
email: dario.guarascio@uniroma1.it
phone: 0039 6 49766360
building: ALA B
room: 606

Dario Guarascio

Curriculum Vitae

December 2019

Personal Information

Name and address Dario Guarascio
Home address Via Urbana 12, 00184 Roma.
E-mail dario.guarascio@uniroma1.it
Place and date of birth Rome, Italy, 11 November 1983
Nationality Italian

Present position

Assistant Professor in Economic Policy – Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law

External affiliate – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Economics (Pisa)

National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as Assistant Professor (Professore di Seconda Fascia) in Economic Policy (Politica Economica – 13/A1 SECS P/02)

National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) as Assistant Professor (Professore di Seconda Fascia) in Applied Economics (Economia Applicata – 13/A4 SECS P/06)

Associate researcher – Centro Economia Digitale

Previous positions

December 2016 to September 2019

Permanent researcher in applied economics at the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP, Rome)

Head of Research Unit – Methods and tools for skills and labor market transitions

October 2015 to December 2016

Research Assistant in Economic Policy – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) – developing empirical models to analyse the relationship between innovation, structural change and competitiveness in firms and industries. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Federico Tamagni

Research interests

Economic policy, Economics of innovation, development and labor economics, growth theory, evolutionary economics, European studies.

Current research projects

Coordinator of the project ‘COMPILATION OF TASKS DATA AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL AND SUPPORT IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF A TASKS QUESTIONNAIRE’ funded by the European Commission – Joint Research Center (Seville) led by INAPP in partnership with Warwick University IER, Pompeu Fabra, BIBB and Catholic University of Sacred Hearth.

Member of the GROWINPRO H2020 project coordinated by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa).

Previous research projects

In charge of the INAPP Research Unit “Methods and tools for skills and labor market transitions” coordinating four research projects on the relationship between technological change and employment dynamics with a particular focus on skills. The Unit’s research agenda includes the realization of four distinct surveys: i) Tasks, skills and occupations in Italy (Indagine Campionaria sulle Professioni) ii) Assessment on adult skills (PIAAC) iii) Re-skilling needs of Italian firms (Audit sui Fabbisogni Professionali) iv) Atlas of work and qualifications (Atlante del Lavoro e delle Qualificazioni).

In charge of the research project (funded by the European Social Fund) aimed at analysing the socio-economic impact of the Platform economy.

Member of the “ISIGrowth” project (http://www.isigrowth.eu/) - coordinated by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) - studying the models of innovation and the patterns of technological and structural change in Europe. I am developing empirical models – both at the firm and at the industry level - aimed at analysing the interactions between innovation, workers' skills, inequality, innovation and competitiveness.

Recent activities

February to December 2017

Member of the INAPP research group providing scientific support to the Italian presidency - G7 Labor 2017. Participation at national and international meetings and realization of background papers for the G7 Labor’s Ministerial meetings.

2012 to 2017

Collaboration in the research project “Innovation and Economic Change” at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” and coordinated by Professor Mario Pianta. Within the project I have carried out the following activities:

• Development of the international competitiveness and offshoring themes within the project, with review of literature, extension of models and empirical work.
• Implementation and updating of the Sectoral Innovation Database on innovation and economic performances of European industries, including data on Input-Output, outsourcing, labour skills and demand structure.

September to December 2016

European tender – European Commission DGECFIN – coordinated by the University of Roma Tre and aimed at studying firm-level drivers of export performance and external competitiveness in Italy. In charge of the literature review on firms competitiveness with a focus on the Italian economy.

June to August 2015

Collaboration in a research project on public procurement and competitiveness in European industries. In charge of the empirical part of the project. The research project has been carried out at Roma Tre University and coordinated by Professor Francesco Crespi.

January to April 2015

Guest researcher at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Wien Austria. Empirical research on innovation and structural change in Europe under the direction of Professors Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer.

Previous activities

September 2013 to September 2014

Member of the GRAPE (GRAPE-www.ceris.cnr.it) research group hosted in the Italian National Research Council of Research. GRAPE explores the intersection of economics, econometrics and computational economics by applying computational techniques to all branches of economic modeling including market modeling, organizational design of complex systems, policy evaluation and networks.


Sapienza University of Rome – May 2016
Phd in Economics
Evaluation: excellent
Dissertation title: Technological change competitiveness and income distribution
Supervisor: Professor Mario Pianta
Thesis committee: Prof. Francesco Ferrante, Prof. Paolo Pini and Prof. Marco Vivarelli
Brief description: The thesis explores the complex set of relationships between innovation, international competitiveness and income distribution through a set of new models and advanced econometric techniques.

Sapienza University of Rome - November 2012
Master of Science in Public Economics with honours
Dissertation title: The Effects of Recent Welfare State Reforms on European Aged
Workers: An Econometric Analysis of The EU-SILC Database
Supervisor: Professor Michele Raitano
Brief description: The objective of the work was to evaluate the impact of the 2010-2012 European pension system reforms. Using the EU-Silc micro-database both a cross country comparison and a policy evaluation exercise has been carried out finding controversial effects of such reforms.

Sapienza University of Rome - September 2011
Master of Science (corso di laurea magistrale) in Economics, marks 110/110
Dissertation title: A Model to Support Pubblic Decision for Seismic Risk Prevention: The Case of L’Aquila 6 April 2009
Supervisor: Professor Maurizio Franzini
Brief description: Using original data collected after the 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila, an econometric model and a simulation have been developed. The aim was the evaluation of prevention and emergency management policies on the expected losses of earthquakes of various magnitudes.

Sapienza University of Rome - October 2009
Bachelor of Science in Economics and Public Administration
Dissertation title: Inequality and Income Distributon in China: From Deng-Xiao
Ping to The 2007 Financial Turmoil
Supervisor: Professor Mario Tiberi
Brief description: An extensive analysis and a discussion of the distributional consequences of Chinese growth from the mid-nineties until the 2007 financial crisis.


Sapienza University of Rome – September 2019 to present
Economics of innovation (Master course)

Sapienza University of Rome – September 2019 to present
Complementary elements in economics (Bachelor course)

University of Urbino (PhD Programme in Global Studies) – January-March 2018
International economics course: Classical, neoclassical and evolutionary models of trade: theory and empirical applications

Max Plank, Berlin - PLATO Phd School on legitimacy theory – January 2018
Political economy and legitimacy course – Seminar on the impact of the financial crisis on the legitimacy of the European Union

Sapienza University of Rome – December 2017
Lectures - economics of innovation and competitiveness - within the graduate macroeconomics course - Professor Annamaria Simonazzi.

Sapienza University of Rome - May 2016
Teacher of the applied economics laboratory in the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth and International Production. Models and Data Analysis

Sapienza University of Rome 2012 to present
Undergraduate teaching assistant - Political Economy, Professor Mario Tiberi

Sapienza University of Rome - April 2015
Teacher of the applied economic laboratory in the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth and International Production. Models and Data Analysis

Sapienza University of Rome - April 2014
Teacher of the applied economic laboratory in the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth and International
Production. Models and Data Analysis

Teaching Experience – Online courses

Unitelma, Sapienza Online University - 2015
Graduate teaching (Master of Science, 1st level) – Quantitative methods for the evaluation of development policies. Lectures, exams and students’ assistance both in presence and remote.

Organization of Conferences

Organization of the International Conference ‘THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE. Theory, empirics and policies’ held at the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP), 29-30 November 2018

Organization of the International Conference ‘Workers and firms in the platform economy.
Open issues, empirical evidence and policy challenges’ held at the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP), 14-15 June 2018

Organization of the Workshop ‘Prevedere le dinamiche occupazionali a livello di settore e professione. Modelli teorici ed approcci empirici a confronto’ held at the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (INAPP), 30 May 2018

Organization of the Conference “The European Monetary Union at a crossroad. Which policies for the future?” held at Sapienza University of Rome, 30 January 2018

Organization of the Conference “An year after the Jobs Act: the impact of labour market flexibilization” held at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa), 20 April 2016

Organization of the workshop on Greece, Europe and the economic crisis held at Sapienza University of Rome, 2 July 2015

Organization of the first International Conference “Explaining Change” held at the Accademia dei Lincei and Sapienza University of Rome, 10-12 November 2014

Organizational support for the Conference on Albert Hirschman held at Sapienza University of Rome faculty of Economics, 10-12 November 2014

Presentations at International Conferences

Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) – Rome, 4 July 2018
Paper presented: Mansioni, competenze e dinamica occupazionale delle professioni italiane

Workers and firms in the platform economy. Open issues, empirical evidence and policy challenges – INAPP Auditorium, 14-15 June 2018
Paper presented: Digital platforms in Italy. Analysing economic and employment trends

The European Monetary Union at a crossroad. Which policies for the future? – Sapienza University 30 January 2018
Book presented: Crisis in the EMU. A core-periphery perspective (with G. Celi, A. Ginzburg and A. Simonazzi)

SISEC Conference - Il destino del lavoro. Tra ricerca di senso e rivoluzione digitale-etica, diritti e regolazione sessant’anni dopo The Human Condition. Catholic University of Milan January 25-27 2018
Papers presented: The digitalization of production chains as a hierarchical process An analysis of the European industrial ecosystem (with F. Garibaldo) and Questa volta è diverso? Lavoro umano, intelligenza artificiale e istituzioni economiche (with M. Franzini)

G7 Future of Work Forum – Event co-organized by the Italian Labour Ministry, INAPP and OECD – INAPP 15 December 2017
Paper presented: Platform-based economy Outstanding issues and policy challenges

Reassessment and perspectives of labour policies ASTRIL – Roma Tre University 17 December 2017
Papers presented: Weaker jobs, weaker Innovation. Exploring the temporary employment-product innovation nexus (with V. Cirillo and A. Cetrulo) - Formazione professionale,
innovazione e investimenti in capitale. Evidenze empiriche dai dati Ril (with V. Ferri and A. Ricci)

SASE International Conference - Lyon University, 29 July 2017
Paper presented: Training, investments and fixed term contracts. Evidence from a panel of Italian firms (with F. Bogliacino and A. Ricci)

Science Policy Research Unit – University of Sussex, 7-9 September 2016
SPRU 50 years anniversary conference – transforming innovation
Paper presented: Persistence of innovation and patterns of firm growth (with Federico Tamagni)

Valencia CSIC-UPV, 22-24 June 2016
Governance of a Complex World conference – innovation, employment and the environment
Paper presented: Does import penetration on public procurement affect innovation dynamics? Evidence from 26 OECD countries (with Francesco Crespi)

Turin University, 21-22 January 2016
VPDE-BRICK WORKSHOP 2016 - Workshop on innovation, complexity and knowledge
Paper presented: The dynamics of profits and wages: technology, offshoring and demand (with Valeria Cirillo and Francesco Bogliacino)

Roskilde University, 26 September 2015
EuroMemorandum Conference 2015
Paper presented: Jobs Act or Workers Act? Labour policies in Italy

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Vienna, Austria), 30 March 2015
WIIW-FIW seminars in international economics
Paper presented: Competitiveness and innovation in Europe. The impact of business cycles and country groups on Export, R&D and New Products (with Mario Pianta and Francesco Bogliacino)

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy), 17-18 November 2014
Conference “Debunking austerity: towards alternative economic policy scenarios”
Paper presented: The distributional consequences of austerity. Technology, wages and profits in a stagnating Europe (with Valeria Cirillo and Francesco Bogliacino)

Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare Beniamino Segre (Lincei Academy) and Sapienza University of Rome, 10-12 November 2014
Conference “Explaining Change”
Paper presented: Modeling complexity and change: disentangling the relation between R&D, new products and export performance (with Mario Pianta and Francesco Bogliacino)

EuroMemorandum 2014 conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 25-26 September 2014
Paper presented: Which competitiveness for Europe?

Schiller University, Jena (Germany) 27-30 July 2014
15th ISS Conference, International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society
Paper presented: R&D, innovation and international performance: A model and a test
on European industries (with Mario Pianta and Francesco Bogliacino)

Turin University and Collegio Carlo Alberto,18-20 June 2014
Governance of a Complex World conference 2014
Paper presented: R&D, innovation and international performance: a model and a test on European industries (with Francesco Bogliacino and Mario Pianta)

Prizes and Awards

Progressive Economy Foundation – 2016 call for papers
Winner of the section “The Labour Market and the Digital and Technological Revolution” with the paper “The dynamics of profits and wages: technology, offshoring and demand” (with Francesco Bogliacino and Valeria Cirillo) – paper presented at the European Parliament on the 31st May 2016. Awarding jury including Professor Joseph Stiglitz and Professor Jean Paul Fitoussi.

Sapienza University of Rome – November 2013
Winner of a three years scholarship for the Phd program in economics

Sapienza University of Rome – September 2012
Winner of a one year scholarship for the Master of Science in Public Economics

Regione Lazio (youth department) – Summer 2012
Winner of a 3,000 euros award for the obtainment of a Master degree with honours while permanently employed in a private company

Regione Lazio (youth department) – Summer 2010
Winner of a 2,000 euros award for the obtainment of a Bachelor degree with honours while permanently employed in a private company

Scientific Publications

Journal articles

(with Francesco Crespi) The demand-pull effect of public procurement on innovation and industrial renewal – Industrial and Corporate Change, article accepted on the 19th of August (Editors’ acceptation letter available upon request)


(with Alessandro Bramucci, Valeria Cirillo and Rinaldo Evangelista) Offshoring, industry heterogeneity and employment. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, online first article.

(with Francesco Bogliacino and Valeria Cirillo) The dynamics of profits and wages: technology, offshoring and demand. Industry and Innovation, online first article (https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2017.1349651)

(with Mario Pianta), The gains from technology. Technology, exports and profits. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1257446


(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act. Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 34(2), 211-232.

(with Annamaria Simonazzi), A polarized country in a polarized Europe: an industrial policy for Italy’s renaissance. Economia e Politica Industriale, 2016, vol. 43(3), pages 315-322, Springer.

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Did Italy need more labour flexibility? The Consequences of the Jobs Act Intereconomics – Journal of European economic policy, 2016, vol. 51(2) pp. 79-86 Springer

(with Mario Pianta and Francesco Bogliacino) Export, R&D and New Products: A Model and a Test on European Industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2016, vol. 26(4), pp. 869-905 Springer


(with Mario Pianta, Francesco Bogliacino and Matteo Lucchese) Business cycles, technology and exports. Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2015 vol. 22(2), pp. 167-200 Springer

(with Valeria Cirillo) Jobs and competitiveness in a polarized Europe. Intereconomics – Journal of European economic policy 2015 Vol. 50, N°3, pp. 156-160 Springer

Reviewed and resubmitted articles

(with Armanda Cetrulo and Valeria Cirillo) Weaker jobs, weaker innovation.
Exploring the temporary employment-product innovation nexus – First round of revisions on Applied Economics – Available at: LEM Papers Series 2018/06, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

(with with G. Celi, A. Ginzburg and A. Simonazzi) The weakening of the European growth engine - – Final round of revisions on History of Economic Ideas

(with Federico Tamagni) Persistence of Innovation and Patterns of firms growth – Final round of revisions on Research Policy – Available at: LEM Papers Series 2016/31, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

Journal articles in Italian


(with Giovanni Dosi) Innovazione tecnologica, politiche industriali ed evoluzione delle industrie. Quaderni di rassegna sindacale (forthcoming)


(with Francesco Bogliacino) Rotta di collisione, o di altre Europe (im)possibili, Economia & Lavoro, Carocci editore

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La crisi e le riforme del mercato del lavoro in Italia: un’analisi regionale del Jobs Act, Argomenti – rivista di economia, cultura e ricerca sociale, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.573


(with Giovanni Dosi) Oltre la “magia” del libero mercato: il ritorno della politica industriale (2016) Quaderni di rassegna sindacale, 3-2016, Ediesse

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La crisi e le riforme del mercato del lavoro in Italia: un’analisi regionale del Jobs Act. Argomenti, (5), 29-56.


(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) La precarizzazione del lavoro e gli effetti del Jobs Act (2015) Rivista delle Politiche Sociali-Italian Journal of Social Policy, vol 4 pp. 75-97, Ediesse

(with Valeria Cirillo) Esiste una via d’uscita dalla crisi? Competitività, occupazione e declino industriale in Europa. La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali - Italian Journal of Social Policy, 4/2015 pp. 75-97, Ediesse

Quale competitività per l’Europa? in F. R. Pizzuti (ed.) Rapporto sullo Stato Sociale 2015, pp. 147-165, Simone edizioni


(with Valeria Cirillo) Esiste una via d’uscita dalla crisi? Competitività, occupazione e declino industriale in Europa. La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali - Italian Journal of Social Policy, 4/2014 pp. 189-209, Ediesse

Working papers


(with Fabio Berton and Andrea Ricci) Ageing and firm-sponsored training: the role of pension reforms in Italy. LABOR Working paper series

(with Giovanni Dosi, Mariana Mazzucato and Andrea Roventini) Investing out of the crisis, ISIGrowth European policy brief N. 1


(with Francesco Bogliacino and Valeria Cirillo) Where Does the Surplus Go? Disentangling the Capital-Labor Distributive Conflict. LEM Papers Series 2015/25, Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

(with Valeria Cirillo and Mario Pianta) Will Europe’s industry survive the crisis?
Competitiveness, employment and the need for an industrial policy. University of Urbino, DESP WP 14 07, 1974-4110.

Working papers in Italian


(with Stefano Sacchi) Digitalizzazione, automazione e futuro del lavoro. INAPP Research paper

(with Valentina Ferri and Andrea Ricci) Formazione professionale, innovazione e investimenti in capitale fisico. INAPP Research paper



(with Giuseppe Celi, Andrea Ginzburg and Annamaria Simonazzi) Crisis in the European Monetary Union. A Core-Periphery Perspective, Routledge: London – Spanish version edited by RBA Libros (forthcoming, 2018) – Italian version edited by Il Mulino (forthcoming, 2019)

Book chapters

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) The crisis and labour market reform in Italy: a regional analysis of the Jobs Act in Myant, M. and Piasna, A. (Eds.) Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation, 81-102, ETUI: Brussels

Book chapters in Italian


(with Mario Pianta) Tecnologia e disuguaglianze di reddito in Franzini M. and Raitano, M. (Eds) Il mercato rende diseguali, Il Mulino (forthcoming)

Mansioni, competenze e rapporti di produzione nell’economia delle piattaforme in Carabelli U. (Ed.) Il lavoro nelle piattaforme digitali nuove opportunità, nuove forme di sfruttamento, nuovi bisogni di tutela. Ediesse: Roma.


(with Armanda Cetrulo and Valeria Cirillo) Flessibilità del lavoro e innovazione di prodotto: le tendenze divergenti nei paesi dell’UE in Pizzuti, F. R. (Ed.) Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017: Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale. Sapienza Università Editrice.

(with Marta Fana and Valeria Cirillo) Il mercato del lavoro italiano dopo il Jobs Act: un’analisi regionale e settoriale in Pizzuti, F. R. (Ed.) Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017: Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale. Sapienza Università Editrice.

Bibliometric information
Retrieved on the 1st of February 2018

Publish or perish: # of publications: 33 (2014-2017); # of citations: 170; h index: 7; g-index: 9

Language Skills

Excellent knowledge: English, Italian (mother tongue)
Good knowledge: French, Spanish

Computer Skills

Excellent knowledge: STATA, R-Studio, Eviews
Good knowledge: SPSS, Matlab

Research products

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