Research: Hacktivism: identity and forms of digital activism. Political antagonism and cyber-conflict in contemporary society
Hacktivism: identity and forms of digital activism.
Political antagonism and cyber-conflict in contemporary society.
The aim of the present research is to define the social phenomenon of "hactivism" as a form of socio-political activism manifested through digital tools and, in particular, hacking techniques; the study explores the heterogeneity of this category, by describing its transversality to multiple socio-political contexts and the evolutionary profile that has made it a frequent component in the range of contemporary social protests. The discussion will follow different research lines including hacker ethics and cyberpunk culture; also the convergence between hacktivism and anti-globalist and anti-capitalist protest movements will be explored.
The main fields of investigation involve three forms of hacktivism reflecting different degrees of conflict with established authorities: civic hacktivism, antagonistic hacktivism, anarchist hacktivism. Attention will be paid to the last two forms, by taking empirical examples from the Anonymous and Anon Anarchist Action groups.
Moreover, the project looks into the relation between hacktivism and liberal western democracies. It will investigate the evolutionary perspectives and critical profiles that this conflictual practice could determine in contemporary society. To conclude, the relationship between hacktivism and the paradigm of "cyber-democracy" will also be analysed, by considering the natural polarity between control and freedom implied by cyber tools.
Keywords: hacktivism; antagonism; conflict; anarchy; cyber-democracy; digital rights