Full professor


I am professor of Engineering Geology (SSD GEO/05) at the Dep. of Earth Sciences - Sapienza University, and I am Head of CERI Research Centere CERI on Prevention and Control of Geological Risks (Sapienza University).
- 1985: Graduated cum laude in Geological Sciences at University of Rome "La Sapienza".
- 1987: Two fellowships granted by CNR, “Comitato per le Scienze Geologiche”.
- 1990: Ph.D. in Earth Sciences - Engineering Geology, at University of Rome "La Sapienza".
- 1993: Fellowship granted by DAAD (Programma Villa Vigoni) for a research visit at the Institute for Rock Mechanics - Technical University of Aachen (Germany).
- 1994: Fellowship granted by Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences” as a visiting researcher (visit 1 year long) at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute - University of
Kyoto (Japan).
Research Topics
My research activity has been focused on engineering geology addressed at geohazard assessment, risk mitigation, interaction between geology and constructions, hydrogeology.
Specific research topics are:
1. Landslide hazard and risk assessment and monitoring;
2. Soil and rock characterization;
3. Seismic hazard assessment and microzonation investigations;
4. Soil/rock-structure interactions;
5. Groundwater management.
Within such topics, I have been P.I. in national and international research projects, cooperating with national and foreign universities and research centers, as an expert in “geo-hazards” and “riskmanagement";.
- Co-director of a NATO ARW on “Massive Rock Slope Failure: New Models for Hazard Assessment”, Celano (Italy)
- Co-director of a NATO ARW on “Security of Natural and Artificial Rock Slide Dams”, Bishkek (Kyrghizstan)
- Responsible of R.U. - UE Leonardo Project – DEBRIS
- P.I. of R.U. - UE Project “SERIES – ENINALS” on “Modelling of Non-Linear Behaviour of Soil for Local Seismic Response Analysis”
- Project Leader of a Project granted by MIUR (PRIN) entitled “Induced seismic hazard: analysis, modelling and earthquake induced landslide scenarios“
- P.I. of R.U. - Seismological Projects DPCN -INGV (PS3 e PS6) concerning Local Seismic Response and Seismic Microzonation
- P.I. of bilateral agreement between Università “La Sapienza” and University of Waterloo (Canada) on Geohazards assessment
- P.I. of research contracts with Dipartimento degli Affari Regionali e le Autonomie della Presidenza del Consiglio Ministri
- P.I. of a research contract with Polo Museale del Lazio
- P.I. of a research contract with Parco Archeologico del Colosseo
- P.I. of a research contract with Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Centrale for mapping landslide areas hampering reconstruction activities in the epicentral zone of the 2016-2017 seismic sequence - Central Italy.
- Rilevamento e Cartografia Geologico-Tecnica
- Rischi Geologici
- Geohazards
- Geologia Applicata e Rischio idrogeologico

Institutional roles
- 2004-2010: Coordinator of the Master course in Engineering Geology, Land Use Planning and Risks at University “La Sapienza”.
- 2010–2016: Head of the Department of Earth Sciences (University “La Sapienza”).
- 2013–2017: Deputy President of the National Committee on Major Risks -Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile.
- 2013–April: Italian delegate in the Task 2 of the Global Science Forum-OECD (Quality of Science for Policy Reports and Consequences for the Role and Responsibility of Scientists);
partecipated in the report “Scientific Advice for Policy Making: the role and responsibility of expert bodies and individual scientists”.
- 2014-2020 Vicerector at University “La Sapienza”.
- 2015-2018: Chair of the Center for Seismic Microzonation which is ruled by the Department of Earth and Environment of CNR.
- Since October 2016 I am member of the Committee of Geotechnical Engineering for reviewing the Technical Bill for Buildings (NTC 2016) at the Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici, Ministry of Infrastructures and Trasportations.
- Since November 2017: President of the National Committee on Major Risks -Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento della Protezione Civile.
Editorial Activities
- Editor in chief della rivista Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment (, edita dal CERI - Sapienza [ISSN 2035-5688 (on-line) ISSN
1825-6635 (print)]
- Referee of the following Int. Journals : Landslides (Springer), Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment (Springer), Environmental Geology (Springer), Earth Surface Landform and Processes (Wiley & Sons), Engineering Geology (Elsevier), Engineering Failure Analysis (Elsevier), Geomorphology (Elsevier), Natural Hazards & Earth Science System (European Geosciences Union).

List of papers on Google Scholar
Citations: 1920; h-index 27 (Scopus, February 2023).

Research products

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma