email: scandurraenzo@gmail.com
phone: 3381127443
building: Via Eudossiana 18

He was Snr. Lectures & Course Prof "Engineering for the Territory" Engineering Faculty the University of Rome; Head of the Dep. of Architecture & Urban Planning (1989-1994) and National Coordinator of the Doctorate for Research into Town Planning & Pres. For the Resources & Environment Degree (Based in Rome). Author of many essays and books on the environment and more recently on the relationship between society and technology. These books include: The Starlings and Town Planning (Meltemi, 2001), A country wants us, (Città Aperta, Troina, 2007), Let's start from the Suburbs (manifestolibri, 2009), Peripheral Lives (Ediesse, 2012), Urban fences (manifestolibri, 2014, in collab.), A travel to italy. (articolo in libro, manifestolibri, 2016), Out of joint (Castelvecchi 2017), Walls (manifestolibri, 2017, con M.Ilardi), The city of hospitality (in collab.) (manifestolibri, 2017), Splendor and misery of urbanism (con I. Agostini) (DeriveApprodi, 2018), Exit Roma (Castelvecchi, 2019). Member of CdA di manifestolibri; member of CdA of Foundation for Social Criticism; member of Foundation for Social Criticism; member of the magazine's editorial board Luoghi comuni (CastelvecchI), he collaborates with the newspaper il manifesto, l?osservatore romano, Terzogiornale e magazine online Volere la luna e il Ponte.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma