PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
email: emina.smailbegovic@uniroma1.it
building: Lettere e Filosofia

supervisor: Emanuele Senici

Research: Music from the past in the past. Listening habits, memory and music collecting in early 19th century Italy

My project, which stems from work done as an Erasmus plus student in the Institute of Musikwissenschaft at Universität Wien, aims to take an objective look at the repertoire of the indicated period from the point of view of the audience of the time. Expected results: a better understanding of the taste and expectation horizons of early 19th-century audiences and their listening habits at the theater and at home performance; a clearer understanding of the theatrical 'canon' then in force; jointly, a broader and more objective look at the theatrical repertoire of the three decades studied and the related publishing production.

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