PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Prof.ssa Angela Barbanente
co-supervisor: Prof. Alberto Budoni

Research: Towards a multispecies city: urban beekeeping as a practice of care and reconnection with the territory

Research: Multispecies cities, agency of non-human animals and the abiotic environment.

PhD in Architectural and Urban Engineering
Department of Civil, Building, Environmental Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome | 2023 - in progress |

Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture
Sapienza University of Rome | 2022 - in progress |

Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development
Sapienza University of Rome | 2021 |
Thesis: ‘Environmental fragmentation: the role of green and blue infrastructure and nature-based solutions. The case of the UPPER European project of the Municipality of Latina'.

Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Industrial Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome | 2018 |
Thesis: ‘Preliminary studies for the realisation of a naturalistic museum of the Lepini mountains in the baronial castle of Maenza’

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