Research: The democracy of the sensible between conflict and common. The aesthetic-politics of Jacques Rancière
I attended classical studies in Rome at the Terenzio Mamiani high school. I graduated with honors in Philosophical Sciences, in a three-year degree at La Sapienza with Prof. Caterina Botti (2017) and in a master's degree at the University of Turin (2020).
The thesis was carried out under the guidance of prof. Enrico Donaggio (chair of philosophy of history) and focused on the evolution of Jacques Rancière's political-philosophical thought, making use of the comparison with contemporary Marxism and post-Marxism, mainly French and Italian.
After graduation, I attended the training course in Political Philosophy at the Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici (IISF). In the summer of 2021 I took part in "Praxis: scuola di filosofia", via telematic modality
In November 2021, I started a PhD in Political Studies at La Sapienza University.