
ciclo: XXXVII
email: dario.onorati@uniroma1.it

supervisore: Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

2021 - present: PhD student in Data Science, XXXVII cicle
2020 - present: Enel, Rome, Italy, Software Engineer
2017 - 2019: MSc in "Computer Science" at Tor Vergata, University of Rome
2014 - 2017: BSc in "Computer Science" at Tor Vergata, University of Rome

Research Area:
- Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence

- 2022: The Dark Side of the Language: Pre-trained Transformers in the DarkNet, at CoRR
- 2022: KERMIT for Sentiment Analysis in Italian Healthcare Reviews, at CLIC-it
- 2020: Pat-in-the-Loop: Declarative Knowledge for Controlling Neural Networks, at MDPI
- 2020: Pat-in-the-loop: Syntax-based Neural Networks with Activation Visualization and Declarative Control, at AI*AI
- 2020: KERMIT: Complementing Transformer Architectures with Encoders of Explicit Syntactic Interpretations, at EMNLP
- 2017: Dialogware - the "Software" for Conversational Agents: a Modular FrameNet-based Approach, at AI*AI

Produzione scientifica

11573/1727083 - 2024 - Investigating the Impact of Data Contamination of Large Language Models in Text-to-SQL Translation
Ranaldi, F; Ruzzetti, Es; Onorati, D; Ranaldi, L; Giannone, C; Favalli, A; Romagnoli, R; Zanzotto, Fm - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024) (Bangkok; Thailand)
libro: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024 - (9798891760998)

11573/1696819 - 2023 - The Dark Side of the Language: Syntax-based Neural Networks rivaling Transformers in Definitely Unseen Sentences
Onorati, Dario; Ranaldi, Leonardo; Nourbakhsh, Aria; Patrizi, Arianna; Sofia Ruzzetti, Elena; Mastromattei, Michele; Fallucchi, Francesca; Massimo Zanzotto, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2023 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT) (Venice; Italy)
libro: 2023 22nd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology WI-IAT 2023. Proceeding - (9798350309188; 979-8-3503-0919-5)

11573/1696812 - 2023 - Measuring bias in Instruction-Following models with P-AT
Onorati, Dario; Ruzzetti Elena, Sofia; Venditti, Davide; Ranaldi, Leonardo; Zanzotto Fabio, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Sentosa Gateway; Singapore)
libro: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023 - (9798891760615)

11573/1696813 - 2023 - Investigating Gender Bias in Large Language Models for the Italian Language
Sofia Ruzzetti, Elena; Onorati, Dario; Ranaldi, Leonardo; Venditti, Davide; Massimo Zanzotto, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2023 (Venice; Italy)
libro: CLiC-it 2023 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics Venice, Italy, November 30 - December 2, 2023 - ()

11573/1670705 - 2022 - KERMIT for Sentiment Analysis in Italian Healthcare Reviews
Ranaldi, Leonardo; Mastromattei, Michele; Onorati, Dario; Sofia Ruzzetti, Elena; Fallucchi, Francesca; Massimo Zanzotto, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 8th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it 2021 (Milan; Italy)
libro: Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2021 - ()

11573/1643156 - 2020 - Pat-in-the-loop: Syntax-based neural networks with activation visualization and declarative control
Zanzotto, F. M.; Onorati, D.; Tommasino, P.; Santilli, A.; Ranaldi, L.; Fallucchi, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2020 Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, XAI.it 2020 (Online)
libro: CEUR Workshop Proceedings - ()

11573/1643092 - 2020 - KERMIT: Complementing transformer architectures with encoders of explicit syntactic interpretations
Zanzotto, F. M.; Santilli, A.; Ranaldi, L.; Onorati, D.; Tommasino, P.; Fallucchi, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2020 (Punta Cana, Repubblica Dominicana)
libro: EMNLP 2020 - 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference - (9781952148606)

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