same period the forensic practice.
In 2018 he obtained the qualification of Lawyer, specializing in administrative law, procurement, urban planning, construction and public and private contracts.
In 2022 he obtained with honors the second level Interuniversity Master in Administrative Law - MIDA, at the LUISS Libera Università degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, discussing a thesis entitled "The principles of cooperation and good faith after the changes introduced by art. 1, paragraph 2-bis, Law No. 241/1990: jurisprudential applications.
Since November 2022 he is PhD student in Public, Comparative and International Law, with curriculum in Administrative Law of the Environment and Public Health, SSD IUS/10 Administrative Law, at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
On 26 May 2023, he participated, as a speaker, in the conference held in Rome, at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza', on the subject of 'Soil consumption and urban regeneration. The preservation of an environmental matrix through a sustainable development tool', at which the related volume by G. A. Primerano was presented, giving an overall reading of the book, and focusing on the tools of micro-urban regeneration and shared administration.