PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: edoardo.desantis@uniroma1.it
phone: 06 4458 5384
building: Edificio A - Piano II - Area Architettura e Urbanistica
room: n. 5

supervisor: Tiziana Ferrante, Teresa Villani
co-supervisor: Francesco Livio Rossini

Research: Interoperability and collaboration in building process management. A linked data approach within an actor-based system.

PhD in Architectural and Urban Engineering, DICEA - Sapienza University of Rome | 2022 – Ongoing | Master's Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture (Single Cycle Program) U.E. Sapienza University of Rome | 09/2015 – 07/2021 | 110/110 with Honors, Thesis: "Orchestration and Choreography in Architectural Design: The Case Study of the RM032 Building in San Pietro in Vincoli". Registered with the Engineers' Order, Engineers' Order of the Province of Rome | 02/2021 | Section A Basic Specialization Course in Fire Prevention according to art. 4 of D.M. August 5, 2011, Sapienza University of Rome | 12/2022 | Positive Outcome Work Assignment for Research Project, DICEA - Sapienza University of Rome | 02/2022 – 10/2022 | Topic: "Compilation, Uploading, and Implementation of Data for PRIN 2017. Implementation of a Case Study on a Platform for Orchestrating Digital Micro-Services in Building Design".

Research products

11573/1690804 - 2023 - Managing uncertainties in construction tendering: a decision theory framework for supporting bidders
Rossini, F. L.; Novembri, G.; De Santis, E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Colloqui.AT.e 2023 (Bari, Italy)
book: In transizione: sfide e opportunità per l'ambiente costruito // In Transition: challenges and opportunities for the build heritage - (979-12-81229-02-0)

11573/1681293 - 2023 - Improving sustainability of building operation and maintenance (O&M) process through ontologies: an introductory framework
Rossini, Francesco Livio; Novembri, Gabriele; De Santis, Edoardo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sustainable and digital building 2022 (Marinha Grande, Portugal)
book: Sustainable and digital building. Proceedings of the international conference, 2022 - (978-3-031-25794-0; 978-3-031-25795-7)

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