PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: flavio.valentino@uniroma1.it
building: Patologia Generale, Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale

supervisor: Prof. Aurelia Rughetti


1/11/2023- today
PhD student in Network Oncology and Precision Medicine
Laboratory of Immunology of Tumors and Cell Therapies (Prof. Marianna Nuti), Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza

Master's degree in Medical Biotechnology.
Laboratory of Immunology of Tumors and Cell Therapies (Prof. Marianna Nuti), Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza


Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnology (LM-9). University of Rome, La Sapienza
Experimental Thesis Title: ''Macrophage Galactose-type C lectin (MGL) and the carbohydrate ligand Tn as immunosuppression mediators in Glioblastoma patients''.

May 2023- June 2023
CIVIS programme in Technical Innovation: Application to Immuno- Oncology, Sapienza University Of Rome, Italy.
1-week internship at the Head of Antibody Therapeutics and Immunotargeting (ATI) Team of Patrick Chames, CRCM, University of Aix Marseille

Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (L-2). University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Thesis Title: ''Pymol as a CADD Platform''

High School Diploma
Isaac Newton Scientific High School ROME.


-Cell cultures (primary cultures and cell lines).
-Western Blotting.
-Isolation of PBMC from human blood of cancer patients by gradient centrifugation (Ficoll-Paque).
-Freezing and thawing.
-Immunophenotyping of myeloid suppressor cells (MDSC), T Reg, T exhausted, T cells by flow cytometry (Dx Flex, FACS Canto).
-Data analysis with FlowJo and Prism.
-Cell lysis and protein extraction.
-Processing of tumor tissue of Glioblastoma (GB).
-Microvescicles isolation.
-ELISA essay.
-MTT essay.
-Senescence assay with β-Galactosidase.

Research Project
Investigating the molecular patterns of immunosuppression and immune exhaustion in Glioblastoma.


-16/11/23 FlowJo Course: "Beyond conventional data analysis"

-13/12/23 "The MyD88-adaptor-like (MAL) functions in chronic inflammatory pathways" prof. Mirza Baig

-Soft skills 2023 edition

Research products

11573/1713915 - 2024 - Treg/CD137+ T cell balance as a novel biomarker of survival in advanced non-addicted NSCLC patients treated with immunotherapy as first-line
Tuosto, Lucrezia; Asquino, Angela; Gelibter, Alain; Strigari, Lidia; Zizzari, Ilaria; Scirocchi, Fabio; Pace, Angelica; Valentino, Flavio; Siringo, Marco; Tramontano, Elisa; Botticelli, Andrea; Santini, Daniele; Nuti, Marianna; Rughetti, Aurelia; Napoletano, Chiara - 04f Poster
conference: 6th Intl. Conf. Translational Immunology-SIICA (Monopoli)
book: 6th Intl. Conf. Translational Immunology- SIICA - ()

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