PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: 3347557482

Francesco Masiello was born in Taranto in 1994.

After graduating from high school, he studied abroad at the S.Pablo CEU University in Madrid and in 2020 graduated cum laude in Architecture at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a thesis in Architectural and Urban Design entitled "Chiudere il Cratere. Un progetto per le isole Cheradi a Taranto" (Closing the Crater. A project for the Cheradi islands in Taranto). His supervisor was Prof. Arch. Anna Giovannelli, with whom he has collaborated on teaching and research activities since the same year.

Since 2022 he has been a PhD student in Architecture, Theories and Design at DIAP - Sapienza, University of Rome.

Today he is qualified as an architect and collaborates with Roman architectural firms while continuing to pursue his personal work in architectural composition and interior architecture.

His profession activity is accompanied by research in the fields of architecture and anthropology. Since 2019 he has been co-founder, designer and editor of Storthø, a collective association based in Rome.

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