Research: Synthesis of macrocycles for development of sensors
In 2020 Dario Rendeli obtained a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry (L-27) with a thesis entitled: “Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on food matrices" at the Chemistry department of La Sapienza University of Rome. In the same department he obtained a master’s degree in chemistry (LM-54), with an organic and biomolecular curriculum. He carried out his training internship in the laboratory of Professor Francesca Leonelli, the results of which he discussed in his master's thesis entitled: "Preparation of (-)-parthenolide: study of the oxidation of a main intermediate". Furthermore, he received a research grant, lasting one year, for carrying out the research activity relating to the project entitled: “Studies and proposals for asymmetric synthesis on cyclobutanol derivatives”, carried out at the laboratory of Patrizia Gentili at Chemistry’s Department of Sapienza University of Rome. Finally, he won the place for admission to the PhD courses in Chemical Sciences at the La Sapienza University of Rome for the academic year 2024/2025 - 40th cycle and now he is working in the laboratory of Deborah Quaglio on synthesis of macrocycles for sensor development.