Full professor

email: flaminia.sacca@uniroma1.it
building: Psicologia, Via dei Marsi 78, Rm


-Full Professor of Political Sociology, SPS/11, at the Master’s Degree in Gender Studies, cultures and policies for media and communication, Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dei Processi di Socializzazione, Sapienza, Università di Roma (Since September 1st, 2022).

- Commissioner for The National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) in the 14 C/3 Sector, for the Political and Juridical Sociology Scientific Sectors (2021-2023)
- President of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee Sociotechnics - Sociological Practices RC26 (since July 2014).
- Board Member of the European Sociological Association, Research Network of Political Sociology (RN32).
- Board Member of the Political Section of the Italian Sociological Association
- Board Member of the Doctoral School in Political Studies, Political Science School, Sapienza University of Rome (since 2017).

- Editorial Activities:

• Direction of the book series Political Cultures and Democracy, Castelvecchi Editore.
• Scientific Board of the Review Sociologia. Rivista Quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali, Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Gangemi Editore, Roma
• Editorial Board of the Political Sociology book series of Franco Angeli.

- Italian mother tongue, English (Cambridge’s Proficiency and 60/60 from SPEAK Test), Spanish and French: elementary.

- O levels, Padworth College, Berkshire, UK, High School: Languages, Orsoline, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy, Master’s Degree in Sociology (Political Sociology ) Cum Laude (Sapienza University of Rome), Post lauream Perfectioning Course in Cultural Anthropology (Sapienza University of Rome), Ph.D in Political Sociology (Political Science School of Sapienza University of Rome), Visiting Fellow at the State University of New York, Post doc in Political Sociology (Political Science School of Sapienza University of Rome).


2023-2026 P.I. Osservatorio STEP (Observatory on the social representation of gender violence) of Sapienza and the Municipality of Rome

- 2024-2021 P.I. Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN 2020): Stereotypes and prejudices: the social representation of gender-based violence and contrast strategies ten years after the Istanbul Convention

-2024-2022 CERV – Daphne Associate Investigator of FuTuRE project, Fostering Tools of Resilience and Emersion of GBV (Gender Based Violence) with intersectional perspective (P.I.: Associazione Differenza Donna Onlus)

2023-2020 - Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN 2017): Associated Investigator, Tuscia University, The Transformations of Democracy: Actors, Strategies and Outcomes in Opposing Populism in Political, Juridical and Social Arenas, P.I.: Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento.

2021-2018 P.I. of project Stereotipo e pregiudizio: per un cambiamento culturale nella rappresentazione di genere in ambito giudiziario e nelle forze dell’ordine (Stereoptype and prejudice: for a cultural change in gender representation in the judiciary and law enforcement), call for funding proposals of the Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

2020- 2017 Associate Investigator for Tuscia University PRIN 2015 Personalizzazione, istituzionalizzazione e deistituzionalizzazione: le nuove dinamiche del potere nella società post-democratica (Personalisation, institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation: the new dynamics of power in a post-democratic society)

2018-2016 Director of research project Osservatorio Nuovi Italiani (Observatory of New Italians), a qualitative and quantitative investigation of the culture and identity of students in middle school not of Italian origin. In collaboration with INDIRE


- Flaminia Sacca' (2023). Le asimmetrie del potere: la prospettiva di genere nell'analisi socio-politica. Una breve introduzione. SOCIOLOGIA, vol. 3/2022

- Flaminia Sacca', Luca Massidda (2023). Stili, temi e narrazioni di una leadership al femminile: la campagna elettorale 2022 di Giorgia Meloni. SOCIOLOGIA, vol. 3/2022

- Saccà F., Belmonte R. (2022), Sopravvissute. La violenza narrata dalle donne, Castelvecchi Editore, Roma, 2022

- Saccà F., Belmonte R. (2022) Women first-person narrative as a tool for deconstructing stereotyped representations of gender-based violence. Science. Culture. Society. Vol. 28. No 1. P. 43–53.

- Saccà, F. (a cura di), Stereotipo e pregiudizio. La rappresentazione giuridica e mediatica della violenza di genere, Franco Angeli, 2021.

- Saccà, F., Massidda, L., Culture politiche e leadership nell’era digitale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2021.

- Saccà, F., Belmonte, R., Il populismo e la rappresentazione della violenza di genere. Il caso dei quotidiani “Libero” e “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, in Meo, M., Cammarota, A., Populismo e questioni di genere, Franco Angeli, 2021.

- Saccà, F., Massidda, L., Stereotypes and Prejudices in the Legal Representation of Violence Against Women. A Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Judgments in the Italian Courts 2021, // Наука. Культура. Общество. 2021. Том 27, № 2. С. Sacca F., Massidda L. (2021) Stereotypes and prejudices in the legal representation of violence against women. A socio-cultural analysis of the judgments in the Italian courts. Science. Culture. Society. Vol. 27. № 2.

- Saccà, F., Selva, D., Women Political Leaders in Pandemic Times: Comparing Jacinda Ardern' and Donald Trump's Representation of the Covid-19 Crisis // Наука. Культура. Общество. 2021. Том 27, № 2. С. Saccà F., Selva D. (2021) Women political leaders in pandemic times: comparing Jacinda Ardern’ and Donald Trump’s representation of the COVID-19 crisis. Science. Culture. Society. Vol. 27. № 2. P. 8-21 DOI: 10.19181/nko.2021.27.2.8.

- Saccà, F., La rappresentazione sociale della violenza di genere in ambito giudiziario e sulla stampa, Sociologia, 1, 2021, Gangemi, Roma, pp. 3-12 (Rivista di Fascia A).

- Saccà, F. (Ed.), Changing democracies in an unequal world, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020.

- Saccà, F. (2020), La politica come professione 2.0: leadership e campagne elettorali all’epoca dei social network in “Ira et studio. La politica come professione nel nuovo millennio”, Sociologia, Gangemi, Roma, 1/2020 (Rivista di Fascia A).

- Saccà F (2020). Culture politiche. Interpretazioni e significati di un concetto controverso. In: (a cura di): Barbieri, G. Damiani, M., Potere e partecipazione. Scritti in onore di Roberto Segatori. pp. 191-210, Rubbettino, 2020.

- F. Saccà (2018), Le trasformazioni della democrazia alla luce delle nuove forme di personalizzazione e partecipazione politica, “Le trasformazioni della democrazia- Narrazioni, leadership e ideologie della politica contemporanea”, Sociologia, Rivista Quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali, Gangemi, Roma, 2018 (Rivista di Fascia A).

- Saccà, F., Massidda, L., Gender Discourse in a Populist Election Campaign, in F. Saccà (Ed.), Democracy, Power and Territories, Franco Angeli, Roma 2018.

- Saccà F. (2017). Changes in the Political Culture of Italian Younger Politicians. In: George M. Korres, Elias Kourliouros, Maria P. Michailidis, Handbook of Research on Policies and Practices for Sustainable Economic Growth and Regional Development, pp. 144-156, Hershey, Pennsylvania: Igi Global.

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