PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
email: eva.scurto@uniroma1.it

supervisor: prof. Marco Ruffini


Eva Scurto (Rome, 1990) was trained at Sapienza - University of Rome, obtaining in 2013 the Bachelor's Degree in Historical-Artistic Sciences (under the supervision of Prof. Claudia Cieri Via) and in 2015 the Master Degree in History of Art (under the guidance of Prof. Marco Ruffini), both with full marks and honours. In 2015 she won the “path of excellence”, a university programme that aims to enhance the training of particularly worthy students. In the same university, she won the scholarship for School of Specialization in Historical-Artistic Heritage, where she graduated in 2019 with honours (under the supervision of Prof. Valter Curzi). In October 2020 she won a scholarship for the XXXVI cycle of the PhD in Art History, with a project dedicated to the historical-artistic writings of the scholar Francesco Bocchi (Florence, 1548-1613/18).
Since 2016 she is expert in the subject in History of Art Criticism (L-ART / 04).
During her formation, she collaborated with the Capitoline Picture Gallery (2014-15) and the Barberini and Corsini National Galleries (2016-17), carrying out historical-bibliographic updating of the catalogue entries, and with the Palazzo Braschi – Museo di Roma (2018), where she studied the sixteenth-century graffiti from the house of Rodolfo Pio da Carpi.
In 2017 she participated profitably in the training course on the use of the SIGEC Web system, at the Central Institute for Catalog and Documentation - ICCD of Rome, and the following year to a fundraising specialization course for cultural institutions.
In 2018 she was co-curator of the exhibition “Litografia Bulla. Un viaggio di duecento anni fra arte e tecnica”, held at Palazzo Poli-Central Institute for Graphics in Rome (20 April - 1 July 2018), dealing with the section dedicated to Artists’ Books. In the same year she was speaker at the round table “Crono-Logiche: una rilettura degli anni ‘60 in Italia. Riflessioni sulle declinazioni del termine pop nel contesto culturale italiano”, included in the program of the Special Days of Contemporary Culture of the GAM - Gallery of Modern Art of Rome.

Research products

11573/1465919 - 2020 - Nicola Michetti, Giovanni Battista Sintes, Le Parnasse avec Apollon et les Muses. Première machine pyrotechnique, 28 juin 1733
Scurto, Eva - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: La Grande Bellezza. L'Art à Rome au XVIII siècle, 1700-1758 - (9788836645756)

11573/1465920 - 2020 - Paolo Posi, Giuseppe Palazzi, Giuseppe Pozzi, La Tour des Porcelaines de Nankin, seconde machine pyrotechnique, 9 septembre 1758
Scurto, Eva - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: La Grande Bellezza. L'Art à Rome au XVIII siècle, 1700-1758 - (9788836645756)

11573/1465913 - 2019 - I graffiti provenienti dalla casa di Rodolfo Pio da Carpi in via Tomacelli, ora al Museo di Roma: nuovi percorsi di ricerca e indagini documentarie
Scurto, Eva - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BOLLETTINO DEI MUSEI COMUNALI DI ROMA (Roma: L'erma di Bretschneider, 1987 - Roma: Fratelli Palombi) pp. 19-30 - issn: 0523-9346 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1465836 - 2018 - Bulla editori: libri d'artista nella stamperia
Scurto, Eva - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Litografia Bulla. Un viaggio di duecento anni fra arte e tecnica - (9788812007189)

11573/1334929 - 2018 - Litografia Bulla. Un viaggio di duecento anni fra arte e tecnica (Treccani, La Cultura Italiana)
Zambianchi, Claudio; Bulla, Flaminia; Caudullo, Marta Maria; De Giambattista, Federica; Papale, Giulia; Petito, Francesca; Principi, Patrizia; Scurto, Eva; Variali, Marta; Bulla, Beatrice - 06a Curatela

11573/1465818 - 2017 - Otto Greiner, La Danza (Der Tanz), 1896
Scurto, Eva - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Otto Greiner e l'Italia. Alla ricerca del mito nella terra del sole - (9788865573495)

11573/1465825 - 2017 - Sergio Selva, Attesa di pagliacci (Saltimbanchi), 1943
Scurto, Eva - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Sergio Selva (1919-1980) - ()

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma