Research: Investigating and excavating the neoliberal city. Media activism as a tool of resistance and planning in the ruins of capitalism
After graduating in Cultural Heritage Conservation from the University of Pisa and obtaining a Master's degree in Multimedia and Communication from the University of Florence, she worked as a copywriter in web agencies and as a journalist for public institutions and private companies. At the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence she worked as a journalist and social researcher.
She coordinates projects on media education and media literacy, as well as research on families in the digital age.
At the Lorenzo De Medici Institute for Studies Abroad, she has taught courses on Media Ethics in the Techno Age, The Evolving Role of the Media in Modern Society and War and the Media. Freelance journalist registered with the Tuscan Journalists' Association and editor-in-chief of the online magazine La Città invisibile. In 2017 she specialised in documentary filmmakink at the New York Film Academy in New York.