PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: f.ruggiero@uniroma1.it

Federica Ruggiero (1995) is currently enrolled in the PhD programme in 'Documentary, Linguistic and Literary Sciences' (Cycle XXXVIII - Curriculum A: 'Language Theory and Linguistic Education') at 'La Sapienza' - University of Rome.
She graduated cum laude in 'Modern Philology' at 'La Sapienza'. During her master's thesis, she analysed, from a pragmatic perspective, verbal irony as a marked mode of communication, relating it to other forms of comedy (and to the main theories of laughter), and then to postmodern irony (particularly in the production of David Foster Wallace).
In her PhD's project she is extending the research on the intertextual level, analysing ironic modes in mediated communication with the tools of pragmatics and textual semiotics.

Curriculum of studies

2022 – PhD student in "Documentary, Linguistic and Literary Sciences" (XXXVIII cycle - Curriculum A: "Language Theory and Language Education") at "La Sapienza" - University of Rome.
2021 - Master's degree in Modern Philology at "La Sapienza" - University of Rome with a thesis entitled "Un allarme e un anestetico. Ironia".
2018 - Bachelor's degree in Modern Literature at La Sapienza - University of Rome with a thesis entitled "Nominor ergo sum. Il modellamento del reale attraverso il linguaggio".
2014 - Classical high school diploma at Liceo Classico Statale "Torquato Tasso" of Rome

Research products

11573/1696752 - 2023 - Il fenomeno dell'ironia tra concezione «ecoica» e approccio austiniano
Ruggiero, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ITALIANO LINGUADUE (Milano: Università degli Studi di Milano) pp. 131-141 - issn: 2037-3597 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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