
email: edgardo.sica@unifg.it
phone: 0881781711

Nationality: Italian
Work Address: Department of Economics - University of Foggia.
Largo Papa Giovanni Paolo II, 71121, Foggia (ITALY)
Tel./Fax +39 0881 78.17.11
E-mail: edgardo.sica@unifg.it
Web Site: www.edgardosica.weebly.com
ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0001-9054-8309

 Researcher (Assistant Professor) of ‘Economics’ (SECS-P/01) - Department of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) - tenured position
 Aggregate Professor of ‘Principles of Economics’ - Department of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
 Adjunct Professor of ‘Economics’ - Faculty of Law, ‘LUISS Guido Carli’ University of Rome (Italy)
 Adjunct Professor of ‘Fundamentals of Economics’- Department of Communication and Social Research (CORIS) ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)

National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor of ‘Applied Economics’ from 09/10/2018 to 09/10/2024
Ph.D. in ‘Technology and Innovation Management’, SPRU - University of Sussex (UK).
Ph.D. in ‘Economics and Technologies for the Sustainable Development’ - Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy).
MA in ‘Development Economics’, Dep. of Economics, University of Sussex (UK).
Master in ‘Economics and Finance’ (MEF), Dep. of Economics and Statistics, University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (Italy).
BA cum laude in Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)

Inward-FDI Spillovers, Economic analysis of sociotechnical transitions, Financial constraints of eco-innovative companies

2018-present Participation in the WP3 (STAKEHOLDER NETWORK ANALYSIS RESEARCH research project “E-Parks - Environmental and Administrative Knowledge Networks for a Better Tourist Attractiveness in Protected Natural Areas” - Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme
2018-present Participation in the research project "EUFTAs (EU Free Trade Agreements): the socio-economic and territorial effects of the free trade agreements in the UE", Department of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2015-present Participation in the research project "Economics, Geography, and History: an integrated approach to the study of the territory, Department of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)

2014-2016 Scientific collaborator for the PEAR (Energy & Environmental Plan for the Apulia Region - Italy) – Dep. of Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE), University of Foggia (Italy)
2014-2016 Member of the CEDE (Centro Energetico Dimostrativo ed Educativo) – Dep. of Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE), University of Foggia (Italy)
2014-2015 Member of the “LOGIN” (LOGISTICA INTEGRATA) project – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2012-2015 External collaborator for the WP3 (Costs and impacts of environmental crime) and the WP4 (Environmental crime case-studies) of the ‘EFFACE - European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime’ - FP7-SSH-2012-2. ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy)
2011-2015 WP2 leader (Exchange of Know How and Recruitment) of the “STAR-AgroEnergy” project (Scientific & Technological Advancement in Research on Agro-Energy: an integrated approach to renewable energy generation according to sustainability criteria) - FP7-REGPOT-2011-1. University of Foggia (Italy)
2007 Participation in the Research Project “Internationalization and Competitiveness”, University of Foggia and Chamber of Commerce of Foggia

2018-present Member of the Editorial Board of the “SocioEconomic Challenges (SEC)” Journal ISSN: 2520-6621
2018-present Member of the Editorial Board of the “Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences” - ISSN: 1302-1966
2016-present Member of the ‘Bioeconomy in Transition’ research group (BiT-RG) - IdEA, Unitelma-Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
2014-present Member of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN)
2014-present Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of International Trade and Economic Researches" - ISSN: 2618-6225
2013-present Member of the scientific board of the Ph.D. program in ‘Economics and Finance’ – ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy) (XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV cycles)
2008-present Referee for the following journals: ‘Rivista di politica economica’, ‘Economics Bulletin’, ‘Journal of cleaner production’, ‘Open agriculture’, ‘Regional Studies’
2006-present Supervisor of 53 degree theses/dissertations at bachelor, master, and Ph.D. level

2019 Visiting Professor at the Gdansk University of Technology - Faculty of Management and Economics (Gdansk, POLAND) (February - March 2019)
2018 Research fellowship from the ‘National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine’ (Ukraine) on the ‘The role of the financial system as a possible driver of technological eco-innovations: a comparative analysis of Ukraine and Italy’ (May - September 2018)
2017 Member of the Scientific Committee for the ‘International Applied Social Sciences Congress’ (IASOS), 21-23 September 2017, Uşak (TURKEY)
2016 Scientific organiser of the ‘International Seminars of Economics’ 16-18 May 2016, Department of Economics – University of Foggia (Italy)
2012-2016 WG4 member (Technical and Sustainability Assessment/Policy Analysis) of the ‘Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels’ (EUBis) COST Action TD1203
2009-2016 Member of the Experts Directory of the ‘World Association for Sustainable Development’ (WASD)
2015 Scientific organiser of the ‘2nd International Week of Economics’ 18-22 May 2015, Department of Economics – University of Foggia (Italy)
2014-2015 Guarantor Professor and member of the scientific committee of the 1st level Master in ‘Planning and Management of Biomass-Based Agro-Energetic Systems’ (ProGeSABi) - University of Foggia (Italy)
2014 Scientific organiser of the ‘1st International Week of Economics’ 19-23 May 2014, Department of Economics – University of Foggia (Italy)
2014 Member of the Scientific Committee for the International Conference ‘Studies in Modern Society 2014’ - 21 February 2014, Šiauliai (Lithuania)
2009-2013 Member of the Scientific Board for the Ph.D. program in ‘Theories for the economic decisions’ University of Foggia (Italy) (XXV and XXVI cycles)
2006-2009 Member of the scientific board for the Ph.D. program in ‘Economics and Technologies for the Sustainable Development’. University of Foggia (Italy) (XXII cycle)
2006-2007 Member of the Scientific Board for the MSc program in ‘Networks of Firms for Competitiveness and Internationalization’ University of Foggia (Italy)

2018-present ‘European Economic Development’ (60h - postgraduate) - GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY - FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS (GDANSK, POLAND) (February - March 2019)
2017-present ‘Fundamentals of Economics’ (24h) – CORIS – ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome (aa.yy. 17/18, 18/19)
2017-present ‘Monetary Economics’ (48h) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 17/18, 18/19)
2015-present ‘Principles of Economics’ (64h) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 15/16, 16/17, 17/18, 18/19)
2010-present Adjunct Professor of ‘Economics’ - Faculty of Law, ‘LUISS Guido Carli’ University of Rome (Italy) (aa.yy. 10/11, 11/12, 12/13, 13/14, 14/15, 15/16, 16/17, 17/18, 18/19)

2017-2018 ‘Introduction to Linear Regression Models’ (Summer School ‘Intro and Advanced Econometrics for Applied Economics in Agriculture’) – Dep. of the Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Foggia (Italy)
2017-2018 ‘Fundamentals of Economics’ (48h) – CORIS – ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome
2017 Invited lecturer of “Environment and Globalization: the role of eco-innovations” - PIRAEUS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES (Athens, GREECE)
2016-2017 ‘Econometrics’ (64h - postgraduate) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2016-2017 ‘Econometrics’ (48h) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2016-2017 ‘Principles of Economics’ (40h) - ŠIAULIAI STATE COLLEGE (Šiauliai, LITHUANIA)
2016 ‘Introduction to Economics’ for the M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Courses) - University of Foggia (Italy).
2014-2015 ‘Business Plans for Eco-Innovations’ (postgraduate level), Master in ‘Planning and Management of Biomass-Based Agro-Energetic Systems’ (ProGeSABi) - University of Foggia (Italy).
2011-2015 ‘Macroeconomics’ (64h) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 11/12, 12/13, 13/14, 14/15).
2008-2015 Member of the examination committee for the undergraduate courses of ‘Economics’ and ‘Microeconomics’ CORIS ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy) (aa.yy. 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12, 12/13, 13/14, 14/15)
2014 Invited lecturer of "What drives the eco-innovative behaviour of firms?" UNIVERSITY OF LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA - Dep. of Economics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, SPAIN)
2014 Seminar ‘Economic crisis and sociotechnical transitions: the case of the Italian biofuel industry’, Dept. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2013 Invited lecturer of "The impact of financial constraints on the eco-innovative behaviour of firms. Analysis of some case-studies” CRACOW UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS (UEK) (Cracow, POLAND)
2013 ‘Economics’ (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) (postgraduate) for the achievement of the teaching qualification in the secondary school (Tirocini Formativi Attivi - TFA) - Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2013 Invited Lecturer of “The impact of financial constraints on the eco-innovative behaviour of firms” ISTITUTO POLITECNICO DO CAVADO E DO AVE (IPCA) (Barcelos, PORTUGAL)
2012 Invited lecturer of “Globalization and the Environment” VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITAS (VGTU) (Vilnius, LITHUANIA)
2011-2012 ‘Monetary Economics’ (64h), Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2006-2011 ‘Microeconomics’ (64h) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10, 10/11)
2006-2010 ‘Macroeconomics’ (64h) - Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10)
2008-2009 Associate Tutor of ‘Statistical Research Methods’ (postgraduate) - SPRU, UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX (UK)
2007 ‘Environmental Economics’ for the Education and technical training courses (IFTS) - CELIPS, Foggia (Italy)
2007 ‘Economics’ for the Master in ‘New Professionalism in the Tourism Sector’ Promuovitalia, Foggia (Italy)
2007 ‘Economics’ for the Integrated Project of Training and Enterprise Creation (PIFCI), Foggia (Italy)
2007 ‘Theories and Policies for the Local Development’ (postgraduate level), Master in ‘Firms’ Strategies and role of Policy-Makers for the Local Productive Systems’ - University of Foggia (Italy)
2001-2006 Research and teaching assistant for the courses of ‘Microeconomics’, ‘Macroeconomics’, and ‘International Economics’ (undergraduate) - Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 01/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06)
2006 ‘Economic Growth, Local Development, and Innovation’ (postgraduate level), Master in ‘Network of Firms for Competitiveness and Internationalization’ - University of Foggia (Italy)
2006 ‘Asymmetric Information and Risk Analysis’ (postgraduate), Ph.D. program in ‘Economics and Finance’ – Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2005 ‘Territorial Organization and Structural Characteristics of Southern Italian firms’ for the Education and technical training courses (IFTS), Lucera (Italy)

2011-present Delegate for the Internationalization and Erasmus Coordinator. - Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 12/13, 13/14, 14/15, 15/16, 16/17, 17/18, 18/19).
2012-present Member of the quality assurance group – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 12/13, 13/14, 14/15, 16/17, 17/18, 18/19).

2014-2017 Member of the Committee for the selection of trainees at the Bank of Italy – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 14/15, 15/16, 16/17).
2011-2012 Member of the board for the teaching qualification in economics at the secondary school (Tirocini Formativi Attivi - TFA) – Dep. of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy)
2006-2008 Member of the Erasmus Commission. Faculty of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 06/07, 07/08)

2008 Three-months research fellowship provided by the Apulia Region (Italy) for a research project titled ‘The role of financial architectures as drivers of environmental innovations’ - SPRU - University of Sussex (UK)
2002-2005 Three-years scholarship for attending the Ph.D. program in ‘Economics and Technologies for the Sustainable Development’ University of Foggia (Italy) (aa.yy. 02/03, 03/04, 04/05)
2003 'Young Researchers' research fellowship. Title of the research project: ‘Human and Sustainable Development in the Province of Foggia’. University of Foggia (Italy)
2002 Internship at the ‘Research Institute on Population’ (IRP) - National Research Council (CNR), Rome (Italy).
2002 Awarded as one of the '2001 best students’ at the University of Foggia (Italy).

Italian Native language
English Fluent

2018 59th Riunione Scientifica Annuale (RSA) - SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti), 25-27 October 2018, Bologna (ITALY)

14th International Conference on Social Sciences, 02-03 March 2018, Frankfurt (GERMANY)

7th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, 22-23 February 2018, Kuala Lumpur (MALAYSIA)

2017 18th World Congress of International Economic Association, 19-23 June 2017, Mexico City (MEXICO)

2016 35th International Business Research Conference, 30-31 May 2016, Dubai (UAE)

2015 4th International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards 01-03 July 2015, Opatija (CROATIA)
EconAnadolu2015 - International Conference in Economics, 10-12 June 2015, Eskişehir (TURKEY)
MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015, 27-29 May 2015, Bari (ITALY)
3rd Global Virtual Conference 2015, 06-10 April 2015

2014 3rd European Business Research Conference, 04-05 September 2014, Rome (ITALY)
22nd European Biomass Conference, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg (GERMANY)
17th World Congress of the International Economic Association, 06-10 June 2014, Dead Sea (JORDAN)
2013 2nd International conference "Science for the Environment", 03-04 October 2013, Aarhus (DENMARK)
9th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries (RRB), 05-07 June 2013, Antwerp (BELGIUM)
COST Action TD1203 Workshop on "Technical and sustainability assessment - Policy analysis", 08 April 2013, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome (ITALY)
2012 Eleventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, 29-02 June 2012, Honolulu (HAWAII)
7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, 10-11 May 2012, Vilnius (LITHUANIA)
2011 XVIth World Congress of the International Economic Association, 04-08 July 2011, Beijing (CHINA)
71st International Atlantic Economic Conference, 16-19 March 2011, Athens (GREECE)
2009 Business & Economics Society International Conference, 03-06 January 2009, Acapulco (HAWAII)
2008 Sixth International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), 27-28 August 2008, Brighton (UK)
XVth World Congress of the International Economic Association, 25-30 June 2008 , Istanbul (TURKEY)
2006 Business and Management Conference 2006, 05-06 October 2006, Vilnius (LITHUANIA)
International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 21-23 August, Athens (GREECE)


1. Pacelli, V. and Sica E. (2018) “Economia e finanza degli heritage assets. Come rendere un’attrazione turistica una risorsa economica per il territorio”. Franco Angeli ISBN 9788891780188
2. Sica. E. (2018) “Firms, Finance and Sustainable Transitions; The financial constraints of eco-innovation companies” Edward Elgar (UK) ISBN: 978 1 78811 181 2


3. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2019) “Macroeconomia: Una Guida Alla Prova Scritta”. Giappichelli Editore, Turin (Italy) ISBN: 978-88-921-1935-2
4. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2018) “Macroeconomia. Esercizi”. Giappichelli Editore, Turin (Italy) ISBN: 978-88-921-6944-9
5. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2017) “Microeconomia. Esercizi – Seconda Edizione”. Giappichelli Editore, Turin (Italy) ISBN: 978-88-921-6619-6
6. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2016) “Microeconomia. Esercizi”. Giappichelli Editore, Turin (Italy) ISBN: 978-88-921-5775-0


7. D'Apolito, E., Iannuzzi, A.P., Sylos Labini, S., and Sica, E. (2019) “Sustainable compensation & economic performance: an empirical analysis on European banks”. Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions
8. Falcone, P.M. and Sica E. (2019) “Policy pathways for green finance in biomass production: the case of Italy”. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
9. Falcone, P.M. and Sica E. (2019) “Assessing the opportunities and challenges of green finance in Italy: An analysis of the biomass production sector”. Sustainability, 11(2), 517, ISSN: 2071-1050, DOI: 10.3390/su11020517
10. Altınbaş, H., Pacelli, V., and Sica, E. (2018) “The Determinants of Sovereign Bond Yields in the EMU: New Empirical Evidence” International Journal of Economics and Finance, 10: 1-16, ISSN: 1916-971X, DOI: 10.5539/ijef.v10n5p
11. Falcone, P.M., Morone, P. and Sica E. (2018) “Greening of the financial system and fuelling a sustainability transition. A discursive approach to assess landscape pressures on the Italian financial system”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127: 23-37, ISSN: 0040-1625, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2017.05.020
12. Falcone, P.M., Lopolito, A., and Sica E. (2018) “The networking dynamics of the Italian biofuel industry in time of crisis: finding an effective instrument mix for fostering a sustainable energy transition”. Energy Policy, 112: 334-348, ISSN: 0301-4215, DOI: 1016/j.enpol.2017.10.036
13. Falcone, P.M., Lopolito, A., and Sica E. (2017) “Policy mixes towards sustainability transition in the Italian biofuel sector: dealing with alternative crisis scenarios”. Energy Research and Social Science, 33: 105-114 ISSN 2214-6296. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.007
14. Sisto, R., Sica, E., Lombardi, M., Prosperi, M. (2017) “Organic fraction of municipal solid waste valorisation in southern italy: the stakeholders’ contribution to a long-term strategy definition”. Journal of Cleaner production, 168: 302-310, ISSN: 0959-6526, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.186
15. Sica. E., and Senturk, M. (2016) “Economic growth and energy consumption in Turkey and Ialy: A frequency domain causality analysis”. Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal 9(4): 107-119. ISSN: 1308-4216
16. Morone, P., Lopolito, A., Anguilano, D., Sica, E., and Tartiu, V.E. (2016) “Unpacking landscape pressures on socio-technical regimes: Insights on the urban waste management system” Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 20: 62–74 ISSN: 2210-4224 DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2015.10.005
17. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2016) “Vertical Spillovers from Multinational Enterprises: Does Technological Gap Matter?”. Panoeconomicus, 63(3): 313-323, ISSN: 2217-2386, DOI: 10.2298/PAN1603313P
18. Sica, E. (2016) “Financial Constraints and Multilevel Perspective: The Case of the Italian Manufacturing Enterprises”. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 12(2): 102-110 ISSN: 1548‐6583 DOI: 10.17265/1548-6583/2016.02.004
19. Sica, E. (2016) “Economic Theories of Eco-Innovations: A Comparison between the Neoclassical and Evolutionary Approaches” International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 10(1): 87-102. ISSN online: 1740-882 ISSN (print): 1740-8822
20. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2015) “Do multinational enterprises push up wages of domestic firms in the Italian manufacturing sector?” The Manchester School, 83(3): 346–378 (June 2015) ISSN: 1467-9957 (Online) DOI: 10.1111/manc.12076
21. Durusoy, S., Sica, E., and Beyhan, Z. (2015) “Economic Crisis and Protectionism Policies: the Case of the EU Countries” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(6) ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)
22. Falcone, P.M. and Sica, E. (2015) “How much does economic crisis affect sustainability transitions? A social network analysis of the Italian biofuel sector” Economy of Region (Ekonomika Regiona), 1: 264-270 ISSN: 2072-6414 DOI 10.17059/2015-1-23
23. Sica, E. and Susnik, S. (2014) “Geographical dimension and Environmental Kuznets Curve: the case of some less investigated air pollutants” Applied Economics Letters, 21(14): 1010–1016 ISSN: 1350-4851 DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2014.904485
24. Imbriani, C., Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2014) “How much do technological gap, firm size, and regional characteristics matter for the absorptive capacity of Italian enterprises?” International Advances in Economic Research, 20(1): 57-72 ISSN: 1083-0898 DOI: 10.1007/s11294-013-9439-7
25. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F., and Sica, E. (2014) “Do Multinational Enterprises Foster Wage Spillovers? The case of the Italian Manufacturing Sector” The International Journal of Nepalese Academy of Management, 2(1): 7-29 ISSN: 2091-2471 (Print), 2091-248X (Online)
26. Sica, E. (2014) “Economic Dualism and Air Quality in Italy: Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis” International Journal of Environmental Studies, 71(4): 463-480 ISSN: 0020-7233 (Print), 1029-0400 (Online) DOI:10.1080/00207233.2014.928114
27. Sica, E. and Testa, G. (2009) “Environmental Sustainability and Microfinancial System: What is the Link?” World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 5(3): 244 – 255. ISSN 1746-0573 DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2009.026802
28. Pittiglio, R., Sica, E., and Villa, S. (2009) “Innovation and internationalization: the case of Italy”. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 34(6): 588–602ISSN 0892-9912 (print version) DOI: 10.1007/s10961-009-9107-5
29. Reganati, F. and Sica, E. (2007) “Horizontal and Vertical Spillovers from FDI: Evidence from panel Data for the Italian manufacturing sector” Journal of Business Economics and Management, 8(4). ISSN: 1611-1699 DOI: 10.1080/16111699.2007.9636178
30. Sica, E. (2007) “Does Tourism affect Economic Growth? The Experience of South-East Asian and Pacific countries” The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, VI(3): 79-95 ISSN: 0972-6861.
31. Pazienza, P. and Sica, E. (2005) “The Tourism Sector as a Factor of Convergence for Italian Regions: The Case of Law 488/92” Rassegna Economica, 1 (Novembre): 293-306 ISSN: 0390-010X


32. Sisto, E., Sica, E., Lombardi, M., and Prosperi, M. (2017) “Participatory planning in organic solid waste management: a backcasting approach”. In Morone, P., Papendiek, F., and Tartiu, V. (editors) “Food Waste Reduction and Valorisation: Sustainability Assessment and Policy Analysis”. Springer ISBN: 978-3-319-50087-4
33. Sica, E. and Testa, G. (2008) “Micro-financial System and Sustainable Development: are they compatible?” In “Managing Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future” Edited by Allam Ahmed, WASD, 2008. ISBN 978-0-955177-1-5-6 (Print)
34. Sica, E. (2007) “Does Tourism affect Economic Growth? The Experience of South-East Asian and Pacific countries” in: “Tourism Growth: Impact and Experiences” Edited by Anil Varma, ICFAI Books, 2008 ISBN: 978-81-314-1698-3
35. Sica, E. (2006) “Climatic differences and Economic Growth across Italian Provinces: First Empirical Evidence” In “Mechanisms & Policies in Economics”, Edited by John Roufagalas, ATINER: 25-39 ISBN: 978-960-6672-23-1


36. Falcone, P.M., Germani, A., Morone, P., and Sica, E. (2013) “L”ambiente in uno sviluppo economico duale” In “Rapporto Svimez 2013”: 809-824, Il Mulino ISBN: 9788815246288
37. Sica, E. (2007) “International Tourism: A Driving Force for Economic Growth of Commonwealth Countries”. In “Commonwealth Finance Ministers Reference Report 2007”, Volume produced for the Finance Ministers Meeting in Guyana 15-17 October 2007 ISBN: 978-0-9554408-2-3
38. Russo, M. and Sica, E. (2007) “Competitività, Internazionalizzazione e Turismo. Dove va il sistema produttivo foggiano?”. In “Rapporto Economico 2006-2007”, Osservatorio Economico Provinciale, CCIAA Foggia


39. Sica, E. and Liubachivska, R. (2018) “Assessing the impact of technological clusters on the regional competitiveness: evidence from the Italian agri-food industry”. In: Proceedings of 7th Global Business and Finance Research Conference. p. 1-2, World Business Institute, ISBN: 978-1-925488-61-6, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 February 2018
40. Sica, E. and Liubachivska, R. (2018) “The Contribution of Clusters to the Regional Development: The Case of the Italian Technology Agri-Food Cluster”. In: 14th International Conference on Social Sciences - Conference Proceedings Volume II. vol. 2, p. 503-509, Frankfurt: European Center for Science Education and Research, ISBN: 978-164255397-0, Seminarhaus, Goethe-Universität, Campus Westend, Frankfurt (Germany), 2-3 March 2018
41. Sisto, E., Sica, E., Lombardi, M., and Prosperi, M. (2016) “Long-Term Planning in Organic Solid Waste Management: a Participatory Strategy Definition”. In Hoque, M. (editor) “Proceedings of 35th International Business Research Conference”. World Business Institute Australia ISBN: 978-1-925488-06-7
42. Falcone, P.M. and Sica, E. (2015) “Explaining niche readiness through network analysis: the case of Lithuanian biomass producers”. In Brebbia, C.A. (editor) “Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards IV”. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment (199): 259-270. ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line) DOI: 10.2495/RAV150221.
43. Sica, E. (2015) “Sustainability transitions and financial constraints: the case of the Italian eco-innovating companies”. In Dermol, V., Trunk, A., and Smrkolj M. (eds.) “Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society”. Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015. ToKnowPress. ISSN 2232-3309 ISBN 978-961-6914-13-0
44. Sica, E. and Di Donato, G. (2015) “Does internationalisation affect firms” innovativeness? The case of the Italian manufacturing sector” In Mokrys, M. and Badura, S. (editors) “Proceedings of the 3rd Global Virtual Conference 2015 (GV-CONF 2015)”, 3(1): 79-82, EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina - Thomson, Slovakia. ISSN: 1339-2778 ISBN: 978-80-554-1003-6
45. Sica, E. and Falcone, P.M. (2014) “The Economic Crisis and Sociotechnical Transitions: The Case of the Italian Biofuel Industry” In Hoque, M. (editor) “Proceedings of 3rd European Business Research Conference” World Business Institute Australia ISBN: 978-1-922069-59-7
46. Sica, E., Falcone, P.M., Morone, P., and Tartiu, V.E. (2014) “The Impact of Financial Constraints on Biomass Production: A Firm Level Data Analysis” In Hoffmann, C, Baxter, D., Maniatis, K, Grassi, A., Helm, P., (eds.) “Papers of the 22nd European Biomass Conference. Setting the course for a biobased economy”. Eta-Florence Renewable Energies, pp.1506 – 1509 ISBN: 978-88-89407-52-3 DOI: 10.5071/22ndEUBCE2014-4AV.3.7
47. Morone, P., Anguilano, D., Lopolito, A., Sica, E., and Tartiu, V.E. (2014) “Sustainable waste management transition. Insights from South Italy” Paper presented at the workshop on Food Valorisation, ENSIACET, 21-22 January 2014, Toulouse (France)
48. Morone, P., Lopolito, A., Sica, E., and Tartiu, V.E. (2013) “Sources of Change: Unpacking Landscape Pressures on Socio-Technical Regimes. Insights from the Food Waste Supply Chain” Paper presented at the “9th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries (RRB)” 5-7 June 2013 - Antwerp (Belgium). Paper presented also at the “EuBis COST Workshop” “La Sapienza” University of Rome - 8 April 2013, Rome (Italy)
49. Pittiglio, R., Reganati, F. and Sica, E. (2012) “Do multinational enterprises push up wages of domestic firms in the Italian manufacturing sector?. In “The 7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012” Edited by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press “Technika”: 451-458 ISSN: 2029-4441 print ISBN: 978-609-457-116-9 CD DOI: 10.3846/bm.2012.059
50. Reganati, F., Imbriani, C., Pittiglio, R., and, Sica, E. (2011) “How much do the Technological Gap, Firm Size, and Location Matter for Spillovers?” Paper presented at the “71st International Atlantic Economic Conference” 16-19 March 2011 - Athens (Greece)


51. Sica, E. (2010) “Innovations and Sustainable Development: Neoclassical versus Evolutionary Approach”. DSEMS – University of Foggia, WP no. 08.
52. Reganati, F., Pittiglio, R. and Sica, E. (2008) “Horizontal and Vertical Spillovers from FDI in the Italian productive system”. DSEMS – University of Foggia, WP no. 08
53. Sica, E. (2007) “Causality between Energy and Economic Growth: the Italian case”. DSEMS – University of Foggia, WP no. 03
54. Reganati, F. and Sica, E. (2005) “Do domestic firms benefit from the presence of MNEs? The case of the Italian manufacturing sector”. DSEMS – University of Foggia, WP no. 23
55. Sica, E. (2005) “Economic Growth and Air Quality in Italy: Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis”. DSEAGMG – University of Foggia, WP no. 07

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