In 2017, he obtained a degree cum laude in History from the University of Pisa, with a thesis entitled "L'impresa pubblica: politica e amministrazione. From the origins to the 1960s", a study that analysed the system of state-controlled companies, the exit of the so-called "parallel administrations" from the State, the evolution of their institutional framework and their relationship to the conventional bureaucracy, the organisational and formal differences among what from the 1950s onwards were called managing bodies.
In 2020, he completed his university course with a master’s degree cum laude in History and Civilisation at the University of Pisa, with a thesis entitled "L'Iri e la "cultura economica" del dopoguerra: tra ipotesi di liquidazione, espansione ed idee di riforma". The study focuses on the post-war economic debate on public enterprise and economic planning and concentrates on providing a picture of the reform ideas of the state shareholdings’ model, on convictions and positions expressed regarding Iri by post-war main political characters, parties, by the world of production (trade unions and employers' associations) and academia (economists).
Research project:
The aim of the project is to investigate the fundamentals underlying the development of the state shareholdings’ system in Italy, with special attention to the so-called "Formula Iri", in a period comprised between Post-war and the early 1970s. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the purpose of this study is to follow the evolution of the relationship between governments and public enterprises and, taking into account similar international experiences and the trend of the Italian and European economy, to explain the mechanisms regulating the links between public managers and politics, to reconstruct the decision-making processes, and to understand how the IRI group attempted to balance the pursuit of profit and the achievement of political or social goals in its activities.
Therefore, the research aims to bring out the specificities and different nuances of IRI's ruling class way of thinking, the deep-rooted mentality and the "philosophy of intervention" adopted in different contexts by some of the most influential technocrats at that time. The project also aspires to use the events of this public body as a case study in order to understand, on the one hand, how political and organisational factors have marked the change in IRI’s functions and tasks, and on the other, to estimate its ability to adapt its activity in different contexts and build new spaces of autonomy.