PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: elisa.baiocco@uniroma1.it

co-supervisor: Gabriella Cotta, Enrico Graziani

Research: Nudging Sexual Behavior? Libertarian Paternalism applied to Pornography, Prostitution and Abortion.

The candidate achieved a bachelor degree in political sciences and international relations (University of Macerata) and a master degree in Global Politics and International Relations (University of Macerata). Besides, she was a student of the Leopardi School for Advanced Studies, obtaining the diploma in November 2021.
During her studies, she was involved in an Eramus traineeship at the Varna University of Managment (Bulgaria) and worked as an intern for the Italian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva (Switzerland). Regarding this latter experience, she was assigned to the health sector, having the chance to follow the works of OMS during the beginning of the pandemic. Moreover, the candidate was visiting student at the Kent Law School, doing research for her MA thesis. Moreover, she also had the opportunity to write didactic articles for Il Chiasmo (Treccani) and to be representative of the Leopardi's students for RIASISSU (the association of the sudents of the Italian schools for advanced studies).

The project deals with libertarian paternalism (nudge) in order to understand whether it may be applied to three female-sexuality-issues: pornography, prostitution and abortion.

It is difficult for the states to implement paternalistic policies to defend people from themselves. Given this, scholars are divided regarding the possibility for the state to regulate pornography, prostitution and abortion. On the one hand, radical feminists argue that pornography and prostitution celebrate male power and female subordination. On the other, pro-pornography feminists consider these activities as empowering. In addition, liberals claim that pornography should be protected in the name of freedom of speech and that the state cannot intervene in the issue of prostitution due to the right to individual autonomy. Concerning abortion, liberals justify it since it is related to privacy; feminism (especially the radical one) criticises this gender-neutral position. Some scholars think, instead, that women should balance their right to abortion with the social responsibilities coming from being part of a community.

Given the impossiblity to regulate the three issues through pure paternalism, the project aims at understanding if the state may apply nudge to pornography, prostitution and abortion. Libertarian paternalism is a behavioral economics and political philosophy theory targeted at inducing individuals to take decisions considered in their own interest by the state without neither fencing off any possibility nor exercising coercion. The research will investigate whether nudge policies in these sectors may be positive or harmiful to women. In fact, the intention of the project is to understand if the implementation of such plicies may deconstruct or reinforce sexist setereotypes related to the body of women.

Research products

11573/1712178 - 2024 - Trans men's pregnancy. New philosophical and juridical issues
Baiocco, Elisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Gender R-Evolutions: immaginare l'inevitabile, sovvertire l'impossibile (Trento)
book: Gender R-Evolutions. Iimmaginare l’inevitabile, sovvertire l’impossibile - (978-88-5541-023-6)

11573/1725846 - 2024 - Dalla ferita alla cura: il concetto di vulnerabilità e la sua applicazione alla guerra
Baiocco, Elisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Forme della guerra e forme della pace. Alla ricerca di nuove categorie della critica (Sapienza Università di Roma)
book: Paradigmi convergenti: guerra, global security, vulnerabilità - ()

11573/1697553 - 2023 - Istanze femministe disattese: la trasformazione dello spazio privato in sfera economica tramite l’esternalizzazione commerciale della cura e della maternità, in Il Pensiero Storico. Rivista internazionale di storia delle idee
Baiocco, Elisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Le Sfide della Contemporaneità. Approcci pluridisciplinari per uno sguardo multiprospettico - ()

11573/1712181 - 2023 - The Care Collective, The Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence, Verso, London/New York 2020, pp. 114
Baiocco, Elisa - 01d Recensione
paper: STUDI POLITICI (Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis, (2023)-) pp. 188-191 - issn: 2974-6957 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1671395 - 2022 - Secondary victimization in Italy. The urgent neend for judges, lawyers and court-appointed experts’ education on gender-based violence against women
Baiocco, Elisa - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: Genero. A Journal of Feminist Theory and Cultural Studies (Center for Gender and Politics and Center for Cultural Studies, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade) pp. 29-55 - issn: - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1671584 - 2022 - Rosi Braidotti, Posthuman Feminism, Polity, Cambridge Medford 2021, pp. 327
Baiocco, Elisa - 01d Recensione
paper: STUDI POLITICI (Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis, (2023)-) pp. 180-183 - issn: 2974-6957 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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