PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: CU002
room: II piano, stanza 12

supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Vittoria Ferroni

Research: Challenges for an Integrated Approach on Health, Environment and Climate Protection

Since November 2022 she has been a PhD candidate in Public, Comparative and International Law, Programme in Administrative Law of Environment and Public Health (SSD: IUS/10) at the Department of Political Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome (XXXVIII cycle). The topic of her research is focused on the “One Health” approach in its “Planetary Health” evolution within the international, EU and national law system.

During the academic year 2011/2012 she achieved the Master's Degree in Development and International Cooperation Sciences (LM-81) at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology, Communication of Sapienza University of Rome.

Since 2013 she has been an employee of the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale - ISPRA), where she performs support activities to the Council of the National System for Environmental Protection (Sistema Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente - SNPA).
She also obtained a Second Level Advanced Professional Course certificate in Environmental Law at the Department of Legal Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome.

From 2016 to 2018 she offered an External voluntary collaboration within the Joint Project between the Institute for International Legal Studies of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA) on: “Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in Italy and Hungary. Influence of International and EU Law on Domestic Actions”. She sat as a speaker in some international conferences on topics related to Human right, among these it is mentioned the International Conference on “Challenges for Democracy and Human Rights in a Time of Pandemic”, held at Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE) on 9th December 2021.

She collaborates with GIUSTAMM, a public law journal, contributing to the updating of the Environmental Law section, paying particular attention to the administrative regional law.

Research products

11573/1661255 - 2022 - Clima e dintorni. Giustizia ambientale e lotta al cambiamento climatico
Laporta, Stefano; Nucera, Gianfranco G.; Rak, Giulietta; Zappacosta, Francesca - 06a Curatela

11573/1666854 - 2021 - Il senso umano delle cose. Ripensare la società oltre la pandemia
Zappacosta, Francesca - 06a Curatela

11573/1666853 - 2019 - Detecting the occurrence of indigenous and non-indigenous megafauna through fishermen knowledge. A complementary tool to coastal and port surveys
Azzurro, E.; Bolognini, L.; Dragicevic, B.; Drakulovic, D.; Dulcic, J.; Fanelli, E.; Grati, F.; Kolitari, J.; Lipej, L.; Magaletti, E.; Markovic, O.; Matic-Skoko, S.; Mavric, B.; Milone, N.; Joksimovic, A.; Tomanic, J.; Scarpato, A.; Tutman, P.; Vrdoljak, D.; Zappacosta, F. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN (Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited London: Macmillan, 1970-) pp. 229-236 - issn: 0025-326X - wos: WOS:000491641200017 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85040468606 (40)

11573/1666852 - 2019 - Refugee integration policies. A comparison of the Hungarian and Italian case
Zappacosta, Francesca - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Human rights of asylum seekers in Italy and Hungary. Influence of international and EU law on domestic actions - (9788892119987)

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