Associate professor

phone: +39 393 3103100

Architect, he lives and works between Italy and Austria. PhD (1992) in Architectural Composition from the University "La Sapienza" in Rome and from the Technical University of Vienna (1996). He has taught at the University of Ferrara and the Technical University of Graz.
His main research interest is focalised on the theory of architectural and urban design, and particularly on the transformation and reuse of buildings in historic context. At the Department of Architecture of Ferrara he founded the ARCDES research unit consisting of researchers and experts whose activities range from strategies for urban and environmental regeneration to projects for social and public buildings.
Books and Monographs: “Canova Museum Possagno” (2017), “Quote e orizzonti. Carlo Scarpa e i paesaggi veneti” (2015); “architettura è” (2011); “Collimazioni/Collimations” (2011); “Paolo Soleri e Vietri” (2000); “Chiesa evangelica a Klosterneuburg” (1998); “Guide per progettare. Le Chiese” (1997); “Policromia architettonica. Regola e Illusione” (1995); “Ignazio Gardella e Ischia” (1991).

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